Full text search on Mastodon
Imagine searching any post on Mastodon. This is now possible - at least for the posts of users who opt in.
Tootfinder indexes all public posts of consenting users and makes them searchable for 3 months. If you want to be part of it, join the index.
Search syntax
The search is case-insensitive. You can append * to the end of a word. You can use NEAR, OR and the prefix -.
- san franc*
- san NEAR francisco
- san OR francisco
- san -francisco
More about search
If the crawler does not find an exact result, it looks for similar results. Click on the avatar to access the user, click on the date to access the post on Mastoton. Click on the image to access the original image.
Privacy note
This is pure opt-in: If you are not interested, just do not join the index. If you quit the index, your posts will be removed from the index after 3 months.
Privacy statement
Tootfinder uses the public Mastodon API for the profile and the JSON feed. The feeds are consulted on an optimized frequency, indexed in a SQLite database and deleted after 3 months.
Check out the Tootfinder Wiki
v2.2 2023-09-10
2805 users, 466 posts, 2372624 queries
Index 386349 minutes behind