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2024-05-31 13:28:47

Any european competiton to OpenAI is welcome , good to see Mistral coming with a new model for programming, Codestral.
2024-05-31 12:00:02

"The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates"
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Technology
2024-05-30 19:12:54

DuckDuckGo Instellingen

Screenshot AI instellingen in DDG
2024-05-30 08:03:52

AI isn’t dangerous. It isn’t anything, really. What’s dangerous are the senior decision makers who think it is somehow magical and want to do everything with it.
2024-05-30 19:07:54

Companies are adding #AI to their products and from a end-user perspective it's like watching toddlers smearing feces on the walls and then telling me I should pay extra to have them smear it all over my data too.
Thanks but no thanks.
2024-05-30 04:55:43

Finally tried #OpenAI’s GPT-4o chatbot and asked it about my go-to LLM topic (my favorite #CahillConcialdi map projection). It gave a factually incorrect answer. 🤷
2024-05-31 13:23:36

If anyone wants to come hang out with me later, I am giving a short "Crafting Intelligent Python Apps with Retrieval-Augmented Generation" talk online at 12:30 (Milwaukee time)
#AI #RAG #Python
2024-05-29 23:30:23

ad177 Leerheit neu definiert
Heute geht's um unsere Erwartungen an #iOS (auch 18) und werden ganz philosophisch: wird die #AI ihre Bürgerrechte einklagen erwachen bevor sie unsere Schädel zertritt? Ist Darstellung von
2024-06-12 00:32:55

Well said. #ai #llm #humanity
via @…
2024-06-17 16:11:10

The Gates-funded Thousand Brains Project offers a fundamentally different approach to AI #AI #neuroscience
2024-06-04 07:53:45

#Zoom CEO Eric Yuan wants #AI clones in #meetings
2024-06-18 16:18:16

Interesting start-up with Dutch co-founder.
2024-06-06 06:40:07

"#AI and the #Humanities: Nina Beguš discusses "Artificial Humanities"" @ New Books Network:
2024-06-05 19:43:06

How #ai imagery is shaking photojournalism
2024-06-12 22:28:44

Been thinking for a while about Facebook's AI Terms and Conditions switcheroo.
People all joined Facebook because they didn't want a public blog, especially one their boss might read. They wanted one only their friends could read.
And now Facebook are gonna just feed the whole lot into their mega-mind and let every advertiser and recruiter and boss you ever work for ask it about you.
There's no way to stop them coz they'll do it even if you object, even if it's illegal, even if they expect to get a giga-fine. I don't expect they really honour delete requests. Things sometimes pop back into existence eh?
#facebook #ai #consent
2024-06-11 01:40:27

Remarkable how much faith every entity seems to be putting into such unscrupulous actors.
#AI trained on photos from kids’ entire childhood without their consent”
“This act poses urgent privacy risks to kids and seems to increase risks of non-consensual AI-generated images bearing their likenesses, Human Rights Watch's report said.”
From: @…
2024-06-04 02:05:49

The Zoom team has either run out of ideas or is simply trolling people like me who cannot let an idea as strange as this go unanswered. 🤪
#ai #clones #aiethics
2024-06-10 17:34:48

It's quite wild that most people seem to be vilifying AI these days, but it seems that when I post something that most people can enjoy, they don't care that it's AI assisted...🤨
#AI #AIart #ArtificialIntelligence
2024-06-15 05:51:39

It's honestly a mystery to me how anybody could assume #ChatGPT is a human.
#AI #TuringTest

ChatGPT dialogue
Q: Nice chat so far, do you wanna go out for a drink later?
A: I'm flattered by the offer, but as an AI, I don't have a physical presence and can't go out for drinks. However, I'm here to help with any questions or information you need, whether it's about climate change, technology, or anything else you're curious about!
2024-06-13 18:32:10

More quality AI. This time from Gemini.
#AI #LLM #Gemini
2024-06-12 00:32:55

Well said. #ai #llm #humanity
via @…
2024-06-09 17:49:46

The scenario of an #AI that applies deep logic and decides that the best thing would be to kill all humans seems more and more ridiculous.
The real danger is of course techbros convincing people to use AI in situations that are completely beyond the capabilities of the technology which means that AI getting control of nuclear weapons and accidentally killing everyone is still very much on th…
2024-06-10 18:08:41

Clever... "Apple Intelligence" can also be abbreviated as "AI" 🤣
2024-06-16 21:44:56

Search engines used to strive for precision over recall: the pages returned being relevant even if not all relevant pages were returned.
Ad-revenue tipped the scale to recall, eroding precision over time. "AI search" just lets them drop all pretense about precision.
It's all about eyeballs. 👁️
2024-06-14 15:37:37

#AI expert Jorge Mario Bergoglio (formerly known as #Pope #Francis) seen walking to the AI conference in Borgo Egnazia,

The popular AI generated image of pope Francis.
2024-06-10 14:42:40

Obviously true: #ai
2024-06-15 21:42:07

#AI as a topic is a marketer’s dream. Great promise! Great peril! Ban it! No, invest more in it! Everybody will be fired! No, we will all be gods! No, the new gods will exterminate us! The Americans / Chinese / … / but not us will use this to take over the world!
Everybody can have an opinion. Headline topic in every governmental meeting and board room and the pub at the corner. Even the pope gets …
2024-06-10 17:28:05

#RaspberryPi #AI Kit available now
2024-06-17 13:38:52

Can we really expect non-IT professionals to recognise the dangers of #AI or #KI and not use it when we've been telling them for years that platforms like #Facebook, including <…
2024-06-10 11:56:33

Stimulating SIG-Marcomms meeting this morning at #TNC24, with thought-provoking discussions on #AI for Marketing & Communications: how is AI being used in the #Research &

SIG-Marcomms meeting at #TNC24
SIG-Marcomms meeting at #TNC24
SIG-Marcomms meeting at #TNC24
SIG-Marcomms meeting at #TNC24
2024-06-13 14:49:00

If I were still managing a development team, I would outright ban #AI in planning meetings where folks should be talking and listening to each other.
I can imagine a future where folks are just typing prompts and regurgitating answers in meetings without thinking just to avoid saying the three most dreaded words of "I don't know”.
2024-06-11 03:27:06

Meta vai começar a treinar suas IAs com base em NOSSOS dados pessoais, exceto na União Europeia.
2024-06-11 01:27:58

re: apple AI training data:
We train our foundation models on licensed data, including data selected to enhance specific features, as well as publicly available data collected by our web-crawler, AppleBot. Web publishers have the option to opt out of the use of their web content for Apple Intelligence training with a data usage control.
from #WWDC24 #ai
2024-06-12 12:34:48

Nice AI Act explorer.
#AI #AIact
2024-06-05 19:12:09

Oh, Microsoft #Bing, you silly goose. #AI

Cropped screenshot from MS Bing video results. searching for AI on BBC bitesize returns, as the 8th result, a phonetics lesson on the sound ai
2024-06-11 19:06:10

Am Donnerstag den 13. spreche ich in Karlsruhe am KIT über die Ethik des "KI" Einsatzes mit besonderem Fokus auf Abschlussarbeiten. Drumrum gibt's ne Menge Prompting Voodoo, also versuchen wir mal mitten rein ein bisschen nen Hypebrecher zu bauen.
Wird sicher lustig.
#ai #ethics
2024-06-13 01:19:09

A case of turning tables...
2024-06-09 17:43:49

"How to use llama-2 7b to generate summaries of your incidents, using Cloudflare workers and Workers AI."
Oh good, just what I was looking to happen with all my suppliers.
2024-06-18 02:16:11

AI drive-through stress test
#ai #fastFood

Person driving through an AI-driven fast food terminal and ordering an absurd number of items.
2024-06-16 10:14:20

Den Mist einfach mal vier Wochen beiseite schieben? Meine Wochenschau u.a. zur #EM2024
Und ein neues Experiment. Ich habe das Titelbild mal von Luma Dream Machine animieren lassen.
#Video #AI
2024-06-17 18:32:46

#Ai. Disinformation as Infrastructure.
2024-06-18 15:44:32

Gibt es schon ein monatliches Print-Magazin mit aktuellen KI-Prompt-Vorschläge zum selber ausprobieren? Ein Buch haben wir nun: #ki #ai #buch
2024-06-10 21:14:43

Made new swag in honor of #AI, #openai and #chatgpt

Two people wearing dark grey t-shirts with the words "You can't spell FAIL without AI" in light grey lettering, except for the AI in fail which is red.
2024-06-11 01:40:27

Remarkable how much faith every entity seems to be putting into such unscrupulous actors.
#AI trained on photos from kids’ entire childhood without their consent”
“This act poses urgent privacy risks to kids and seems to increase risks of non-consensual AI-generated images bearing their likenesses, Human Rights Watch's report said.”
From: @…
2024-06-11 19:54:26

What I want, is an #AI that replaces my voicemail. Something that answers my phone, explains I'm not available, asks what the call is about and if I need to call back. And if so, to what number. Then writes it up as a nice message and send it to me. And if the caller only wishes to tell me something, the AI can pass it on.
2024-06-11 21:19:14

I think we should be more concerned about trying to improve human intelligence than trying to sell artificial intelligence.
#AI #Thoughs #NotSoRandomThoughs
2024-06-04 02:05:49

The Zoom team has either run out of ideas or is simply trolling people like me who cannot let an idea as strange as this go unanswered. 🤪
#ai #clones #aiethics
2024-06-15 00:02:06

“You can’t make an #AI without breaking a few eggs, many of which come in cartons of 13 and have an unexpected number of yolks.”
2024-06-13 18:32:10

More quality AI. This time from Gemini.
#AI #LLM #Gemini
2024-06-10 18:08:41

Clever... "Apple Intelligence" can also be abbreviated as "AI" 🤣
2024-06-10 20:26:28

I think this is why I’ve not found pseudo-#AI #LLM chatbots at all interesting. It's bad enough that I have to deal with people being all peopley. Software shouldn't be like that. I find the ‘prompt engineering' one does IRL to be tiring and that's part of why I work with computers.
2024-06-07 19:46:01

This is really good.
“This Is What It Looks Like When AI Eats the World”
2024-06-04 10:00:05

Sam Altman admits that #OpenAI doesn't actually understand how its #AI works
2024-06-02 23:21:31

Don't use #AI to replace workers.
Use AI to replace CEOs and the entire C-suite!
2024-06-10 17:42:24

Interestingly #WWDC24 keynote avoids the term #AI and use Apple Intelligence instead.
2024-06-08 12:14:52

Major Motoko Kusanagi as a Cat!
Ghost In the Machine:
In a futuristic Japan, cyborg agent Kusanagi hunts the mysterious hacker Puppet Master. She discovers it's a rogue AI that wants to merge with her consciousness to evolve. After the merge, Kusanagi ponders her new existence in a child cyborg body. The film explores identity in a technological world.

Major Motoko Kusanagi as a Cat!
Major Motoko Kusanagi as a Cat with red eyes and glasses.
Major Motoko Kusanagi as a Cat ready to pounce!
Major Motoko Kusanagi as a Cat contemplating the shell.
2024-06-04 07:35:14
Content warning: Were it's so easy...

📌⁠#Privacy #AI #Healthcare #HCA #Novus #GPT
2024-06-14 15:31:15

Uncensor any #LLM with abliteration
In this article, we will explore a technique called "abliteration" that can uncensor any LLM without retraining.
2024-06-12 22:33:16

Same with this "Maven" thing today.
They want to make some kinda AI-edited personal-magazine. A narrow-focus news show, personalized for you by terra-flops of statistical correlations.
People do seem to like algorithmic feeds. Nobody can read everything, so some kinda summary or selector is inevitable.
But to do it, you gotta read everything.
That mega-mind is gonna be babbling to bosses and dates about every public word on the web whatever your privacy settings say.
These folks have "deleted" the data for now at least.
But that T&C's switcheroo is even easier if we never signed any T&Cs and they have implied consent because google made the precedent back in the 90s when they indexed the whole web.
#maven #consent #ai
2024-06-13 06:49:55

Just want to really stress that last paragraph.
#AI #LLM #SiliconValley #VC
2024-06-02 08:42:53

the big promise of #AI is really the promise of a bigger project: intelligence maximization. and just focusing on creating new intelligence neglects the protection and fostering of existing intelligence.
so many human minds are destroyed in war, manufactured poverty and other idiotic "government projects".
i don't think those are intractably tricky problems, i think they would …
2024-06-03 13:12:58

Companies are trying to reduce the amount of hallucinations in generative AI.
2024-06-17 20:01:25

There are regular posts on #Reddit about whether #LLMs (so-called #AI) could generate the last (long delayed) two books of
2024-06-05 19:12:09

Oh, Microsoft #Bing, you silly goose. #AI

Cropped screenshot from MS Bing video results. searching for AI on BBC bitesize returns, as the 8th result, a phonetics lesson on the sound ai
2024-06-13 18:10:17

If I type "Tell me the history of the Roman empire" into an #AI chat bot like #ChatGPT and hit return, it HTTP POSTs that to one of their web servers, and then ... what?
How many computers are involved in producing my response? What are their responsibilities? How is the response assembled from t…
2024-06-08 15:38:37

This is a good read. If nothing else, enjoy the garlic bread bit. #ai
2024-06-10 05:48:47

Was man bei all dem #AI-Hype nicht vergessen darf: die Sprachmodelle #llm sind wahrscheinlichkeitsbasierte Textgeneratoren und scheitern, sobald es um Logik geht.
2024-06-12 01:49:59

Windows won’t take screenshots of everything you do after all — unless you opt in #windows #ai #recall :windows:
2024-06-02 14:02:58

If you are interested in #AI and how it affects how we think about images following Eryk is basically required.
2024-06-15 00:02:06

“You can’t make an #AI without breaking a few eggs, many of which come in cartons of 13 and have an unexpected number of yolks.”
2024-06-06 06:54:37

Ich frage mich, wann es soweit kommen wird, dass ein "KI-freies Produkt" allgemein als Qualitätssiegel angesehen wird. 🤔
2024-06-04 05:01:51

I’ve been reluctant to accept the premise that CEOs are prime jobs for replacement by AI, but this CEO just up and said he’s directly replaceable by #AI so 🤷
2024-06-13 18:10:17

If I type "Tell me the history of the Roman empire" into an #AI chat bot like #ChatGPT and hit return, it HTTP POSTs that to one of their web servers, and then ... what?
How many computers are involved in producing my response? What are their responsibilities? How is the response assembled from t…
2024-06-02 09:40:07

Mistral krijgt minder aandacht maar hun model (Mixtral) is ook zeker de moeite waard en gratis toegankelijk voor queries (na registratie) of te downloaden.
2024-06-10 18:07:11

And here we go with the #AI angle...
2024-06-14 15:28:39

A GPT-4V Level Multimodal LLM on Your Phone
Tsinghua's OpenBMB launches MiniCPM-Llama3-V-2_5: a multimodal #LLM with 1.8M parameters, rivaling GPT-4 with 10.3% hallucination rate. #AI
- Strong #OCR
2024-06-17 21:55:51

We are all about to find out what class of jobs can get away with mostly making stuff up and seeing what sticks.
2024-06-06 17:30:12

"All our energy is Carbon neutral", boasts the Compute-Industrial Complex.
So we feel fine playing with all the AI toys running on data centres guzzling water destined for fields and homes , warming thousands of cumulative kilometres of rivers to ecosystem-collapsing levels.
#AI #datacenters
2024-06-11 08:58:11

(Facebook) Fake emotions: with #AI image descriptions, all greenery is "lush", and all landscapes are "breathtaking"
2024-06-10 18:07:11

And here we go with the #AI angle...
2024-06-10 18:32:36

I really dislike the idea of using faces of *other people* in your photo library to generate AI images.
Seems like it crosses a line. #ai #wwdc #wwdc24
2024-06-05 13:52:49

#ai #infosec #InfosecMemes

Screen shot of a bluesky post by Jason Sullivan where he adds this caption

"One of the toughest problems Microsoft has to solve is that Windows has to serve two very different types of users: business users who don't want this at all, and home users who don't want this at all."

to a screen shot of a news site that reads:

TECH / PRODUCT NEWS & REVIEWS New Windows Al feature records everything you’ve done on your PC Recall use Al features "to take imaages of vour active …
2024-06-06 17:30:12

"All our energy is Carbon neutral", boasts the Compute-Industrial Complex.
So we feel fine playing with all the AI toys running on data centres guzzling water destined for fields and homes , warming thousands of cumulative kilometres of rivers to ecosystem-collapsing levels.
#AI #datacenters
2024-06-10 18:17:16

"Private Cloud Compute" ... Apple will offer Apple-silicon servers where you can offload #AI queries while still having #privacy
2024-06-12 10:08:27

(YouTube) Interview with Stephen Grossberg - Conscious mind, Resonant brain: How each brain makes a mind #AI
2024-06-01 18:41:16

“The AI Revolution Is Already Losing Steam”
By @…
2024-06-10 18:17:16

"Private Cloud Compute" ... Apple will offer Apple-silicon servers where you can offload #AI queries while still having #privacy
2024-06-03 18:31:18

Generative AI: Mid-as-service (Maas)
Whether it's text, images, or now music, there's a kinda quality to the output of generative models that gives me the queasy shivers.
Worryingly, good prompt craft can hide this to a point. But unless explicitly corralled out of statistical likelihood, it will tend toward the bland, the obvious, the mid.
2024-06-10 18:31:01

Apple is promising a personal intelligence which will be just as uncontrollable and unauditable as everything bigtech I am afraid, we just have to trust them probably...
#ai #apple
2024-06-12 17:09:49

Investors love #AI

Stock chart for Apple. Last week it hovered around $189. Today it’s around $218.
2024-06-10 18:15:33

"it is built with privacy at the core"
The Apple #WWDC keynote talks about "Apple Intelligence" doing so much on-device versus sending it to someone else's cloud.
#AI #WWDC24<…
2024-06-06 02:48:40

What a BURN 🔥🔥🔥
“After its reputation went up in flames, Humane warns users its charging case may too”
#humane #ai #AIPin
2024-06-10 18:15:33

"it is built with privacy at the core"
The Apple #WWDC keynote talks about "Apple Intelligence" doing so much on-device versus sending it to someone else's cloud.
#AI #WWDC24<…
2024-06-07 09:04:12

This is a great paper, practical, based on empirical observations, cuts through the hype with regard to AI and courts/legal.
2024-06-08 19:48:27

Played around with GPT-4o analysing pictures and analysing the same picture with Google Gemini (I have to admit , the free version) , but the differences are enormous, the amount of hallucinations in Google Gemini is insane, making things up about the picture can Google be so far behind ?
#AI #ChatGPT
2024-06-01 19:21:16


Bluesky post by joyce carol manor:

computer scientists: we have invented a virtual dumbass who is constantly wrong

tech CEOs: let's add it to every product