Caroline Polachek - True Love Waits [Radiohead Cover]
#FediRadio #CarolinePolachek
…"something #magical about a #TotalLunarEclipse? Not exactly … a dazzling spectacle & #celestial sign that works well for syncing up folks in far-flung time zones & corners of the planet … the
Die #CDU will die #Mittelschicht entlasten, indem sie den #Spitzensteuersatz anhebt? 🧐
Lätlased (suuresti Gints Zilbalodis) on teinud laheda filmi, ma pole näinud tervikuna, aga need jupid, mida ma olen näinud, tunduvad paljutõotavad. Tore on ka see, et nad on kasutanud filmi animeerimisel ja renderdamisel Blender'it, mis on vabatarkvaraline 3d programm.
Ever since having had a chance to use a microWAVE for a few productions in the 90s, I always had a softspot for Waldorf synths because of their spectrally rich & interesting sound character (and their design had a big impact on the few synth engines I coded myself)... Eyeing again their Iridium desktop synth, which with their wavetable, sample, granular or resonator-based oscillators and ample filter and modulation features is also so fresh, innovative & powerful (even though it'…
Schade, dass ich schon zu alt für die #GrüneJugend bin.
Carlo Nordio: «Se la magistratura esonda dai propri poteri...».
Con tutti i verbi che c'erano proprio «esondare»?