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2024-04-09 22:22:19

Aaaaaa idk what to do

  • Delete my current WiiU user so I can login my Pretendo account with the same username as my NNID
    • Pros: use the same username, easier for people to find me
    • Cons: no longer able to log into the parts of nintendo network which are still working, risking losing my mk8 save if I didn’t use savemii correctly
  • Create a pretendo account with a different username
    • Cons: harder for people to find me
    • Pros: don’t have to delete my current account (which is also kinda a con since you can’t reorder accounts on the wiiu)
2024-05-09 22:51:42

This stops short of naming names, but only just
2024-05-08 11:38:45

re: ukpol defecting mps
Ladies and genetlemen, your newest #Labour MP:
Voted against greater regulation of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to extract shale gas
Consistently voted against improving environmental water quality
Consistently voted against improving air quality
Generally voted against measures to prevent climate change
Consistently voted against improving biodiversity
Consistently voted against reducing the rate of corporation tax
Consistently voted against raising the threshold at which people start to pay income tax
Voted for reducing capital gains tax
Consistently voted against higher taxes on banks
Consistently voted for more restrictive regulation of trade union activity
Almost always voted for stronger laws and enforcement of immigration rules
Consistently voted for making it easier to remove someone's British citizenship
Voted for mass surveillance of people’s communications and activities
Consistently voted for authorising criminal conduct by undercover officers and covert sources
Consistently voted for a stricter asylum system
2024-04-09 06:53:18

The Open Autonomy Safety Case Framework
Michael Wagner, Carmen Carlan…
2024-04-04 18:38:24
Content warning: ) online tool for web analysis...
2024-05-07 16:43:11

As e-bike fires proliferate, safety advocates urge consumer education
#RealEstate #UrbanDevelopment #SmartCitiesDive
2024-04-04 10:30:20
Content warning: iran pol

Islamistische Rebellengruppe #Jaish_ul_Adl hat koordinierte Angriffe auf Militärstützpunkte in Städten Rask, Chabahar und Sarbaz im Südosten #Iran -s gestartet. Mind. 5 Armeeangehörige und Gardisten sowie 8 Angreifer sollen getötet worden sein. Angeblich dauern Kämpfe noch an.
2024-04-11 06:55:59

Accessibility and Ergodicity of Partially Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms without Periodic Points
Ziqiang Feng, Ra\'ul Ures
2024-03-25 20:00:01

Good news today:
Bad news today:

  • fascist party takes over in these European states
  • stochastic terrorism up 300%
  • all media organizations unite to rally against the most subjugated minority
2024-03-09 03:40:32

#PCMag: SpaceX: We've Reduced Starlink Latency by Over 30% for US Users

SpeedTest result with DL @ 138 Mbps, UL @ 21.3 Mbps, idle ping 27ms, download congested ping 39ms, upload congested ping 31ms.
2024-04-05 07:16:17

Combined DL-UL Distributed Beamforming Design for Cell-Free Massive MIMO
Bikshapathi Gouda, Antti Arvola, Italo Atzeni, Antti T\"olli
2024-04-10 07:07:53

GeoDirDock: Guiding Docking Along Geodesic Paths
Ra\'ul Mi\~n\'an, Javier Gallardo, \'Alvaro Ciudad, Alexis Molina
2024-05-09 06:48:05

Quantum-Edge Cloud Computing: A Future Paradigm for IoT Applications
Mohammad Ikbal Hossain, Shaharier Arafat Sumon, Habib Md. Hasan, Fatema Akter, Md Bahauddin Badhon, Mohammad Nahid Ul Islam
2024-02-29 18:08:11

thursday vibe
2024-03-22 00:31:48

The options so far:
Seems to have not been updated in half a decade, and Blender has changed a lot this week
Might have 6 servers? I need 200. Maybe I don't understand what they mean by "server". Understandable that nobody wants to just give away GPU time for nothing.
But AWS spot is like three cents an hour last time I looked? Maybe 30 cents? This is madness.
They have a crypto-token, and a whitepaper, and a vision statement, but certainly no "upload .blend" button.
I even own some of the token. It's been doing well but apparently it isn't a thing yet.
Right. Sounds like it's python scripts and bluetac and aws spot markets again then.
2024-05-09 07:02:39

The Ghent Hybrid Model in NuWro: a new neutrino single-pion production model in the GeV regime
Qiyu Yan, Kajetan Niewczas, Alexis Nikolakopoulos, Ra\'ul Gonz\'alez-Jim\'enez, Natalie Jachowicz, Xianguo Lu, Jan Sobczyk, Yangheng Zheng
2024-04-11 07:08:55

Non-equilibrium microbial dynamics unveil a new macroecological pattern beyond Taylor's law
Jos\'e Camacho-Mateu, Aniello Lampo, Sa\'ul Ares, Jos\'e A. Cuesta
2024-03-02 16:59:19

Découverte: ligne du temps de la pandémie au Québec: #Covid
2024-04-09 07:28:39

Gromov-Hausdorff distances from simply connected geodesic spaces to the circle
Sa\'ul Rodr\'iguez Mart\'in
2024-04-08 07:18:53

Quantum-informed simulations for mechanics of materials: DFTB MBD framework
Zhaoxiang Shen (Department of Engineering, Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Luxembourg), Ra\'ul I. Sosa (Department of Physics and Materials Science, University of Luxembourg), St\'ephane P. A. Bordas (Department of Engineering, Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Luxembourg), Alexandre Tkatchenko (Department of Physics and Materials Science, University o…
2024-04-29 17:28:10

Erinnern wir uns an die Proteste gegen den AfD Landesparteitag am 20.04. (!!!) in Niedersachsen in Unterlüß:

  • Drei Züge in Richtung Unterlüß wurden aus „technsichen Gründen“ gestoppt oder verspätet.
  • Ein Zug wurde angehalten, die Polizei hat alle zur Demo anreisenden durchsucht.
  • Menschen die bei der Demo auf dem Boden saßen um zu frühstücken wurden zufälligerweise ausgesucht und von der Polizei geboxt.
  • Es kam die Anweisung an die Polizei kei…
2024-04-05 07:14:27

Space Physiology and Technology: Musculoskeletal Adaptations, Countermeasures, and the Opportunity for Wearable Robotics
Shamas Ul Ebad Khan, Rejin John Varghese, Panagiotis Kassanos, Dario Farina, Etienne Burdet
2024-03-29 07:31:31

Spatio-seasonal risk assessment of upward lightning at tall objects using meteorological reanalysis data
Isabell Stucke, Deborah Morgenstern, Georg J. Mayr, Thorsten Simon, Achim Zeileis, Gerhard Diendorfer, Wolfgang Schulz, Hannes Pichler
2024-04-26 22:30:27

#WordWeavers April 26: In your story, who’s hiding (literally or metaphorically?)
I can't seem to stop writing characters with secrets, so it might be easier to list who isn't hiding.

  • The Skater is uncomplicated and wears his heart on his sleeve.
  • The Student isn't deliberately hiding, she's just an introvert.
  • The Pastafarian is quite eager to shar…
2024-04-26 09:49:40

Potrzeba nam więcej takich znaków.
Upatrzone w Szczecinie, ul. Kozia.

Żółta, prostokątna tabliczka na słupie. Tekst mówi "Kierowco, zwolnij! Koty". Pośrodku piktogram, przedstawiający idącego kota.
2024-04-25 18:44:12

Two facts about LMFAO you didn't know:

  • they're an uncle nephew duo
  • it's “party rock is” not “party rockers” in the house tonight
2024-04-17 17:56:30

Algumas coisas que percebo cada vez mais em alunos ingressantes na universidade:

  • estreitamento brutal de vocabulšrio;
  • tendência a considerar a leitura algo aversivo, e pior ainda se o texto for complexo ou longo e precisar de esmero e releitura;
  • intensificação exacerbada da emoção e volubilidade emocional;
  • dificuldade em entender onde estš e quanto ao fato de que ele não é um cliente e sequer estš num lugar onde pode dizer o que quiser sobre qualque…
2024-03-04 07:23:37

Discrete Dynamics on Locally Conformal Framework
O\u{g}ul Esen, Ayten Gezici, Hasan G\"umral
2024-02-27 21:55:25

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #AfternoonShow
Paul Hardcastle:
🎵 19
2024-03-13 18:01:02

AFAIK, the only opposition to year-round #daylightsavingstime is from areas that would experience very late sunrises in the winter. This map shows them.
Unsurprisingly, they're all on time zone borders. That means we can solve it by re-drawing the time zone lines in those states:

  • − PDT: ID, some or all of MO, and the MDT part of OR
  • − MDT: ND, SD, and some or all of MN, NE, KE, OK, TX
  • − CDT: MI, IN, and some or all of OH, KY, TN
  • − PST: WA and maybe some of OR
  • Re-draw and assign year-round time zones: AK
2024-04-05 07:14:27

Space Physiology and Technology: Musculoskeletal Adaptations, Countermeasures, and the Opportunity for Wearable Robotics
Shamas Ul Ebad Khan, Rejin John Varghese, Panagiotis Kassanos, Dario Farina, Etienne Burdet
2024-02-15 13:49:53

Todo list for today

  • Boot via Grub CLI so I know how to do it if I ever need it - Done
  • Use that authy migration thing to export my stuff from Authy before authy blocks it - Done
  • Install postmarketOS on qemu so I can test it - WIP
  • Start developing a prototype of that arcadeish plane game I mentioned yesterday
  • workout
2024-02-22 21:49:20

今日は祝日で休み! という皆様、今日 1日は仕事の事を完全に忘れられるよう祈っています。
Lou Reed - Don't Talk To Me About Work
from the album "Legendary Hearts" (1983)
Side A Track 2
( 音楽 / 音樂 / 音乐 / 음악 / music )
2024-04-24 16:38:21

Wir müssen über das umgekehrte rote Dreieck „🔻” sprechen, vor allem im Bezug auf Erinnerungsarbeit, Aneignung von Symbolen, Antisemitismus und der Hamas.

Das rote Dreieck, auch „Winkel” genannt, wurde zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus genutzt um in Konzentrationslagern spezifisch politische Gefangene zu kennzeichnen. Dreiecke anderer Farben hatten eine andere Bedeutung:

  • Dunkelgrün: „Berufsverbrecher”
  • Schwar…
2024-03-01 06:58:18

JCLEC-MO: a Java suite for solving many-objective optimization engineering problems
Aurora Ram\'irez, Jos\'e Ra\'ul Romero, Carlos Garc\'ia-Mart\'inez, Sebasti\'an Ventura
2024-02-23 06:56:52

Dependency Annotation of Ottoman Turkish with Multilingual BERT
\c{S}aziye Bet\"ul \"Ozate\c{s}, Tar{\i}k Emre T{\i}ra\c{s}, Efe Eren Gen\c{c}, Esma Fat{\i}ma Bilgin Ta\c{s}demir
2024-03-06 07:22:55

Quasi-Monte Carlo for Efficient Fourier Pricing of Multi-Asset Options
Christian Bayer, Chiheb Ben Hammouda, Antonis Papapantoleon, Michael Samet, Ra\'ul Tempone
2024-05-01 07:29:40

Stable properties under weakly geometrically flat maps
Daniel Barlet (UL, IECL), Jon Ingolfur Magnusson
2024-05-06 07:23:15

Progress in multijunction solar cells
Abu Kowsar, Sumon Chandra Debnath, Md. Shafayet-Ul-Islam, Mohammad Jobayer Hossain, Mainul Hossain, AFM Kamal Chowdhury, Galib Hashmi, Syed Farid Uddin Farhad
2024-02-26 07:01:57

Mass inflation without Cauchy horizons
Ra\'ul Carballo-Rubio, Francesco Di Filippo, Stefano Liberati, Matt Visser
2024-04-22 19:52:49

#WordWeavers April 22: What two senses are the most natural for you to include in your description?
Sight and hearing come the most naturally. Plus, I'm making a video game and those are what's available.
Actually, most types of media have similar limitations. Being able to describe all the senses is the exception, not the rule.

  • Movies are visuals audio. A narrato…
2024-02-23 07:39:33

Hey folx, watch this video by @… regarding the February 15th Spam Attacks:
2024-03-29 08:36:29

This has been replaced.
2024-04-22 07:13:11

Using Capability Maps Tailored to Arm Range of Motion in VR Exergames for Rehabilitation
Christian Lourido, Zaid Waghoo, Hassam Khan Wazir, Nishtha Bhagat, Vikram Kapila
2024-03-21 06:54:36

Some comments on my study of period-integrals
Daniel Barlet (UL)
2024-05-03 07:34:16

Splitting Messages in the Dark- Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for FDD Massive MIMO Without CSI Feedback
Namhyun Kim, Jeonghun Park
2024-02-15 01:10:51

Okay, I’m curious:
Growing up, I always liked plane games - but not actually “plane simulator” games (I was never able to get a plane to take off on one of those #simulators lol). I’m not talking about games that give you complex reality-inspired controls or anything, I’m talking about games that give you a speed control and your phones gyroscope for direction and that’s it - if you get enough speed then you fly.
I played many #games like this, but I’m thinking of Flight Pilot for iOS. It had a free flight mode, you took off and landed on an airport (there were little indicators above them of the mission types available in them) and got missions of different types:
Thing is: Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think there are any games like that for PC!
2024-05-03 04:49:19

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #ChrisHawkins
Soul II Soul:
🎵 Jazzie's Groove
2024-05-03 07:05:32

A Statistical Method for Improving Momentum Measurement of Photon Conversions Reconstructed from Single Electrons
Ahmet Bing\"ul, Zekeriya Uysal
2024-03-14 06:57:15

A Study on Actions for Atomic Logics
Ra\"ul Espejo-Boix
2024-02-16 12:08:35

Alexei Navalny (47) has died in prison about 40 miles north of the Arctic Circle.
Read Further:
2024-02-20 21:11:54

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #AfternoonShow
🎵 Ful Stop
2024-04-26 07:00:47

Second-order adiabatic expansions of heat and charge currents with nonequilibrium Green's functions
Sebasti\'an E. Deghi, Ra\'ul A. Bustos-Mar\'un
2024-04-17 21:16:09

#WordWeavers April 17: What personal expertise of yours makes it into your books?
I'd hesitate to call myself an expert in anything besides programming and game design, and the story isn't about programming or game design. But I do read up on various other topics, and that knowledge does have a way of sneaking in.

  • I've read plenty about how and why people make mistakes (I…
2024-02-22 21:49:24

今日は祝日で休み! という皆様、今日 1日は仕事の事を完全に忘れられるよう祈っています。
Lou Reed - Don't Talk To Me About Work
from the album "Legendary Hearts" (1983)
Side A Track 2
( 音楽 / 音樂 / 音乐 / 음악 / music )
2024-03-27 07:33:16

Supernova Remnant properties and Luminosity Functions in NGC 7793 using MUSE IFS
Maria Kopsacheili, Cristina Jim\'enez-Palau, Llu\'is Galbany, Panayotis Boumis, Ra\'ul Gonz\'alez-D\'iaz
2024-04-26 07:15:57

Electric and magnetic waveguides in graphene: quantum and classical
David Barranco, \c{S}eng\"ul Kuru, Javier Negro
2024-03-14 08:49:04


  • Yes please give me “consectetur adipiscing elit, sed”, I'd love to have one “aute irure dolor in reprehenderit” — …
2024-04-01 07:17:00

Secure Full-Duplex Communication via Movable Antennas
Jingze Ding, Zijian Zhou, Chenbo Wang, Wenyao Li, Lifeng Lin, Bingli Jiao
2024-04-24 07:02:17

Review on the matching conditions for the tidal problem: towards the application to more general contexts
Eneko Aranguren, Ra\"ul Vera
2024-04-16 20:11:03

#WordWeavers April 16: If your MC hosted a talk show, what would it be about?
That's easy, he and his wife would spread conspiracy theories.

  • Breaking down the ways the Government tracks you
  • The confiscated items being stored in the Factory
  • Why recycling is a scam
  • We staked out a Government facility for three days (you won't believe what we found!)<…
2024-03-13 21:59:08

Hallo Freunde des Internets!
Ich weise darauf hin das auch Mastodon kein rechtsfreier Raum ist.
Wenn ihr Beleidigungen, Morddrohungen, offensichtlich / direkt Aufrufe zu Gewalt, ggf. auch Hassrede (von Antisemitismus, Islamfeindlichkeit, sowie jeder Form der Diskriminierung) seht und es euch zu extrem wird, dann wendet euch an:
2024-04-24 07:16:39

Deep Learning Based Multi-Node ISAC 4D Environmental Reconstruction with Uplink- Downlink Cooperation
Bohao Lu, Zhiqing Wei, Huici Wu, Xinrui Zeng, Lin Wang, Xi Lu, Dongyang Mei, Zhiyong Feng
2024-03-13 21:59:08

Hallo Freunde des Internets!
Ich weise darauf hin das auch Mastodon kein rechtsfreier Raum ist.
Wenn ihr Beleidigungen, Morddrohungen, offensichtlich / direkt Aufrufe zu Gewalt, ggf. auch Hassrede (von Antisemitismus, Islamfeindlichkeit, sowie jeder Form der Diskriminierung) seht und es euch zu extrem wird, dann wendet euch an:
2024-02-12 07:16:34

Control of autoresonant plasma beat-wave wakefield excitation
M. Luo, C. Riconda, I. Pusztai, A. Grassi, J. S. Wurtele, T. F\"ul\"op
2024-02-13 12:55:00

Free Open Source Communities Sustainability: Does It Make a Difference in Software Quality?
Adam Alami, Ra\'ul Pardo, Johan Lin\r{a}ker
2024-03-13 06:48:32

SemEval-2024 Shared Task 6: SHROOM, a Shared-task on Hallucinations and Related Observable Overgeneration Mistakes
Timothee Mickus, Elaine Zosa, Ra\'ul V\'azquez, Teemu Vahtola, J\"org Tiedemann, Vincent Segonne, Alessandro Raganato, Marianna Apidianaki
2024-04-26 07:00:47

Second-order adiabatic expansions of heat and charge currents with nonequilibrium Green's functions
Sebasti\'an E. Deghi, Ra\'ul A. Bustos-Mar\'un
2024-02-22 07:25:16

Computing Transiting Exoplanet Parameters with 1D Convolutional Neural Networks
Santiago Iglesias \'Alvarez, Enrique D\'iez Alonso, Mar\'ia Luisa S\'anchez Rodr\'iguez, Javier Rodr\'iguez Rodr\'iguez, Sa\'ul P\'erez Fern\'andez, Francisco Javier de Cos Juez…
2024-04-12 07:19:54

Effective uniaxial dielectric function tensor and optical phonons in ($\bar{2}01$)-plane oriented $\beta$-Ga$_2$O$_3$ films with equally-distributed six-fold rotation domains
Alyssa Mock, Steffen Richter, Alexis Papamichail, Vallery Stanishev, Misagh Ghezellou, Jawad Ul-Hassan, Andreas Popp, Saud Bin Anooz, Daniella Gogova, Praneeth Ranga, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Rafal Korlacki, Mathias Schubert, Vanya Darakchieva
2024-03-18 07:01:35

Blockchain-enabled Circular Economy -- Collaborative Responsibility in Solar Panel Recycling
Mohammad Jabed Morshed Chowdhury, Naveed Ul Hassan, Wayes Tushar, Dustin Niyato, Tapan Saha, H Vincent Poor, Chau Yuen
2024-02-12 07:20:57

Constraining the position of the CEP through the Speed of Sound in the LSMq
Sa\'ul Hern\'andez-Ortiz, Ricardo Mart\'inez von Dossow, Alfredo Raya
2024-03-13 06:48:32

SemEval-2024 Shared Task 6: SHROOM, a Shared-task on Hallucinations and Related Observable Overgeneration Mistakes
Timothee Mickus, Elaine Zosa, Ra\'ul V\'azquez, Teemu Vahtola, J\"org Tiedemann, Vincent Segonne, Alessandro Raganato, Marianna Apidianaki
2024-04-22 08:32:55

This has been replaced.
2024-04-18 02:18:46

I used to tweet reviews of graphic novels as @… but I stopped about 2y ago for some reason. I was reading ~200 books a year at that point.
I just revisited that to share a review and found Twitter has censored some of my reviews, requiring age verification to see them. They're not explicit or sexual at all. Looks like they're trying to appeal to Christian anti-woke ultra-conservatives.
(Yes, I have "better" reviews for them to age-block for wokeness, but their algorithm sucks. Surprise!)
2024-04-22 07:00:13

User-Centric Cell-Free (UCCF) Wireless Systems: Principles and Optimization
Lie-Liang Yang a…
2024-03-13 06:48:20

MAMMOTH: Massively Multilingual Modular Open Translation @ Helsinki
Timothee Mickus, Stig-Arne Gr\"onroos, Joseph Attieh, Michele Boggia, Ona De Gibert, Shaoxiong Ji, Niki Andreas Lopi, Alessandro Raganato, Ra\'ul V\'azquez, J\"org Tiedemann
2024-02-23 02:34:21

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Dance
Paul Woolford & Diplo:
🎵 Looking For Me (feat. Kareen Lomax)
#BBCR1 #PaulWoolford #Diplo
2024-04-20 04:36:18

🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #AmbientFocus
Otto A. Totland:
🎵 Singul
2024-03-13 06:48:20

MAMMOTH: Massively Multilingual Modular Open Translation @ Helsinki
Timothee Mickus, Stig-Arne Gr\"onroos, Joseph Attieh, Michele Boggia, Ona De Gibert, Shaoxiong Ji, Niki Andreas Lopi, Alessandro Raganato, Ra\'ul V\'azquez, J\"org Tiedemann
2024-02-13 13:13:24

Self-heating effects and switching dynamics in graphene multiterminal Josephson junctions
M\'at\'e Kedves, Tam\'as P\'apai, Gerg\H{o} F\"ul\"op, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, P\'eter Makk, Szabolcs Csonka
2024-03-12 08:39:09

This has been replaced.
2024-03-13 05:12:41

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #EarlyBreakfast
Paul Woolford & Diplo:
🎵 Looking For Me (feat. Kareen Lomax)
#BBCR1 #PaulWoolford #Diplo