Casi nunca uso esa opción por lo mismo pero me bajonea entrar a la sección de tendencias de una instancia en español y ver que TODAS las etiquetas estan en inglés, alemšn o japonés.
Just came back from Las Vegas & had a really great time doing everything I wanted to do including everything at Area15. Sure glad I didn't miss any----- WHAT THE @#$% THE CRYSTAL METHOD PERFORMING LIVE GODDAMMIT…
Overwhelmed by winter? A traffic camera shows this rest stop on I-70 not only has no snow, but it's spring and the leaves are out 😆
„I would not be surprised if Musk hopes to displace the USD (to ‘denationalise’ the dollar) and to replace the world’s reserve currency with ‘privatised’ cryptocurrencies, that both Musk and Trump are now invested in. Both are fearsome prospects, but under this administration, entirely plausible.“
#todayilearned that methane emissions from EU marine transport have at least doubled between 2018 and 2023, largely due to increased use of #LNG. [1] Methane is a heavy contributor to #climatechange
Die Einschaltquoten sind relevant für die Folgeverträge. Wir müssen endlich über diese ganzen #Talkshows reden und dass sie extern produziert werden, von profitorientierten Unternehmen. It's the economy, stupid!
Estados Unidos be like:
… und die Hälfte war schon in den Schulferien ☝️#b0202