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2024-06-19 04:06:03

Frachtschiff nach Angriff durch die Huthi gesunken.
Ein Seemann wohl tot, die anderen wurden evakuiert.
Die Tutor war von einem ferngelenkten Boot mit Bombe getroffen worden.
M/V Tutor Sinks After Houthi Attack in Red Sea
2024-08-17 22:47:59

10 Things #StephenHawking Taught Us about the #Concept of #TimeTravel
Also, check out @…@…
2024-06-19 02:36:00

Snap bringt Tools mit generativer KI für Augmented Reality in Video-Chats
Der Snapchat-Betreiber hat KI-Tools entwickelt, um Augmented Reality in Video-Darstellungen auszubauen. Das soll in Echtzeit auch auf Smartphones möglich sein.
2024-06-19 01:59:44

This Crown Equipment attack. Hoo boy what a disaster at so many levels.
2024-06-19 01:10:46

The California Labor Commissioner's Office fines Amazon $5.9M for violating a 2022 state law by failing to properly inform workers of quotas at two warehouses (Caroline O'Donovan/Washington Post)
2024-06-19 00:19:08

Swiss authorities thwart alleged Russian assassination plot ahead of Ukraine Peace Summit:
2024-08-16 15:56:19

…"planning for multiple destination points and date coordinates, not like the one-nighters of the old days. We can now call this Research 2.0. Let the #TimeTravelers decide where they would like to beam down, and with whom they would like to rendezvous (be it #MIT,
2024-08-16 10:08:21

Check out the story of The #KrononautMoon Project, now on @….
Just months away, 2025 will see 2 Total #LunarEclipses (TLEs) — on 14 Mar & 07 Sep. Why & how did the TLE …