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2024-06-06 20:08:50

Working from home today means opportunities to be outside in the yard! The bog filter has its first layer: the milk crate fits! Also, we put some Hastas in the pond from our collection elsewhere in the yard. They are gangly for now but appear to enjoy it! One of the pond lillies is blooming and the goldfish have been very active after all the fresh rain!

A picture looking down into a D-shaped rain barrel with the top cut off. Inside the green barrel is a square milk crate. It is yellow. This is to create a void for water to be in so that the filter can be emptied and cleaned out when necessary.large rocks will go on top of the crate and in the gaps. Smaller pebbles and stones will fill the rest of the barrel for filtering.
A large hosta plant grows out of a cluster of river rocks, the shallow end of a pond. There are some goldfish swimming about near Lily pads. The water is a greeny tinge. Around the pond are large flat granite stones.
A white pond, lily flower with yellow interior blooms, partially as it floats on the surface. There are a number of large lily pads around it. Some fish are visible underneath.
Another view of the bottom pawn shows a small bush with small green leaves and bright yellow flowers blooming on the left side just above the ponds. The pond are near the surface swimming amongst lily pads. The flower bloom is closed.
2024-06-07 16:36:59

:kitten: Say hello to the new Kitten web site! 🎉
Like Kitten itself, it’s a baby but will be evolving quickly as they approach API version 1 together.
PS. Of course it’s written in Kitten itself. It doesn’t do anything fancy but here…

Screenshot of the main page of the Kitten web site at

Title: Kitten

Nav: Home, Tutorials, Reference, Credits, FAQ, Fund Us

A 💕 Small Web development kit.

Build using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Progressively enhance with Streaming HTML and htmx.
Go beyond traditional web apps to create peer-to-peer 💕 Small Web apps.
Free as in freedom, small as in Small Technology.

Callout with pink background:  🍼 Kitten is still a baby. Expect breaking changes until API versio…
Screenshot of Kitten web site; main page, scrolled with the System requirements collapsible area under the Get started heading open:

System requirements

- Linux, macOS, and Windows (WSL 2).
- Bash version 5.x+.
- Common developer tools and system utilities (git, tar, tee, and xz).

Heading: Install
Tabs: Linux (selected), macOS, Windows

Selected Linux tab:
Run the following command in a terminal window (or, use curl):

wget -qO- | bash

Copy button
Screenshot of the main page of the Kitten web site, scrolled to the Play section showing a video of yours truly (white-passing guy with short brown hair and glasses in a room lit with a blue-lit background. I’m looking at two windows superimposed on my screen. Top window is a browser with a tab titled Counter. In it is a counter at 5 with plus and minus buttons. Under it is an editor showing the code for the counter component that rendered it:

const Count = () => kitten.html`
Screenshot of a tutorial page (Index > 6. Kitten’s interactive Shell (REPL) 🐢) on the Kitten web site.

A callout is partially visible under the title/breadcrumb navigation:

Explore Kitten’s interactive shell (REPL) to inspect your database and get introduced to the concept of Kitten components.

Topics covered
How to launch and use Kitten’s interactive shell (REPL).
Exploring the global kitten object.

The heading and navigation is the same as in the first screenshot.
2024-06-06 11:54:11

Tired journalism on the radio this morning:
"The Bank of #Canada has one job: to maintain the rate of inflation at 2%."
Maybe read the BoC Act before spouting nonsense? The Bank's mission is set out in the preamble. While inflation - though the word is never used in the law - is part of the story, it's anything but the full story. And, yes, 2% has become convention since the …

Screenshot of a the law's preamble:

Bank of Canada Act
R.S.C., 1985, c. B-2

An Act respecting the Bank of Canada

WHEREAS it is desirable to establish a central bank in Canada to regulate credit and currency in the best interests of the economic life of the nation, to control and protect the external value of the national monetary unit and to mitigate by its influence fluctuations in the general level of production, trade, prices and employment, so far as may be possible within the s…
2024-06-06 18:26:10

The Joint ALMA Observatory is hiring a Systems Engineer! If you're the successful applicant, you will be collaborating with both operational and development system engineering tasks.
The alt-text of the image cointains more detail, but the full details of the application, including how to apply, can be found at

Two ALMA antennas, one nearer to the left, one further away in the center right, with snowy mountains surrounding the Chajnantor plateau. Below a blueish swirl, the following text appears:

*ALMA Observatory is looking for a new* 
Systems Engineer - Grade 15

Internal & External ALMA JAO opportunity

The Systems Engineer will support processes related to problem reporting and investigation, including root cause analysis, leading Material Review Board (MRB) processes, and carrying out related te…
2024-06-07 01:54:12

And then there were 4. Dual Senses with Hall Effect joysticks, that is. Got the second one I bought off eBay today. Was pretty trashed. Shell was broken in a couple places, stick cap got pulled through the shell.. found out once I opened it up why it was sold "as is". It had obviously been opened up and they noticed the headphone jack was broken off the board. Took most of the pads with it. I don't have good enough gear to fix that.. but I did test it before doing the stick swa…

a white Dual Sense sits on a gray mat with a grid pattern. the black front cover is off. One of the stick caps has been pulled through the shell, breaking out bits of the shell in the process. on the right is the black base of my board holder, you can also see the bottom of 2 of the magnetic clamps, and my dark brown and black vape mod.
A close up of the Dual Sense motherboard. It is green. There are 2 white connectors on either side of the picture. Top center is a larger black chip. Slightly higher up and to the left is a smaller chip. Bottom center of the board you can see a space where there used to be a headphone jack, but it is missing. 4 of the pads the jack was soldered to got ripped off the board when the controller suffered whatever trauma occurred to it. Thankfully, nothing else is missing so the rest of the controll…
The restored Dual Sense sits on my linoleum floor with the charging cable plugged into it. As far as the eye can tell, nothing has ever happened to it. Course, if you were to look at where the headphone jack was, there is now a big ole gaping hole. Other than that tho, it looks to be in almost mint condition.
2024-06-06 12:15:21

The Moral Economy of the Shire
2024-06-07 17:55:49

Hey friends, this is one of the #photos with quite some emotions connected. A quick hike that I extended and got super views.
But I was a little unrelated as I knew that I should back down before diving into the shade.
Oh I even blogged about it a while ago!!

A scenic view of a rocky path on a mountain is depicted in this image. The path is surrounded by grass and rocks, with a tree featuring green leaves visible towards the bottom left corner. In the background, majestic mountains rise up, some with snow on their peaks. The sky above is a clear blue, adding to the beauty of the landscape. The composition captures the rugged terrain of the wilderness, showcasing the natural beauty of the highland area. The image evokes a sense of adventure and explo…
2024-06-07 17:54:49

The importance of Merrick Garland stating the obvious
2024-06-07 11:00:40

The Women's Footy Podcast: Fitness Tips For The Female Footballer
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory:

The Women's Footy Podcast: Fitness Tips For The Female Footballer
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website
2024-06-06 05:19:08

I continue to progress and enjoy the Adrift Expedition in No Man's Sky. I have acquired a couple more starships to go along with the basic ass hauler I started with. The Solar Ship came by way of the Phase 2 "find a crashed ship and repair it" milestone. Oddly enough, I could swear I got one with the same name in the last Expedition I played through. I've been carrying around some odd thing in my inventory almost since I started, and finally used it and had a Sentinel ship …

Looking at the front end of a yellow space ship. It is named The Hammer of Clouds. There's a large semicircular but in a square way vent in the nose. Two very large pointed black nacelles are on either side of the main body of the ship. A blacked out cockpit sticks out of the middle of the main body. The ship is sitting slightly sideways on a very green section of the planet I'm on. A very pale green/blue sky with white clouds forms the background behind the ship.
The Sentinel Ship, as seen from the game's menu screen. This one is called Flameborn-tx, although the "tx" part is in an odd font. on the left you can see the tech/cargo slots of the ship. On the right is the ship itself, a very pointy black affair that's kinda hard to accurately describe, honestly. It's basically a flying wing looking thing, with 3 spider leg looking landing gears. the wing is thick, and on each end is a box shaped appendage. The center cockpit section has no windows and is on…