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2024-06-16 07:55:50

Mogą być różne powody, by zaraz po wejściu do pociągu, pójść do toalety.
Można mieć naglącą potrzebę. Można mieć brudne okulary. Można być alergikiem i chcieć umyć twarz. Można chcieć ogólnie się umyć.
Można też po drodze poplamić sobie T-shirta, jedząc wiśnie.
[Aktualizacja: potencjalnie zmartwionych czytelników informuję, że woda z mydłem pomogła, i plamy nie ma.]

"Yes, I'm worried":
Rachel Maddow thinks Trump's "massive camps" may not just be for migrants
"Do you really think he plans to stop at well-known liberals?"
Maddow asked in an interview
2024-08-16 15:56:19

…"planning for multiple destination points and date coordinates, not like the one-nighters of the old days. We can now call this Research 2.0. Let the #TimeTravelers decide where they would like to beam down, and with whom they would like to rendezvous (be it #MIT,
2024-06-16 18:39:16

Recently, I had to use #GitHubPages to publish my #ApacheAPISIX workshop. Travis is no longer free. #GitHubActions are a thing. I used the now nominal path and faced a few hurdles; here are my fin…
2024-06-16 07:58:49

There can be a variety of reasons to enter the toilet immediately after entering the train.
One may urgently need to use one. One may have dirty glasses. One may be allergic and need to wash their face. One may want to wash themselves more generally.
Or one may have a stain on their T-shirt after eating cherries on the way there.
2024-06-16 13:28:18

Between chipping a tooth in Boston and not getting an invoice that my travel health insurance accepts, getting talked into buying NBA tickets and not going because the person who talked me into it got sick, getting my CC data leaked and used on Cayman Islands, and now spending a whole work day at a tiny airport: I gotta admire how my curse is expanding and getting more powerful. 🫠
2024-06-16 11:20:48

"At the current rate of infection, most Americans may get Long COVID."
Dat zal wel voor de hele (i.i.g. westerse) bevolking gelden.
2024-06-16 19:14:14

me: "So, uh, I have a question.."
her: "Yes?"
me: *motions to three cups of tea*
her: "What?"
me: 👀
her: "It's my tea cooling pipeline. This one is cool enough to drink. The other two are not there yet."

A white woman in a pink shirt sitting at a table, in front of a bowl of salad. Next to her, her favorite bottle of habanero hot sauce, and three mugs of tea. Two of the mugs are full, with like 5 tea bags in each of them. The 3rd mug, closest to her, is only half-full.
2024-06-16 03:05:45

“Debilitating a Generation”: Expert Warns That Long COVID May Eventually Affect Most Americans | Institute for New Economic Thinking

"Yes, I'm worried":
Rachel Maddow thinks Trump's "massive camps" may not just be for migrants
"Do you really think he plans to stop at well-known liberals?"
Maddow asked in an interview