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2024-05-27 22:05:37

Doctor Who - 73 Yards
Doctor starts the episode stepping on a mine again. He's always causing trouble. Ruby stepped on a butterfly in Ep1 too. Will every episode start with stepping on a butterfly/mine
No idea how Ruby traveled back in time at the end of her life. Just spooky magic I guess. More spooky this season. It's okay, you literally can't have hard-sci fi about a time-traveler because time-travel is impossible, so it's fine to have witches and werewolves and yeti and loch monsters.
It was like a Doctor Who version of RTD's previous "Years and years" eh? That was pretty great too.
Kate Lethbridge-Stuart running away even from second hand contact with the distant lady was the scariest part. You can't win if she's running like that.
Amy Pond's aging makeup when she had to live a whole life abandoned by the doctor was done better than Ruby Sundae who just looked 20 in different wigs till she was 80.
The 2060s don't look as futuristic as they might do they? Still just using black-slates for a tricorder then.
#doctorWho #73Yards #watching #tv