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2025-01-11 11:16:21

What's the path of least resistance to archive threads that are somehow still online?
I've seen that and can get blocked by reddit's bot detection, and even if not, they don't archive all the permalinks to nested comments etc.
#datahoarder #dataarchival #webarchiving
2024-12-02 08:47:03

TIL that Amsterdam in 1974 already had a solution to the accumulating numbers of privately owned polluting cars: a system for shared small electrical vehicles, the 'witkar'. Watch the short video from BBC archive:
2024-11-21 21:19:10

Allekirjoita vetoomus koirien puolesta! #eläinoikeudet #koirat #Yulin
2025-01-07 04:10:52

Gunfire Reborn looks fun. Does it have drop-in multiplayer like Left 4 Dead, perhaps bot / pause support?
2024-11-25 08:21:07

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is per 21 nov officieel gestopt met het plaatsen van berichten op X. Volgens mij werd er al lang niet meer actief op X gecommuniceerd maar toch een mooi bericht.
"Medewerkers die een verwijzing in hun emailhandtekening maken naar het ‘X’-account van VU Amsterdam worden verzocht de verwijzing aan te passen of te verwijderen."
2024-12-04 18:40:09

From Death Stranding to Riding with Norman Reedus
2025-01-01 13:38:46

The harsh winds blow strong, and the human spirit remains indomitable
2025-01-01 13:38:16

A box that had never been cleaned will not contain ultimate beauty
2024-12-31 16:37:22
Content warning: Telegram; Russian politics

#telegram owner #paveldurov...
He just left his "best" comment for the last. /s
I have to update my list of most stupid shit said in the year now.