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2024-11-22 18:05:44

AI chatbots are like that one uncle you see at Thanksgiving. Over his life he became a true expert in something, say, ice sculptures, and can speak with authority on it. But he's convinced he should speak with authority on any subject at all — medicine, law, business, how rainy it will be next spring — stating with 100% certainty things he heard or made up.
Many things he says are right, many are wrong, and you can't judge which is which from his words alone.
2024-11-21 11:34:07

Sonnet 077 - LXXVII
Thy glass will show thee how thy beauties wear,
Thy dial how thy precious minutes waste;
The vacant leaves thy mind's imprint will bear,
And of this book, this learning mayst thou taste.
The wrinkles which thy glass will truly show
Of mouthed graves will give thee memory;
Thou by thy dial's shady stealth mayst know
Time's thievish progress to eternity.
Look what thy memory cannot contain,
Commit to th…
2025-01-14 15:19:08

Well doesn't this look interesting: #MPSGöttingen's renowned dynamo experts Manfred Schüssler and Robert Cameron together with Paul Charbonneau, Masumi Dikpati, Hideyuki Hotta, Leonid Kitchatinov have edited the new Space Sciences series of ISSI #book
"Solar and Stellar Dy…

A bookcover: 
Space Sciences series of ISSI
Solar and Stellar Dynamos - A new era
Manfred Schüssler, Robert Cameron, Paul Charbonneau, Masumi Dikpati, Hideyuki Hotta, Leonid Kitchatinov

On a light blue background, the above is set in white text, with the title and the editor list separated by an illustration of two stellar spheres with complex magnetic field lines drawn around them set against a black image background
2024-12-17 21:37:27

After discussing the possibility for several months, European nations are finally forming a unified barrier of insurance checks and enforcement around areas where Russia's shadow fleet operate... a very important development, as it either will deprive them from the ability to keep evading sanctions, or significantly increase the costs and risks of doing so.
Big ramifications. This could have a major impact on Russia's recent long term oil delivery deal with India, i.e.
2024-11-19 14:41:30

After wearing my cargo pants yesterday and being spoiled by decent sized pockets (I could fit my phone in the front pocket, keys, and lipstick without it falling out when I sit) I’m pissed again about the pockets in my current pants, back pocket I can only put my hand up to my second knuckle in the back (might fit a lipstick but it would fall out) and the front ones, stuff keeps falling out when I sit. I’m going to lengthen the pockets based on the cargo pants pockets, I don’t care if it ‘ruins the line of the pants, and adds bulkiness’ because as I always say, women’s pockets, when pants have them, are bullshit. And I don’t care if they make me look fat because I value function and comfort more. My son can fit a whole keyboard in his. I’ve been gradually lengthening my pockets as I get to them, or wearing a Fanny pack, but had to go to a funeral Sunday and got pissed again about my pockets. I want to empower other women with decent pockets, so we can take over. That poem about seditious pockets comes to mind. Or at least carry phones and keys. Will post photos. #sewing #pockets #womenspants
2024-12-17 09:23:47

Fast zu spät bemerkt, und das hätte mich richtig geärgert: Die Wahl des #Latein-Worts des Jahres 2024 steht an, aus der vom Thesaurus linguae Latinae kuratierten Auswahl neu aufgenommener („entdeckter“?!) Wörter! Unbedingt alle abstimmen!!
2024-11-09 14:32:10

Series C, Episode 03 - Volcano
MORI: [V.O.] If you come in that approach, you will find no detectors to pick you up, and no opposition.
SERVALAN: Excellent. We will regroup immediately and approach on that bearing. B7B3

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image depicts a person sitting in what appears to be a futuristic or sci-fi setting. The individual is wearing a white outfit with silver accents, which suggests a space or sci-fi theme. Behind them is a control panel filled with knobs and buttons, enhancing the high-tech environment. The seat and surrounding decor have a retro-futuristic design, commonly seen in science fiction shows from past decades. The overall atmosphere is one of command and technolog…
2024-11-19 11:34:06

Sonnet 026 - XXVI
Lord of my love, to whom in vassalage
Thy merit hath my duty strongly knit,
To thee I send this written embassage,
To witness duty, not to show my wit:
Duty so great, which wit so poor as mine
May make seem bare, in wanting words to show it,
But that I hope some good conceit of thine
In thy soul's thought, all naked, will bestow it:
Till whatsoever star that guides my moving,
Points on me graciously with fair a…
2025-01-17 12:52:42

When listening to an ebook with TalkBack, if I get a regular notification, the ebook resumes after the notification.
But if I get a charging notification, the reading does not resume. Sometimes when my phone is on the charger, it will announce the charging level at random times, and TalkBack just stops.
Does anyone have any experience with disabling charging notifications or getting the screen reader to resume automatically?
2024-11-10 20:27:36

Series D, Episode 04 - Stardrive
TARRANT: What use will that be? The main drive chamber can't be pressurized. How do you carry out a delicate repair operation wearing a spacesuit and gauntlets?
VILA: I don't. B7B5

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "The image features three men in a futuristic setting, which appears to be a science fiction environment, possibly from a television show. The setting has a dimly lit interior with metallic and sleek design elements, suggesting a spaceship or high-tech facility. The men are dressed in distinct, futuristic costumes, likely indicating their roles as characters in a sci-fi series. The central figure wears a black costume with metallic and shiny details, while the o…