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2024-09-13 17:48:46

Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
AVON: By all means, let us stand around and discuss it.
BLAKE: Avon's right. We're not safe here any longer. Let's move out. [They climb the stairs. Vila reaches the door first and tries to open it.] B7B6
2024-09-13 20:08:47

Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
VILA: He's failed to make contact with Kasabi.
AVON: Exactly. But Kasabi's signal came from the rendezvous point. Blake has arrived there and failed to make contact. B7B7
2024-09-13 06:08:45

#Blakes7 Series D, Episode 13 - Blake
SOOLIN: Now that is an unattractive idea. I really could be quite annoyed if I thought we'd been the bait in a trap you'd laid for them, Avon.
VILA: Where's Tarrant? B7B1
2024-09-12 15:07:57

Series B, Episode 11 - Gambit
AVON: Play, Vila.
VILA: What? B7B4
2024-10-01 08:00:58

Les, j'ai écrit le second épisode de mon podcast Yakafokon. Il portera sur l'infrastructure immuable.
Le script fait 15k caractères, soit la taille d'un petit article MISC. Je voudrais bien deux relecteurs ou relectrices (un.e innocent.e et un.e spécialiste) afin de voir si c'est compréhensible et que je raconte pas trop de la merde.
Il a t-il des personnes qui auraient un peu de temps Š donner cette semaine ? 😍
EDIT: J'ai trouvé mes relecteurs/relectrices. Vous êtes formidables 💗
2024-09-12 10:46:34

A06 - Seek-Locate-Destroy
BLAKE: What's the message?
AVON: Some flight clearance. Priority spaceway for a ship going in from Space Headquarters. The Supreme Commander requests that all personnel give maximum cooperation to the incoming officer. B7B3
2024-09-12 06:06:28

#Blakes7 Series A, Episode 04 - Time Squad
BLAKE: [V.O.] Then you'd better get it right.
AVON: [To Vila and Gan] Shall we get on with it? B7B1
2024-09-11 19:46:27

Series A, Episode 08 - Duel
VILA: That's not what I meant.
AVON: No, he was calling me a machine, but since he undoubtedly defines himself as a human being, I shall choose to accept that as more of a compliment than anything else. B7B6
2024-08-09 13:10:39

Vagando qua e lŠ per l’UJA di Nasta
#alpinismo #Nasta #montagna

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