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2024-08-25 18:23:42

Die #Bredowstraße in #Osnabrück wurde saniert. Eine kurze Rad Verbindung (ca 350m ges.) in der Osnabrücker Weststadt zwischen #ObereMartinistraße und

Rechts im Bild die Bonnuskirche. Blickrichtung Bredowstraße, die im Hintergrund zu erkennen ist. Davor die Obere Martinistraße.
Bredowstraße unterer Teil neu asphaltiert. Rechts seitlich durch starke Regenfälle und nicht ausreichender Verbund weggespültes Erdesandgemisch. Mittig eine Umlaufsperre.
Kurt Schumacher Damm Blickrichtung hoch zur neu asphaltierten Bredowstraße. Auf dem Radschutzstreifen liegt ein Erdesandgemisch.
Kurt Schumacher Damm Fahrtrichtung stadtauswärts. Auf dem Radschutzstreifen liegt ein Erdesandgemisch. Ein Radfahrer fährt durch das Erdesandgemisch. In Richtung rechts geht es hoch zur Bredowstraße.
2024-08-28 11:59:09

Dramatic evening #clouds reaching across the #sky, above a distant town's lights on the #horizon at the bottom of the frame, mixed in with silhouettes of shadowy #trees. At upper right is the bright #Moon shining through a few clouds. Immersive #MoonPhoto retooted from katrintheresa (@…). Rich, moody dark sky work.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #nightsky #landscape #city #lights #moonlight
2024-07-11 18:34:29

A day trip into the Elbsandsteingebirge. I have come here so often, but there are still new routes to explore. This time over the Bärensteine with amazing views onto many scenic spots, including the Bastei, the Lilienstein and the Königsstein.
A thunderstorm 🌩️ gave a brief respite from the heat and painted a beautiful rainbow over the forest.
At the end, we had a drink in a beergarden above the Elbe. I am happy that I went, even though I felt a cold creeping up on me!
#Hiking #Sachsen
2024-07-30 23:35:56

Annunciazione: adesso BASTA... devo fare una definitiva #puliziaContatti (kontatty). Avevo quasi voglia di farla ora col favore delle tenebre, ma ho deciso (consultandomi cogli spiriti) che è meglio farla domattina, col favore del kaffé.
Quindi ora prima scarico l'elenco dei miei vecchi seguiti, casomai dovesse servirmi (
2024-08-18 13:11:09

Bei der Schweizerischen Lauterkeitskommission können Verstösse via Beschwerdeverfahren geklärt werden.

Bebilderung des Beschwerdeverfahrens
2024-08-19 08:56:05

Zettu Rocca degli uccelli
Coordinate falesia:
Sono passati parecchi mesi dall'ultima volta che lo avevo scalato.
É una via di roccia morbida e fragile.
Sempre divertente da scalare.
#FreeSolo #finaleligure
2024-08-26 18:07:35

Dark #gray #sky composition with a #fullMoon (in second image) just below center frame, between thin fenceposts (or are these masts of #sailboats?) and above a near-black ground that fills up most of the bottom of the picture. Somber and beautiful #MoonPhoto retooted from Kira (@…). Gorgeous #twilight #photos, Kira, and belated Happy Birthday!
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #horizon #quiet #thought #photography #lune #luna #月
2024-08-20 14:04:06

Brilliant #SturgeonMoon with #voiceover, shining above #HellsKitchen in #NewYorkCity. Lovely big city #lunar observation from another first-time retootee PerryTrails (@…).
Great movie, Perry. We're looking fwd to retooting and boosting more of your #MoonPhoto work.
🔗 #NYC #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #FullMoon #SuperMoon #GayTravel
2024-08-29 13:18:41

Dark #landscape study in #blackandwhite presents a brilliant hazy #Moon above a black ridge of #trees, reflected below in white shimmers on water. Mostly #black composition. Strong #MoonPhoto retooted from #photog Markus (@…). Striking #image, Markus.
🔗 #Monochrome #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #dark #moody #reflection #atmospheric #nature #photography