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2024-12-30 17:45:43

"…Carter often struggled to implement key parts of his agenda, and disability rights was no exception. So disabled people had to step in to do the work that the non-disabled simply couldn't get done on their own."…
2024-12-12 08:15:07

JS Benchmark
Test the speed of your JavaScript scripts online.
⏱️ #javascript #webdev
2024-12-06 17:32:26

Here's a trick to embed static web assets for your #dotnet Blazor apps for a truly single file executable deployment.
As ususal, this would not have been possible without the awesome [MSBuild Structured Log Viewer][1] by @…
2024-12-15 15:43:28

Jean-Marc Offner, du bureau 6t, dans le 1e épisode de leur podcast sur les 4 âges de la mobilité:
"Le 1e âge, c'est les flux. Avec une métaphore: le corps humain fonctionne parce qu'il y a une circulation du sang. Une vision du monde va se structurer autour de cette idée"
2024-12-11 00:51:54

#Tiangong space station and #Starlink satellites over my house.

A long exposure image showing the Tiangong space station as a long streak of light, and the Starlink satellites are on the background a little bit fainter. Parts of a tree can also be seen.
2025-01-07 07:24:57

VIDEO: BSidesNYC 2024 - 10 Things to Know Before You Work on Your Next M365 BEC - Ida Musheyev-Polishchuk & Natasha Vij - Stroz Freiberg