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2024-05-23 09:09:54

Ha, now you see where the photo frame I sometimes use for pictures is located.

A screenshot of post by Velocipede Rider ( beautified by Mastopoet tool. It was posted on May 23, 2024, 09:07 and has 10 favourites, 4 boosts and 1 replies.

Post has one attachment. The attachments alt text is:
Unicycle in the foreground of a view looking down at Oslo from a high hill (Grefsenkollen). 

Close up of the photo frame found in the other pictures
A screenshot of post by Velocipede Rider ( beautified by Mastopoet tool. It was posted on May 16, 2024

Which image was better?

Post has one attachment. The attachments alt text is:
Unicycle resting in a picture frame with a backdrop of Oslo city in the evening.
A screenshot of post by Velocipede Rider ( beautified by Mastopoet tool. It was posted on Dec 17, 2023

Ah... #Grefsenkollen, I missed ya!

Post has one attachment. The attachments alt text is:
Man standing looking at the camera with Oslo down in the distance. In the foreground are some pine trees. The entire picture is framed with a wooden frame. There are flowers around the frame.
2024-04-24 12:06:35

Es gibt wirklich viel, was man an #KI kritisieren kann (hab ich selbst auch schon gemacht), aber ich habe wirklich schon sehr viel Zeit sparen können durch die Verwendung von ChatGPT oder GitHub Copilot im beruflichen Kontext. Ja, man kann stundenlang durch die Dokumentation von WordPress-Plugins googeln. Oder man hat die Antwort innerhalb von 10 Sekunden direkt in seinem Editor.

Ein Screenshot vom GitHub Copilot Chat in Visual Studio Code. 

Discostu36: Wann wurde der Typ TribeEvents deprecated und wodurch wurde er ersetzt?

GitHub Copilot: Der Typ TribeEvents wurde in Version 3.10 des "The Events Calendar" Plugins als veraltet markiert. Seitdem sollte man stattdessen die tribe_get_events Funktion verwenden, um Ereignisse abzurufen.

In Ihrem speziellen Fall, wo Sie den Organisator-Post-Typ abrufen mochten, sollten Sie

Tribe__ Events__Main
2024-04-23 14:16:48

SBU detains man suspected of directing Russian attacks on Ukrainian special forces base:
2024-03-24 01:33:28

You know how #peertube has this system where you can make it track your youtube account, and it copies the things as you publish them?
That's backwards man. I want it to be #posse obviously. Post on your own site, syndicate elsewhere/everywhere.
I want it to copy my Peertube uploads over to Youtube and Rumble and TikTok and whatever and I don't care if their APIs allow it I want the adversarial compatibility of Nitter or botsinspace.
There exists a plugin system for Peertube but it doesn't appear to have a plugin like that.
I wonder if the AI can make one easily? 😆
Maybe if I helped it for a few weeks.
2024-04-23 14:16:48

SBU detains man suspected of directing Russian attacks on Ukrainian special forces base:
2024-05-25 15:43:27

Clarification for the post linked below:
#Atlas on #Netflix is dumb action #scifi. Any attempt to apply logic will fail. Do not watch if you have a problem with that.
2024-04-23 14:19:40

#seat61 post copied about #Eurostar / Thalys tariff being unified

Screenshot of a social post from 'The man in Seat 61 -':

Eurostar-formerly-Eurostar and Eurostar-formerly-Thalys will unify its class names & fare Ts & Cs from November:
Eurostar Standard, Eurostar Plus (with food & drink on cross Channel routes as now) and Eurostar Premier.  
Significant improvement: Eurostar Standard & Eurostar Plus passengers can exchange their ticket without any change fee (just difference in fare) as many times as needed until an hour before departure.  Refunda…
2024-05-22 22:54:16

His own Goebbelesque fluffer:
Meet Trump’s ‘Human Printer’ - by Marc A. Caputo

“It can happen again,” Judge Chutkan, who is expected to preside over Donald Trump’s criminal trial for trying to overturn the 2020 election, said Friday.
“Extremism is alive and well in this country. Threats of violence continue unabated.”
Those threats have become normalized in Republican discourse,
with right-wing figures across the country invoking violence and urging their supporters to arm themselves.
The man behind it all, Donald Trump, has yet to face any conse…
2024-06-16 12:31:14

I've posted something like this before, but here is the UK version.
If you are on any other social media then please feel free to grab it and post it there too.

The "Man behind the curtain" scene from The Wizard of Oz. A projection of an emerald Nigel Farage says "Your enemies are the Greens, Socialists, Migrants and most of all Europeans!. Below we see the man operating the projection, captioned "Pay no attention to the billionaire behind the curtain!"
2024-06-12 11:40:32

Subtoot 'cause the post I saw had enough replies already, but this is a bad article (though it has a wonderful description of how Von Neumann machines work):
For context, I'm against most uses of modern LLMs for several good ethical reasons, and I think the current state of AI research funding is both unsustainable and harmful to knowledge development. However, I've done a tiny bit of deep learning research myself, and I think the tech has a lot of cool potential, even if on balance it might have even more terrifying-potential.
The central problem with this article is that while it accurately describes ways that most human brains differ fundamentally from one way computers can be set up, it completely ignores how (computer) neutral networks work, including the fact that they'd perform very similar to the humans on the dollar bill task, because they encode a representation of their training inputs as distributed tweaks to the connection weights of many simulated neurons. (Also, people with photographic memory do exist...)
I think that being challenged in one's metaphors is a great idea (read Paul Agre on AI) and this is a useful article to have read for that reason, but I think the more useful stance is a principled agnosticism towards whether the human brain works like a computer, along with a broader imagination for "what a computer works like." More specifically, I'm quite convinced the brain doesn't work like a modern operating system (effectively the central straw man in this article), but I reserve judgement on whether it works like a neutral network.
2024-04-20 19:34:00

Very moving story. Lots of emotions going on here.
Azim Khamisa forgave Tony Hicks for killing his son, helped free him - The Washington Post
2024-05-10 12:20:35

"Come to mind the names of violent battles: DR-DOS, Taligent, AmigaOS, Newton OS, Windows for Pen Computing, Copland, Vino, NeXTSTEP, Novell NetWare, JavaOS, BeOS, DoJ vs Microsoft, Rhapsody, POSIX, Linux is communism, Linux is a cancer, Samizdat, Windows Vista, SCO, Symbian, Solaris, OpenSolaris, systemd, Windows Phone, MeeGo, Tizen, Firefox OS, Sailfish OS. Countless mythical man-month hours were lost. Millions of lines of code were fired."
2024-06-12 09:22:55

What do Bitcoin and the Middle Ages have in common?
2024-05-05 01:25:32

Good to see this victim blaming douch canoe on Reddit’s Perth community getting roasted for the dumbest of dumb opinions on #DomesticViolence and #Femicide.

A post this morning on the Reddit sub for Perth asking “How come we don’t teach women to date violent men?”.

I won’t include the text of their post for those relying on ALT text, because I don’t feel you should need to suffer the abject stupidity of their question.
And here are some of the replies to the posters’ dumbness, which include:

“Take your MRA/purple pill/incel bullshit somewhere else, asshole.

Do you really think violent men walk around with a massive sign over their head saying "Hi! I bash women on the regular?"
Another sample of the replies roasting the posters’ dumbness, which include:

“Implying these monsters don't conceal their true nature until it's too late for the woman to just leave. Come on, man.”

And “Do you realllllllllllllly believe that all the abusive cocknuggets advertise all their red flags before it's too late?”
2024-06-09 16:58:30

Donald #Trump said and did so much terrible shit every single day of his presidency, it's easy to forget much of it. This incident had completely slipped my mind.

A post from Seth Masket on Bluesky. It says:

"Four years ago today: Buffalo Police knocked over a 75-year old man at a George Floyd demonstration, giving him a head injury that would put him in the hospital for a month. Trump went on Twitter to promote a conspiracy theory about it and say the man had it coming."

Below is a screenshot of a tweet from Donald Trump about the incident, making false accusations against the victim.
2024-04-06 18:40:39

Elaborating on my Tumblr post, I realized I had misunderstood #GodzillaXKong; their Godzuki was the clue. Revisiting the 1998 #Godzilla as MCU has with Steve Ditko's Spider-man: any similarity expressed or implied is purely coincidental.
2024-04-17 13:22:53

In a world where the Romans make the rules, one man preaches a different way.
But the Powers that Be decide they've had enough, and they're going to put him down.
Now, denied by his king, betrayed by his friends, he's whipped, nailed to a post, starved, and buried.
But his god has given him one last chance.
For justice.
For vengeance.
For supper.
2024-05-27 16:45:36

Man running for president offers you his holiday greetings.

Donald Trump post on Truth Social: “Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country, & to the Radical Left, Trump Hating Federal Judge in New York that presided over, get this, TWO separate trials, that awarded a woman, who I never met before (a quick handshake at a celebrity event, 25 years ago, doesn't count!), 91 MILLION DOLLARS for "DEFAMATION." She didn't know when the so-called event took place - sometime in the 1990's - never …
2024-03-26 20:56:44

Hey friends, last post for today from me: that was my afternoon #cycling ride! I wanted to test my new cycling computer once more and also do some #workout - and got rewarded with some very nice #sunset

In this vibrant outdoor setting, a man exudes a sense of adventure and joy, capturing a selfie moment that feels both personal and expansive. Dressed for an active day out, he's clad in attire suitable for hiking, including a helmet that speaks to his readiness for any physical challenges the day might present. His smile, genuine and wide, reflects the happiness of being immersed in nature. Surrounding him, the lush greenery of grass and trees paints a picture of a day well-spent outdoors, unde…
In this vibrant outdoor setting, a man exudes a sense of adventure and joy, capturing a selfie moment that feels both personal and expansive. Dressed for an active day out, he's clad in attire suitable for hiking, including a helmet that speaks to his readiness for any physical challenges the day might present. His smile, genuine and wide, reflects the happiness of being immersed in nature. Surrounding him, the lush greenery of grass and trees paints a picture of a day well-spent outdoors, unde…
2024-05-15 01:03:34

Man, he knocked it out of the park. Everything you'd want to know, in one place. A lot of details I haven't seen elsewhere...
From: @…
2024-06-15 21:23:23

I've been on Facebook lately, and... it sucks there, big time. It reeks of Stinky Old Man Boomer-grade Fascism, and I'm so not into it.
I've been thinking about a system to combat the trash there, but then I remembered, "the platform is the voice", and that I should "defederate" from their "instance".
I should definitely post here more often, and spend more time here.
I'm thinking about automating some of my posts, like I'…
2024-04-26 21:00:51

#Minecraft #AccountDead
Am 3.9.2011 habe ich bei Mojang Minecraft gekauft.
3 Jahre später kauft Microsoft Mojang für 2,5Milliarden$.
Am 24.8.2019 habe ich es das letzte Mal gespielt.
Is wie gestern: Ich bin Ü50 - für mich läuft Zeit anders.
Heute Abend will ich es mal …

Screenshot mit 2 Fenstern: Fenster 1: Der Minecraft Launcher. Click ich auf meinen "Herr Irrtum" Account, passiert nichts. Drunter ein Text. "Trying to login with a Mojang account? You need to migrate to a Microsoft account to log in. " Dann ein Link auf "Get started". Clickt man den Link , gelangt man auf eine Seite die im nächsten Bild zu sehen ist.
Screenshot 2: Die Minecraft "Post Migration Process FAQ".
Hier landet man und hier ist Ende. Denn: 

"As of December 18, 2023, the post-migration process for Mojang accounts to Microsoft accounts for access to Minecraft has officially ended. If you successfully completed the post-migration process, you should now have access to both Java and Bedrock editions.

As the migration period has concluded, Minecraft Support will no longer assist with account-related questions. Please visit these pages …
2024-05-08 05:45:33

#Arbeit (bzw. die #Faulheit der jüngeren Generation und anderer Gesellschaftsschichten) ist mal wieder ein Thema. Dass "die Jungen" faul und ungezogen seien ist seit Jahrhunderten ein Dauerbrenner.
Wenn wirklich was geändert werden sollte, dann müsste man beim Thema
2024-05-04 04:50:33

Wholesome tech post!
(They're rare, so it's worth celebrating!)
Via @…
2024-06-09 16:58:30

Donald #Trump said and did so much terrible shit every single day of his presidency, it's easy to forget much of it. This incident had completely slipped my mind.

A post from Seth Masket on Bluesky. It says:

"Four years ago today: Buffalo Police knocked over a 75-year old man at a George Floyd demonstration, giving him a head injury that would put him in the hospital for a month. Trump went on Twitter to promote a conspiracy theory about it and say the man had it coming."

Below is a screenshot of a tweet from Donald Trump about the incident, making false accusations against the victim.
2024-05-04 17:18:52

Man, I feel so bad. I feel like I'm the one that leaked BridgyFed too early, now people are expecting it to just "work".
That's definitely not the case and has been said multiple times now, but you can't have a "do over" for a first announcement post and I took that away from Ryan.😔
That's on me.
2024-04-12 09:22:19

I feel like people out there who have not met me in real life underestimate how tall I am.

A screenshot of post by Velocipede Rider ( beautified by Mastopoet tool. It was posted on Aug 4, 2023.

Just trying to do my bit to #NormalisePennyFarthingCycling here in #Oslo. 

Hopefully all these tourists will tell their friends this is how we all get around in Norway. 😉

#Operahuset #Oslove #LifeInNorway #MastoBikes

Post has one attachment. The attachments alt text is:
Man looking at the camera standing behind a large, yellow penny farthing bicycle on top of the…

Fans of 11-time Grammy Award–winning singer Dolly Parton came to her aid this week, in response to a tacky, homophobic hit piece published by a right-wing magazine.
The Federalist is a conservative outlet that has previously taken aim at Taylor Swift, accusing her of indoctrinating her listeners into man-hating feminism, a thinly veiled grievance about their inability to control the thoughts of young women.
Now it’s taken aim at the Queen of Country herself, likely for much the…
2024-05-30 19:42:31

Authorities have arrested a man accused of operating possibly the biggest cybercrime botnet ever. The post expresses hope for a significant period of relief from such extensive botnet-related issues on the internet.
2024-04-12 09:22:19

I feel like people out there who have not met me in real life underestimate how tall I am.

A screenshot of post by Velocipede Rider ( beautified by Mastopoet tool. It was posted on Aug 4, 2023.

Just trying to do my bit to #NormalisePennyFarthingCycling here in #Oslo. 

Hopefully all these tourists will tell their friends this is how we all get around in Norway. 😉

#Operahuset #Oslove #LifeInNorway #MastoBikes

Post has one attachment. The attachments alt text is:
Man looking at the camera standing behind a large, yellow penny farthing bicycle on top of the…
2024-04-10 17:54:35

Police fire 96 shots in 41 seconds, killing Black man during traffic stop
Dexter Reed shot, killed by Chicago police after traffic stop - The Washington Post
2024-05-03 15:57:16

Texas man files legal action to probe ex-partner’s out-of-state abortion - The Washington Post
2024-05-09 17:10:41

Russian attacks on Kharkiv Oblast injure 2:
2024-05-03 15:57:16

Texas man files legal action to probe ex-partner’s out-of-state abortion - The Washington Post
2024-04-07 12:29:20

The clown 🤡 comments were all really funny, weren't they?
Right until we started riding around with f*cking knives! 😆
[CC: @… & @… ]

A screenshot of post by Cheerios de Bergerac ( beautified by Mastopoet tool. It was posted on Apr 6, 2024 @ 01:52 UTC.

I'm gonna need to come sort their people out.

Post has one attachment. The attachments alt text is:
Screen shot showing a police report of a man wielding a knife while riding a unicycle.
2024-03-27 14:27:46

Does he *really* 'shock' though? Does *anything* this narcissistic, amoral, abrasive con-man does actually shock anyone at all, at this point?
2024-04-02 02:09:07

The Weakness of a Violent Man
2024-05-02 16:20:04

The fucking ignorance on Threads is fucking laughable.🤣🤣 This man just called me a "Fediverse Stan account"
Un-fucking-believable!🙄🙄🙄Everyone, point and laugh at the idiot!🤣
#Fedi #Fediverse #SocialMedia #Threads #Meta #Ignorance #Mastodon #ActivityPub