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2024-04-29 03:28:15

‘Ik zet steeds vaker het Journaal uit, als ik zie hoe respectloos sommige politici over anderen praten. Waardeloos’ | de #Volkskrant

Screenshot Volkskrant 
Interview - 100 JAAR

‘Ik zet steeds vaker het Journaal uit, als ik zie hoe respectloos sommige politici over anderen praten. Waardeloos’
Alie Verheij-Markerink, 100 jaar.

Beeld Aurélie Geurts
2024-02-29 18:41:09

Zijn de treinen van de NS wel echt vol?
2024-04-27 07:04:33

Höcke's Anwalt, welcher auf dem Potsdamer Geheimtreffen anwesend war, darf weiterhin Privatdozent bleiben laut Uni Köln:
2024-02-27 12:35:33

VSquare: Kremlin leaks, secret files reveal how Putin pre-rigged his reelection:
2024-04-28 04:29:25

"In launch news, things appear to be on track for the May 6 launch of Boeing Starliner. This will be the first crewed flight for this spacecraft, taking two astronauts to the International Space Station for a week. Starliner is greatly delayed"
I always felt bad for crews that got assigned Boeing and not SpaceX for the first launch, such a giant bummer.
Fingers crossed all goes well.
2024-04-27 14:30:21

Welcome Back, Voyager
Welcome Back, Voyager In what is probably the longest-distance tech support operation in history, the Voyager mission team succeeded in hacking their way around s…
2024-02-29 10:22:52

You are attending #DHd2024 and interested in Art History, particularly in Renaissance and Vasari's Life of the Artists? With my colleague @… we are creating a #knowledgegraph

Slide from my keynote "With Knowledge Doubt Increases”- The Significance of Knowledge in Knowledge Graphs, at “Graphs & Networks in the Humanities 2022”, depicting serependitious discovery of Egon Friedell's "Return of the Time Machine" starting out with Vasari's Life of the Artists as an example of exploratory search.
2024-04-25 05:14:09

Einige der zuletzt hier besonders häufig geteilten #News:
"Das größte Wunder" tritt ein: Voyager 1 sendet erstmals wieder korrekte Daten
2024-04-28 17:38:56

The same university in cologne which uninvited Nancy Fraser (from an unrelated tour of the uni) due to her criticism of Israel [1] is keeping Ulrich Vosgerau employed [2], who is a far ri…
2024-02-29 10:22:52

You are attending #DHd2024 and interested in Art History, particularly in Renaissance and Vasari's Life of the Artists? With my colleague @… we are creating a #knowledgegraph

Slide from my keynote "With Knowledge Doubt Increases”- The Significance of Knowledge in Knowledge Graphs, at “Graphs & Networks in the Humanities 2022”, depicting serependitious discovery of Egon Friedell's "Return of the Time Machine" starting out with Vasari's Life of the Artists as an example of exploratory search.