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2024-04-06 02:36:56

Just #ARM things. Kwiboo's mainline uboot branch for #rk3588 seems to boot the rock5b from nvme just fine. So that's cool... Trying to figure out some pxe stuff now.
2024-04-18 15:23:27

💪 Introducing Google’s new Arm-based CPU
2024-03-04 01:31:27

I keep writing SHR instead of LSR on my assignment
#assembly #x86 #arm
2024-03-27 07:08:53

#Wachstum über alles. So arbeitet das reiche Land Deutschland fleißig am Wachstum der #Armut.
"14,2 Millionen Menschen in Deutschland von Armut betroffen
In Deutschland ist die Zahl der Menschen, die als arm gelten, leicht gestiegen."
2024-05-04 09:48:20

Die Schere zwischen Arm und X86.
#raspberrypi #Raspberry #Udoo #ARM

Eine Schere zwischen Raspberry Pi mit ARM Prozessor und Udoo Board mit X86 Prozessor.
2024-04-27 11:56:31

Thomas Kaiser did a pretty interesting deep-dive into the current state of Linux Energy Aware Scheduling on #ARM #DynamicIQ SoCs and unsurprisingly calls out some deficits.
naturally focus is on "embedded" like
2024-05-07 09:41:56

did you know that #eurovision uses the iso 3166-1 alpha-3 codes as country hashtags?
here are all th countries participating this year:
#ALB Albania
#ARM Armenia
#AUS Australia
#AUT Austria
#AZE Azerbaijan
#BEL Belgium
#CHE Switzerland
#CYP Cyprus
#CZE Czechia
#DEU Germany
#DNK Denmark
#ESP Spain
#EST Estonia
#FIN Finland
#FRA France
#GBR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
#GEO Georgia
#GRC Greece
#HRV Croatia
#IRL Ireland
#ISL Iceland
#ISR Israel
#ITA Italy
#LTU Lithuania
#LUX Luxembourg
#LVA Latvia
#MDA Moldova, Republic of
#MLT Malta
#NLD Netherlands, Kingdom of the
#NOR Norway
#POL Poland
#PRT Portugal
#SMR San Marino
#SRB Serbia
#SVN Slovenia
#SWE Sweden
#UKR Ukraine