Oxfam: Carbon inequality kills https://policy-practice.oxfam.org/resources/carbon-inequality-kills-why-curbing-the-excessive-emissions-of-an-elite-few-can-621656/
Carbon Inequality Kills: Why curbing the excessive emissions of an elite few can create a sustainable planet for all - Oxfam Policy & PracticeThe only way to beat climate breakdown and deliver social justice is to radically reduce inequality. This briefing paper reveals the catastrophic climate impacts of the richest individuals in the world, and proposes taking urgent action to protect people and the planet. What little carbon dioxide we can still safely emit is being burned indiscriminately […]
@… @… something wrong is happening with pixelfed lately. Using your app, or Pixelix I'm seeing 2 posts from this user, but, opening the account from Mastodon shows 3 posts (but the stats show 4). How can it be? I'm having a lo…
666 Token bei @… :awesome:
"Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th." -Julie Andrews #acting #coaching #inspiration
Bei sonnigem Wetter mit dem #TeamDatenschutz in #Hamburg bei der #DFNKonferenz. Freue mich auf einen DeepDive "KI und Datenschutz"