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Repeal the #Comstock #Act
2024-03-28 10:37:59

Heatwaves are as deadly as other natural disasters and require policy makers and governments worldwide to take action. #IFRC and #USAid draw attention to these risks: #ActNow
2024-04-27 10:13:39

Die neueste Episode #Coriolis #DieLetzteZyklade macht eine große Spanne auf von Romantik bis zu erschütternden Schrecken. #pnpde
2024-03-28 10:37:59

Heatwaves are as deadly as other natural disasters and require policy makers and governments worldwide to take action. #IFRC and #USAid draw attention to these risks: #ActNow

2024-04-11 08:37:47

The second part of my podcast series about #PsychologicalFlexibility is live - and this time, we turn our attention to the benefits of a mindful focus on the present moment.
#YouTube #Coaching #ACT #Mindfulness

2024-05-09 09:00:17

My latest video summarises a recent conference presentation I gave on the topic of Psychological Discomfort. I describe what it is and how we can overcome it to do more of the stuff that actually matters.
Thanks for watching!
#ACT #PsychologicalFlexibility #Wellbeing #Procrastination #Coaching #Video
2024-03-28 10:06:22

Climate change is not a future problem; it's happening now, and our #food security is at risk. Recent studies highlight how our staple crops, like wheat, are vulnerable. It's a wake-up call. We must act.
A study reveals that by mid-century, wheat production could drop by 13% due to climate-induced diseases. This isn't just about numbers; it's about our food, our survival. Immediate action is crucial.
#RegenerativeAgriculture #SustainableFarming #ActNow #FoodSecurity #CropFailure