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2024-05-28 01:27:35

#AmericanAirlines #twitter support (which is fantastic) is literally the only reason I am still on the #birdsite. I haven't posted in over a year, never check it, but have DMed AA regularly.
2024-05-23 01:19:35
Content warning: child assault

So an #AmericanAirlines flight attendant recorded a video of a 9-year-old girl going to the bathroom on a flight. The parents rightfully filed a civil suit against the airline.
But get this—the airline’s lawyers filed a statement that said the harm to the child was caused by her “own fault and negligence”, because “she knew or should have known [the toilet] contained a visible and ill…
2024-05-23 17:31:01

They’d first require the capacity and sagacity to have shame.
“To blame a 9 year old for being filmed while using the airplane bathroom is both shocking and outrageous. In my opinion this is a depraved legal strategy that sinks to a new low. American Airlines should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.”
2024-05-23 01:19:35
Content warning: child assault

So an #AmericanAirlines flight attendant recorded a video of a 9-year-old girl going to the bathroom on a flight. The parents rightfully filed a civil suit against the airline.
But get this—the airline’s lawyers filed a statement that said the harm to the child was caused by her “own fault and negligence”, because “she knew or should have known [the toilet] contained a visible and ill…