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2024-06-07 22:45:26

FDA approves GSK RSV vaccine for adults 50 to 59
2024-06-07 02:00:09

celegans_2019: Complete C. elegans neurons (2019)
Networks among neurons of both the adult male and adult hermaphrodite worms C. elegans, constructed from electron microscopy series, to include directed edges (chemical) and undirected (gap junction), and spanning including nodes for muscle and non-muscle end organs.
This network has 575 nodes and 5306 edges.
Tags: Biological, Connectome, Weighted

celegans_2019: Complete C. elegans neurons (2019). 575 nodes, 5306 edges.
2024-06-06 02:21:07

Becoming an adult has nothing to do with anything legal, mathematical, linguistic, or economic.
Children become adults when nature puts them through puberty. It is biology. It's that simple.
2024-06-06 01:39:41

#MentalHealth victory! Took Adderall today for the first time since being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and I feel good!!!
This is an amazing step in my journey!!!
2024-06-06 08:00:08

macaques: Japanese macaques (1976)
Dominance interactions among a group of adult female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata fuscata), observed during a non-mating season in 1976. Edge weights represent the frequency of interaction.
This network has 62 nodes and 1187 edges.
Tags: Social, Animal, Weighted

macaques: Japanese macaques (1976). 62 nodes, 1187 edges.
2024-06-06 01:00:05

celegans_2019: Complete C. elegans neurons (2019)
Networks among neurons of both the adult male and adult hermaphrodite worms C. elegans, constructed from electron microscopy series, to include directed edges (chemical) and undirected (gap junction), and spanning including nodes for muscle and non-muscle end organs.
This network has 454 nodes and 4879 edges.
Tags: Biological, Connectome, Weighted

celegans_2019: Complete C. elegans neurons (2019). 454 nodes, 4879 edges.
2024-06-07 00:40:50

Young adults aged 14-19 deserve bodily autonomy. They deserve the right to choose their own girlfriend or boyfriend.
The idea that idiot politicians should be making laws about their private lives is totally insane.
2024-06-07 14:16:22

Infantilizing young adults makes them vulnerable.
If we stop treating them like small children,
and give them the knowledge they need
they'll have no trouble fending off creeps themselves.
2024-06-07 03:35:14

A: *starts honest discussion of normal young adult sexual activity*
B: You just wanna fuck kids!!!
C: It's illegal!!!
D: Just because it's legal doesn't make it right!!!
E: Defending pedos, you sicko!!!
[realistic assessments drown in a sea of overblown emotional reaction]
2024-06-07 01:38:58

We are having a huge mental health crisis among young adults aged 14-18 precisely because they are constantly demeaned, degraded & infantilized. Their basic civil rights are denied. They are constantly told to be afraid because they're idiots who are easily brainwashed and abused. They're told their brains won't work right for years...
Its abusive AF and nobody will acknowledge how harmful it is.