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2024-04-05 15:48:07

Shady grifter can’t come up with bond money; gets other shady grifter to pretend he has the money; New York is unimpressed.
2024-05-03 23:02:21

Was a bit frustrated and tired after work due to some false positives I couldn't figure out. Slept for two hours and then got up again to not loose a bike day in the Swiss #BikeToWork campaign and—more important 😉—to not break my #BikeStreak. It became yet another midnight ride, so in theory it …

A large sign with explanations and a map of the Waldlabor Zürich (Forest Lab Zurich)

Shot in the dark without flash to avoid reflections. There are two reflections from some lights behind the photographer visible nevertheless.
Center of Zurich by night in the distance.

Shot from some ridge above Höngg (an outer quarter of Zurich).
Center of Zurich by night with a large cloud above it, lit from below by the city lights.

Shot from the upper hillslide near the well-known restaurant "Die Waid" above Wipkingen (another quarter of Zurich).
2024-03-06 09:24:55

Really enjoyed #FOSSBack!
I learned a lot, I got to meet some new people, talk to people I’ve only met online, and see old friends.
But it’s time to depart #Berlin. First up is a flight to #Zurich
2024-04-06 12:58:57

@… po tylu razach w zoo ja się już nie zastanawiam. One są po to, żeby ludzie nie zrobili krzywdy zwierzętom lub w głupi sposób ich nie sprowokowali 😑

Groceries are shaping up to be a top spending priority for younger generations,
a February report from McKinsey & Company found.
The firm asked over 4,000 people, from baby boomers to Gen Zers, about the categories they intend to splurge on this year.
Groceries ranked highest for millennials and Gen Zers,
outpacing restaurants, bars, travel, beauty and personal care, apparel, and fitness.
Guess what that led them to conclude:
2024-06-03 20:25:05

I've got some things coming up this month of June >>
A couple of talks:
8th - talk at Zurihac about my Haskell journey
10th - ethnomathematics seminar in Paris about algorithmic patterns
2024-05-04 14:05:35

Because who among us doesn’t get mixed up about whether or not we met Kim Jong-un?

New York Times headline:
Kristi Noem's New Book Falsely Says
She Met Kim Jong-un
"I'm sure he underestimated me," Ms. Noem writes of the North Korean leader in her forthcoming book. A spokesman said the ERROR would be corrected.
2024-06-02 10:59:49

Der besuch bei meinen eltern muss hochwasserbedingt ausfallen, also geht es wieder zrugg uf Lausanne.
Bin froh, hab ich mich gestern nicht auf irgendwelche abenteuer eingelassen (Š la…‬
2024-06-02 10:59:49

Der besuch bei meinen eltern muss hochwasserbedingt ausfallen, also geht es wieder zrugg uf Lausanne.
Bin froh, hab ich mich gestern nicht auf irgendwelche abenteuer eingelassen (Š la…
2024-06-04 14:55:09

The Republican House has established a Piggy Bank for members of Congress. They can claim tens of thousands of dollars in expenses without itemizing them or providing receipts.
Guess which Congressman has grabbed the most money.