Old graphical editor prototype (2019/20) with various ways of managing multiple selections of graphical entities, incl. align/distribute, duplicate, invert, select/deselect region (box/convex hull). editor is generic. items could be files, shapes, mesh vertices, 2d/3d points, graph nodes, whatever...
Been re-animating this prototype and toying with integrating it into my personal note taking & media management tool to organize items into piles for batch-processing and to easier app…
Series A, Episode 10 - Breakdown
JENNA: It all happened so quickly. One minute he was crying with pain, then he went beserk.
VILA: I'm glad he's a friend. Could get very painful if he really didn't like you.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/110/10 B7B3
"My own hope and belief about what would transpire last night was sadly and profoundly wrong—like many, I have the emotional and intellectual flaw, if that’s what it is, of assuming that people are wiser and more decent than they actually turn out to be. I feel chastened—distraught—about my apparently naive view of human nature."
George Conway
America Did This to Itself