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2024-02-16 11:38:55

2024-03-17 17:41:41

Pues he empezado a experimentar con WriteFreely. Y debo de tener MUY oxidado mi css, porque estoy intentando poner una imagen como fondo del blog, y no consigo que aparezca.
¿Sabéis de algún sitio donde poder experimentar con css de forma fšcil?
2024-02-16 12:31:52

@… na ich stronie może nie, ale ja na writefreelyPL o tym pisałem 😉 Między innymi tu, ale też w innych postach 😉
2024-03-05 22:44:17

it seems the writefreely instance i used once so far to write a thing about age has given up on moderation and is overrun by seo bots. oh well. i could keep using it, after all, their feed doesnt matter to me, but i decided to make an account on another instance as well and probably post there in the future if i do ever feel like it again.
i imported my one post to the new instance:
you can follow through the magic of fedi here: @…
how do i keep being able to use just my name as a handle, surely there are more stellas in this world
anyway uh see you when that one collapses too and i look for another place to put my hypothetical future posts in