Es war eine großartige Demo am Mo, 02.09.24 der antifaschistischen Mitmach-Kampagne "Den Rechten die Räume nehmen".
Unter dem Motto: "Keine Zusammenarbeit mit Faschist*innen – Feuer löschen statt Brandmauern" beteiligten sich mehrere hundert Menschen in #Osnabrück.
🙏🏻DANKE🙏🏻 an alle, die das möglich gemacht haben ‼️
Classifying Bicycle Infrastructure Using On-Bike Street-Level Images
Can I ask you something? At home, when you go from your kitchen to your bathroom, where do you park?
That's crazy. I don't drive in the house. It's all --
Shut up. You don't understand stuff.
At #d3a we just started our session "Networks, data, society and AI" 🥳:
Find us in Sal D!
"We have been in #Palestine for twelve years [i.e., since the #Balfour Declaration] without having even once made a serious attempt at seeking through negotiations the consent of the #indigenous peo…
#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 13 - Blake
SOOLIN: Now that is an unattractive idea. I really could be quite annoyed if I thought we'd been the bait in a trap you'd laid for them, Avon.
VILA: Where's Tarrant? B7B1
Series A, Episode 03 - Cygnus Alpha
BLAKE: Well, I doubt whether we'd understand the manuals, so go ahead and try one. Go on.
JENNA: Well, don't blame me if it's self-destruct. B7B2
Ist ja wahnsinnig, wie viele Leute in dieser Stadt untervögelt sind allerdings bin ich positiv überrascht, wie viel Unterstützung es für diese harte Arbeit gibt.
#osnabrück #aufkleber #sticker