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2024-02-26 14:40:01

This is a highly recommended episode about flexibility and energy justice. Sophie and Louise talk about their recent report 'Flex-ability for all' and how we can work to improve this 'ability to be flexible', and how that is a logical extension of existing energy efficiency efforts. A great conversation, e.g. on "energy efficiency is the original flexible asset", making it easier to shift the energy we still need over time.
2024-03-11 14:30:55

@… there aren’t many scenes online of Willem Dafoe’s character speaking at length, so I don’t have much to go on. It’s a northern English accent.
In some fragments it sounds as if he’s going for Sunderland (or Wear valley, at least) which is close to my own accent. Possibly as far south as North Yorkshire. There are a var…