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Stephen Gillers, an expert in judicial ethics at New York University,
said he initially gave #Alito the benefit of the doubt
that the upside-down flag was not tied to the 'Stop the Steal' effort.
The second flag, he said, makes that theory no longer plausible," reported Ann E. Marimow and Justin Jouvenal.
"[Chief Justice John] Roberts must encourage Alito to recuse…
2024-05-25 16:02:45

I was in law school when Samuel Alito was nominated to SCOTUS. One of my law professors knew him personally. Outside of class, he tried to reassure me that Alito was a "good" conservative, and not one of those crazy right-wing ideologues.
Maybe he was really trying to reassure himself. He couldn't have been more wrong.


Key Senate Democrats seek meeting with Chief Justice Roberts over
💥 'Supreme Court’s ethics crisis'💥
The senators are asking Chief Justice John Roberts
⭐️to "ensure" that Justice Alito recuses himself ⭐️ from certain cases.
Recusal is mandated when a reasonable person would have doubts about the judge's ability to be impartial in the case
-- a condition long surpassed in #Alito

Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another #Alito Home
Last summer,
two years after an upside-down American flag was flown outside the Virginia home of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.,
another provocative symbol was displayed at his vacation house in New Jersey, according to interviews and photographs.
This time, it was the
♦️ “Appeal to Heaven” flag, ♦️
which, like the inver…
2024-05-18 00:49:48

Supreme Court Map Of Shame
2024-05-30 02:50:10

Cartoon from David Horsey about
#Alito #ClarenceThomas #scotus

A political cartoon by David Horsey. It depicts Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas. Both are wearing black shirts and tan tacti-cool vests. 

Alito's shirt says "JANUARY 6 PATRIOT" with an upside-down American flag, and his vest has a patch that says "REFUSE TO RECUSE." He's saying "My WIFE raised the upside down flag, not me!" 

Thomas is wearing a "STOP the STEAL" shirt. He, too, has the "REFUSE TO RECUSE" patch affixed to his vest. He's saying "And this t-shirt is just a…

Conservative Justice Samuel #Alito, a former U.S. attorney with a long history of voting in favor of prosecutors,
has shown signs of empathy for defendants in recent cases involving gun owners, Jan 6. rioters and former President Donald Trump.
Alito, appointed in 2006 by Republican President George W. Bush, has a reputation for being the justice on the court most hostile to criminal defendants. E…

Conservative Justice Samuel #Alito, a former U.S. attorney with a long history of voting in favor of prosecutors,
has shown signs of empathy for defendants in recent cases involving gun owners, Jan 6. rioters and former President Donald Trump.
Alito, appointed in 2006 by Republican President George W. Bush, has a reputation for being the justice on the court most hostile to criminal defendants. E…

Surreptitious recordings of Justice Samuel #Alito
—and flag-enthusiast wife Martha-Ann Alito
—discussing his 💥zero-sum politics💥 undermines all his justifications,
and confirms the warnings Democrats and judicial watchdogs have been issuing throughout this court’s credibility crisis.
“The recordings are a testament to the arrogance of Justice Alito and his wife,” Congressman Hank Johnso…

Justice Samuel #Alito spoke candidly about the ideological battle between the left and the right
— discussing 👉the difficulty of living “peacefully” with ideological opponents👈 in the face of “fundamental” differences that “can’t be compromised.”
He endorsed what his interlocutor described as a 💥necessary fight💥 to
🔥“return our country to a place of godliness.” 🔥
And Alito offered a bl…
2024-06-04 14:37:22

MAGA Supreme Court Justices: America’s Untouchable Royalty

Justice #Alito himself declared the importance of judicial objectivity in his opinion for the majority in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision overruling Roe v. Wade
— a bit of self-praise that now rings especially hollow.
The Constitution and Congress’s #recusal statute provide the objecti…

Here’s where #gerrymandering law gets stupid
and leaves the door open for bad-faith actors like #Alito and #Thomas.
🔸Gerrymandering based on race is largely unconstitutional.
🔸But gerrymandering based on the part…