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2024-04-12 16:46:41

Algunos me preguntšis cómo hacer para mantener la armonía con las comunidades existentes en :mastodon:, así que aquí va una serie de #consejos para cuidar la convivencia:
- Usen #etiquetas relevantes para clasificar sus publicaciones y no censuren ningún término, para que los filtros funcionen correctame…

Pasos para configurar la privacidad de publicaciones y el idioma por defecto en la interfaz web.
Opciones "Comportamiento" (donde se encuentra la de idiomas) y "Privacidad y alcance" (donde se encuentra la de visibilidad de publicaciones) destacadas en el menú de configuración de Moshidon.
Opción de privacidad y alcance en la app de Moshidon (no está disponible en la app oficial, usa la web si no tienes Moshidon).
Configuración de idioma en la app oficial de Mastodon.
2024-02-13 13:39:00

Smartes System: Bosch mit dynamischer Anzeige und Zusammenstellung der Fahrmodi
Ein Update von Boschs Smartem System für E-Bikes bringt eine dynamische Anzeige, zusammenstellbare Fahrmodi sowie die Verwendung diverser Herzfrequenzmesser.
2024-03-13 18:28:45

Shop windows of #Berlin 😍
2024-04-12 17:32:00

Back in the day when I was 2yrs out of high school and decided to backpack in Australia/NZ for a winter, I made the trip off the Island and to a friend's house in Vancouver only to realize I left my passport behind at a friend's house on the other side of the water in Nanaimo.
Today was not dissimilar. We got 20min of the way to the ferry only to discover I forgot our bag with all our documents.
After a bit of panic and wrangling and a kind assist from family bringing th…

A large menu for Alice's Restaurant
The top end of a spillway. There is a diagonal finger of water that is stretching towards us but the water is not quite to the top so the spillway is dry. There is graffiti
A smaller spillway has a thin layer of water flowing. There is green forest behind
Four adult ferry boarding passes. The word of the day is Salmon.
2024-03-13 04:01:06

Thanks Boulder JUG for the amazing engagement and thanks @… for the pre-meetup workout ☺️
Tomorrow, meet me at the Denver JUG if the snowstorm allows 🙏🌨️
2024-05-12 14:08:23

aus der reihe "so war das nicht gedacht". 🙄🙃 #birdcontent

foto einer eichhörnchenskulptur in einem garten, auf der eine walnuss liegt
foto einer krähe, die auf der skulptur landet und sich die walnuss schnappt
foto der krähe mit der walnuss im schnabel
foto der skulptur ohne walnuss
2024-03-12 09:20:45

office scenes

a colourful screensaver romps across three computer screens in an otherwise dimly lit, gloomy room
computers, festooned with windows, glow in a darkened room
a weird smiley face made of polystyrene sits in a window, smiling at the sky
a view through a window, partially obscured by a lamp, some headphones, and office paraphenalia
2024-03-12 00:44:43

I took a break from the #APISIXNorthAmericaTour the last 2 days to discover places recommended by @…. My conclusion: Colorado is gorgeous!
Next are Boulder JUG on Tuesday and Denver JUG on Wednesday.
I hope to see you there 👋
2024-05-12 14:08:23

aus der reihe "so war das nicht gedacht". 🙄🙃 #birdcontent

foto einer eichhörnchenskulptur in einem garten, auf der eine walnuss liegt
foto einer krähe, die auf der skulptur landet und sich die walnuss schnappt
foto der krähe mit der walnuss im schnabel
foto der skulptur ohne walnuss
2024-05-12 15:18:12

This path has been a hard packed clay mess alongside our house forever. This week I got $29 worth of sand, about $5 (of a $40 load) worth of lawn soil and $150 worth of slate stones and a path is born. We have a whole bunch of clover seed we will seed it with. I also need to get a load of round stones for the edge. Drainage is an issue here, which is why I built it up so much with sand.

A path beside a blue house between the house and a green bush. It is flat sand about 2ft wide
The same shot, now with flat stones set in the sand.
A final shot, the stones are now surrounded but dark soil.