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2024-05-16 06:58:50

Den Rückbau des Zebrastreifens "begründet die Stadt Meißen mit einer Entscheidung der Unfallkommission, die dort eine Häufung von Kollisionen festgestellt hatte. Ausgelöst wurden diese vielfach durch Radfahrer, die stadteinwärts fahrend den Überweg rechtswidrig benutzen."
Warum nutzen so viele pöhse Radfahrende den Zebrastreifen wohl rechtswidrig? 🤔

Screenshot des Zeprastreifens aus Google Maps in stadteinwärtiger Richtung. rechts vor dem Zebrastrefen steht ein Schild "Radweg Ende". Auf der anderen Straßenseite ist hinter dem Zebrastreifen ein nutzungspflichtiger Zweirichtungsradweg ausgeschildert.
2024-06-15 14:44:26
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Why tether yourself to the confines of fabric, when your essence longs for #liberation? Embrace the whispering caress of the wind upon your skin, let the sun's golden rays weave through the strands of your being unhindered. #naturism

Why tether yourself to the confines of fabric, when your essence longs for liberation? Embrace the whispering caress of the wind upon your skin, let the sun's golden rays weave through the strands of your being unhindered. #naturism
2024-06-14 11:39:07

A Super-Simple Standalone WSPR Beacon
A Super-Simple Standalone WSPR Beacon We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: being able to build your own radios is the best thing about bei…
2024-04-15 17:27:15

‘Whispers’ Getting Louder That Raiders Plan to Add Big-Arm QB]
2024-06-16 12:48:10

CDU wegcybern
2024-04-16 07:00:01

Der Morgen beginnt mit einem Lars Weisbrod Toot in meiner TL
2024-04-16 09:49:12

Perhaps the most interesting article I've read on Europe's efforts to decarbonise road transport, the controversy over electrification, the proposed alternatives, Chinese manufacturing and a way forward for Europe.
(article in French, screenshots translated with DeepL)


To decarbonise the transport sector to the level required by European commitments and climate requirements, the electrification of the vehicle fleet is not the only answer. Other means will obviously contribute, which may prove less complex to implement, socially less painful and just as useful in environmental terms. Whichever scenario is chosen, these will have to be implemented: further developing the quantity and quality of public transport (rail, high-frequency express coache…
Technological/energy options other than the pure electrification of vehicles could also contribute to the decarbonisation of mobility. These include alternative fuels such as biogas, agrofuels and carbon-free hydrogen. However, at this stage, they are clearly less efficient in both energy and environmental terms. Nor are they generally economically viable without significant and ongoing government support to develop or maintain their use. What's more, the volumes available for these alternative…
2024-06-15 14:44:26
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Why tether yourself to the confines of fabric, when your essence longs for #liberation? Embrace the whispering caress of the wind upon your skin, let the sun's golden rays weave through the strands of your being unhindered. #naturism

Why tether yourself to the confines of fabric, when your essence longs for liberation? Embrace the whispering caress of the wind upon your skin, let the sun's golden rays weave through the strands of your being unhindered. #naturism
2024-06-15 22:14:47
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Beneath the vast canopy of the sky, I shed my garments & become one with nature, embracing the primal #freedom of my bare form. The sun's gentle warmth kisses my skin, & the whispering breeze weaves through me like a symphony of #liberation. In this moment, I merge with the

Beneath the vast canopy of the sky, I shed my garments & become one with nature, embracing the primal #freedom of my bare form. The sun's gentle warmth kisses my skin, & the whispering breeze weaves through me like a symphony of #liberation. In this moment, I merge with the #universe, feeling its boundless energy coursing through me. Free from the confines of textiles, I am at #peace, unburdened, & truly alive. #naturism #noclothes #textilefree  #nature
2024-06-15 22:14:47
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Beneath the vast canopy of the sky, I shed my garments & become one with nature, embracing the primal #freedom of my bare form. The sun's gentle warmth kisses my skin, & the whispering breeze weaves through me like a symphony of #liberation. In this moment, I merge with the

Beneath the vast canopy of the sky, I shed my garments & become one with nature, embracing the primal #freedom of my bare form. The sun's gentle warmth kisses my skin, & the whispering breeze weaves through me like a symphony of #liberation. In this moment, I merge with the #universe, feeling its boundless energy coursing through me. Free from the confines of textiles, I am at #peace, unburdened, & truly alive. #naturism #noclothes #textilefree  #nature