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2024-06-16 19:21:09

Hey, let’s argue about Wikipedia (1/2): “There are voices — some loud and well-respected — who argue that Wikipedia is deeply flawed, a hellscape of psychotic editors and contempt for expertise. I mostly disagree, but those voices deserve, at least, to be heard ...”…
2024-06-15 19:00:49

wikipedia_growth: en-Wikipedia links (2007)
The network of hyperlinks among English wikipedia pages, in 2007. An edge (i,j) indicates that article i hyperlinks to article j, and each edge is timestamped with its creation.
This network has 1870709 nodes and 39953145 edges.
Tags: Informational, Web graph, Unweighted, Timestamps

wikipedia_growth: en-Wikipedia links (2007). 1870709 nodes, 39953145 edges.
2024-06-17 07:13:39

«maybe #Wikipedia should change its tag-line from “anyone can edit” to “anyone who’s willing to provide citations can edit.”»
Wikipedia Pain by @…
2024-04-16 08:58:02

Trackback - Wikipedia
This was my favorite blogging feature. Too bad it's not implemented on some platforms.
2024-06-17 02:59:00

Couldn’t find from which article this haiku comes from.
#Madagascar #Wikipedia…

2024-05-15 23:50:34

2024-05-16 20:04:45

History of science fiction. Interesting.
2024-04-16 05:39:27

As promised, some short (1:23min) phone video impressions from Sunday's varied hike in the beautiful Ester Mountains[1] (mainly filmed during descent only, since the steep way up was mostly without any grand views)

Sequence of four short phone video clips, in order: 1) walking on a path through low-growth mountain pines to reveal the grand view of the upper Pustertal with the snowy slopes of surrounding peaks, 2) sitting by a creek with crystal clear water, looking around, 3) walking along a roped section of the path, looking down into the valley, 4) crossing the bridge of the narrow and deep Asam gorge in the evening sun
2024-04-15 21:42:18

huh TIL the theme music for the light programme radio drama paul temple and steve was originally composed to celebrate a record-breaking train, the coronation scot (euston to glasgow via crewe, 114mph on its test run in 1937)
2024-03-17 10:00:05

wiki_science: Wikipedia Map of Science (2020)
A network of scientific fields, extracted from the English Wikipedia in early 2020. Nodes are wikipedia pages representing natural, formal, social and applied sciences, and two nodes are linked if the cosine similarity of the page content is above a threshold. See <

wiki_science: Wikipedia Map of Science (2020). 687 nodes, 6523 edges.