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2024-03-04 07:26:45

TELEClass: Taxonomy Enrichment and LLM-Enhanced Hierarchical Text Classification with Minimal Supervision
Yunyi Zhang, Ruozhen Yang, Xueqiang Xu, Jinfeng Xiao, Jiaming Shen, Jiawei Han
2024-05-30 16:29:57

@… and I use @… for @… and we absolutely love it.
Whenever I fly internationally I use Tai…
2024-05-02 19:44:39

@… I'm going to get back into using tailscale (tried ZeroTier for a bit off the recommendation from one of your pods) and I will credit the LNL family.
Which would be best to credit? Is there one particularly lagging that I could help boost, or will any do?
Thanks to you and your various teams for a great series of podcasts.
2024-04-02 20:25:14

Finally have the last three Raspberry Pi's installed and running. The primary and secondary servers took no time to get back online, and I basically just turned off the old VPN server and rebuilt it as it's a fairly simple process. Also, since the Pi's are using NVMe drives it makes things more than a bit snappy. #homelab

The three Raspberry Pis installed on the right-hand side of a piece of acrylic.  Each is labelled (DNS1, DNS2, and TAILSCALE), all are connected to the breakout power board, each has a power hat and an NVMe hat, and all have cooling fans spinning without issue.  All of the Pis are powered via a 24V DC PSU by MeanWell.
2024-04-03 08:35:51

«Esta #novela, de casi 1.000 pšginas, no debería de ser su última novela, pero sí su última «gran novela», su último ejercicio de escritura sin límites ni cortapisas. #Irving podía haber dejado "El último telesilla" en 400 pšginas, la obra sería mšs redonda, mejor, pero no sería la obra que …
2024-05-02 08:34:04

Jeg er igen taget i Østre Landsret for at overvære retsmŸder i sagen mod den unge mand der tilsluttede sig Feuerkrieg Division. I sidste uge handlede det kun om at dokumentere hvad der skete i byretten (med temmelig tŸrre og til tider forvirrende og dårligt oversatte oplæsninger af chatsamtaler). I dag bliver tiltalte afhŸrt. Det drejer sig især om hvor alvorligt han tog sit eget medlemskab og rekrutteringen af nye medlemmmer. Han hævder at det var for sjov og fordi han ikke havde noget at l…
2024-04-01 08:09:40

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #JazzTheatre
The Mattson 2:
🎵 Naima's Dream
2024-04-17 06:21:57

Found out yesterday that #Tailscale's newly revamped app ( is built in
2024-05-29 12:32:47

”On parempi etsiä syitä kuin syyllisiä” sanoo henkilö joka on viimekädessä vastuussa koko sotkusta. (€)
2024-05-29 12:32:47

”On parempi etsiä syitä kuin syyllisiä” sanoo henkilö joka on viimekädessä vastuussa koko sotkusta. (€)