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2024-04-23 15:50:17

I am now using a fantastic app called #ScreenZen. Check it out at - that is why you'll see shorter bursts of my activity at certain hours in the day.
#App #Android
2024-04-18 16:31:10

It’ll be interesting to see how #Android 16 shapes up with these changes 🤔
2024-06-11 18:11:30

Hey #android devs, is there a way for an Android app to present a camera view for taking photos *without* the CAMERA permission? You can do this on #iOS using UIImagePickerController, for example, but even with the ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE intent on Android and delegating picture-taking to a system Camera app, the …
2024-05-19 07:05:23

😩 Why in the heck is /sdcard on (this) :android: #Android a symlink to the *internal* storage, not the SD card? 😠
2024-04-17 17:09:31

Happy #AndroidX release day to those who celebrate :androidDance:
2024-05-20 09:55:13

Messenger Threema gratis für Android:
Gute Gelegenheit zum Ausprobieren - für Dich und für andere. Und: Threema läuft auch auf Tablets. Gern teilen.
#Threema #Android #gratis
2024-04-18 06:19:36

The "Portal Pasażera" #Android app is truly a feat of engineering.
It's the official app of PKP PLK, the company overseeing polish railway network. It's the only app having access to the official timetable data with last minute updates and delay information. As a true monopoly, they protect this data to the point of harassing "competition" — and by competition, we mean people making free applications without ads.
But back to the topic. This is the app that you open you need to quickly look the departure time up, or check the train delay. However:
1. The previous instance manages to be killed by Android, for some reason.
2. It takes 20 seconds to start!
3. It decides that it's a perfect time to update station data.
4. It requires you to input all the data again.
5. In the meantime, you lose reception and can't fetch the data anymore.
2024-04-05 17:54:31

The first two photos are the 7 new(plus one freebie) Android minis that I have added to my collection this week thanks to the huge sale that @… put on.
The last photo is a photo of my entire collection that I've been collecting for years now.

A photo of 4 Android mini figurines that I purchased.
A photo of 4 Android mini figurines that I purchased along with a free Android shaped mouse pad and a thank you note!
A photo of my entire Android mini figurines collection that I've been collecting over the years.
2024-06-11 18:11:30

Hey #android devs, is there a way for an Android app to present a camera view for taking photos *without* the CAMERA permission? You can do this on #iOS using UIImagePickerController, for example, but even with the ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE intent on Android and delegating picture-taking to a system Camera app, the …
2024-06-17 20:51:16

#Android peeps: is there a way to have all fedi links open in your respective fedi app?
I feel like I might have asked it before but can't find it.
(so if you click on a link to a fedi instance, it will open it in Tusky,Fedilab or whatever fedi app you tend to use. instead of the browser)
2024-04-09 19:41:00

The vOICe for Android does not require brain surgery and is 100% LLM-free #Android
2024-06-17 00:05:42

Dear #Google / #Android;
I got a new phone and am installing apps to get this new device setup with all the network management utilities I need on a day to day basis.
Stop giving me "Sponsored" suggestions.
I'm NEVER going to install a sponsored…
2024-04-16 15:00:53

🎯 Android’s AirTag competitor gears up for launch, thanks to iOS release
2024-05-18 20:36:36

just tried installing #flutter on archlinux, and it works! that wasnt easy ofc, but not very hard, comparing to other challenges ive met on my path. so, having #android phone i dont even need an emulator, great! just connect with usb and some magic happens.
my previous post had not receiv…
2024-04-11 21:08:42

Android 15 Beta 1 has now been installed on my old Pixel 7 Pro as well as my Pixel 8 Pro.
Hopefully everything runs well, especially on the Pixel 8 Pro device since that's a daily driver device.
#Android #Android15

Android 15 logo
2024-04-17 16:30:05

🔴 We're LIVE! Join our live coding session now as we continue building our Android app. Watch, learn, and interact with us in real time! Don't miss it: #LiveCoding #AndroidDev
2024-04-02 22:52:14

Parche de seguridad de abril ya disponible para dispositivos pixel
#teampixel #android14
2024-06-11 19:19:50

⚠️ Works have officially started on my #Android #MusicPlayer app YAMP (Yet Another Music Player)! ⚠️
I started the project a couple years ago, and finally I know enough about Android devel to start working.
The main reasons I wanted to make yet another music player app for Andr…
2024-04-12 05:15:53

Yesterday I decided to use my dev #iPhone as my daily driver for a month, to see if my hatred of #iOS is just because of not being used to it, or if I really just prefer #Android.
Turns out I still had an a…
2024-05-02 11:44:31

See? This is why we Android users are superior to iOS users - we can play poop sounds during phone calls! 🙂
#Android #Apple #iPhone
2024-05-10 12:26:33

Gibt es eigentlich noch ein aktuelles #Android-#Smartphone in hosentaschentauglichem Format, d.h. so 5.0 bis max. 5.5"? Ich bräuchte mal was neues, will mir aber kein Herrenhandtäschchen zulegen müssen ...
2024-05-09 22:53:42

Went to set my alarm on #SonosApp and the app had been "updated". I couldn't find the alarm. "They must have moved it" I naively thought to myself. Turns out it is gone from the #Android app. Turns out they've completely destroyed the app. I reinstalled an apk but …
2024-06-07 07:48:44

O kolejna aktualizacja do GrapheneOSa, częściej niż w LineageOSie, przynajmniej dla mojego Pixela 4a.
#grapheneos #android
2024-06-04 07:18:53

Sincere warning to all #Android users: Do NOT format your SD card as internal storage! Always choose “use as portable storage” when being asked by the system!
My #Fairphone 3 offers only 64 GB for app installations, and I was running out of space, so I had no choice but to extend the inter…
2024-05-30 13:01:08

#Android hints wanted:
I'm looking for a self-hosted file sync solution which offers an **Android Storage Access Framework (SAF) DocumentProvider** implementation allowing to transparently access my huge stack of private files _not directly synced to my mobile phone_ (due to sheer size & volume).
I thought
2024-04-12 16:14:28

So there was this #Android app that I've used to keep track of carbs in my meals, for #diabetes management. I like it very much — it was lightweight, clean and it worked. It had all I needed; I've basically copied meals, adjusted significant ingredient weights and got total carbs. It had some minimal diabetes-related features, but I've never used them.
It used to be your average AdWare, i.e. free, but showing unobtrusive ads (though probably tracking). Then, it started turning into NagWare, starting to obtrusively invite you to go "premium", to remove ads and get future features. It started being buggy, even though no new features were added yet. Then I've finally visited their ravamped website. Of course, they are aiming for the "#AI" boom: "Community and AI driven platform for diabetes control". They've literally went for Anguillan TLD (".ai").
Now I really need a new app. I don't want to have any part in this.
2024-04-09 22:53:27

Hey Google. You know what's a very cool idea.
Let's DRM THE ONLY USABLE RCS client. (Only can use RCS with google services and play cerfited ROM, and play integrity.)
Oh wait... They best me to it.
#android #rcs
2024-04-10 18:40:57

Today I updated the work's phone to One UI 6.0 and is f*cking awesome I love it a lot. 😍
#samsung #oneui #android
2024-05-30 17:29:48

Kann man #Python eigentlich auf einem alten #Android Handy laufen lassen?
Bestimmt, oder? 🤔
Und Cron-Jobs?
Bestimmt, oder? 🤔

Ein Comic-Fragezeichen mit neugierigen Augen.
2024-04-17 12:17:05

🔧 Gear up for our upcoming live coding session! We're picking up where we left off on our Android app. Witness the build and contribute your ideas! 📲 #AndroidApp #DeveloperStream
2024-03-26 18:27:43

My job: hey iOS/Android engineer, that's great. Are you in touch with Android/iOS engineer about this?
#AndroidDev #iosDev
2024-03-25 20:37:04

Droidcon San Francisco CFP closed in a week!! Get your talk in!

Dancing pumpkin guy meme with the caption “it’s almost that time”
2024-06-18 18:14:03

Looking for an #Accessible #RSSReader that works on #Android. Bonus points if it’s cross-platform and works on #Windows, but not a requirement.…
2024-03-28 17:38:32

Thank you to @… for the kick ass sale over the last several days.
I'll be adding these 7 Android mini figurines to my collection.
#Android #Minis

A screenshot of three Android mini figurines that I purchased from DeadZebra.
A screenshot of four Android mini figurines that I purchased from DeadZebra.
2024-03-28 23:31:17

Since I switch to Android, I've gotten RetroArch, FFMPEG, and now vim/a whole terminal emulator working.
#android #vi #vim

Vim opened in a terminal emulator on Android. The text file reads "vim on android! how do I exit!?".
2024-05-28 14:41:32

ReadYou might be the best blend of functionality and pleasant UI in an #OpenSource #RSS reader that I've experienced on #Android. The fact that it's built with
2024-05-09 19:33:04

For a long time, I was convinced that I've set my #Android phone to dark theme. And I kept wondering why app after app doesn't respect that, and I kept setting apps to dark theme explicitly.
Recently, it occurred to me that perhaps the light theme would work better in sunlight (and it does!). After digging up the deeply hidden color theme option, I've discovered… that it was set to automatic, which apparently… is based on wallpaper. Whatever that means. So I've set light mode explicitly, and went to reset all apps to use system theme again, or "automatic".
Well, apparently not all apps actually support using system theme, or do it correctly. For example, for Element, "system theme" actually means automatically switching between light and dark theme based on the clock. Sigh.
2024-04-13 17:03:33

did anyone experienced some sounds not playing in some apps on #android with #microg? fe, duolingo and some games. how did you fix the issue?
2024-04-03 09:12:49

Dostałem updejt GrapheneOSa, po drodze zmienili font, oczywiście nie da się wrócić do poprzedniego fontu kehh..
#grapheneos #android
2024-04-15 15:16:17

🚀 Ready to dive back into live coding? Join us in our next episode as we continue developing our Android app. Real-time coding, real-time learning! Don’t miss out! Tune in: [Your Stream Link] #AndroidDev #LiveCoding"
2024-05-28 14:41:32

ReadYou might be the best blend of functionality and pleasant UI in an #OpenSource #RSS reader that I've experienced on #Android. The fact that it's built with
2024-05-25 20:19:39

You have a tablet running #Android Eleven. The speaker is broken and there is no headphone jack. #FDroid is installed and ready to rock. You have a three hour train ride without an internet connection and you have nothing else to pass the time.
Quick. What apps do you install before hitt…
2024-03-26 18:27:43

My job: hey iOS/Android engineer, that's great. Are you in touch with Android/iOS engineer about this?
#AndroidDev #iosDev
2024-06-15 21:12:09

So is #ChromeOS now just a flavour of #Android like #AndroidTV, #AAOS, etc. that
2024-06-06 17:49:34

Amazing live compose performance session at #dcsf24
@… & Akshay Chordiya

Two people on a stage in front of a large screen showing Android studio with some compose code
2024-05-12 15:19:25

Ugh. I am SO jelly of android today after spending a bit of time with #Megalodon, it's very robust and has some pretty neat features.
Not to mention, it works with Sharkey.😩Where's the iOS native app love for Misskey forks? We have like...2. And they can't touch Megalodon with a mile-long pole...
#Fediverse #iOS #Android #Fedi #Misskey #Sharkey
2024-04-30 20:38:57

Nutzt Du ein Mobiltelefon oder Tablet mit #Android? Dann kannst Du den Messenger #Threema (@…​) von mir geschenkt bekommen - dauerhaft gratis! Schreib …
2024-04-12 17:19:33
Content warning: Euclidea Spoiler for 2.8

Can anyone explain why this works?
#android #euclid #tangent #geometry
2024-04-26 21:44:00

I came back to POS #ViberMessenger #Viber today, got autobanned.
I immediately deleted my two channels and logged off. Forever.
Fuck Viber.
2024-05-02 20:06:28

Migrated Claw to use the newly released AndroidX Navigation Safe Args APIs and I'm quite pleased with the result, aside from a small hang up with me not knowing of the `hasRoute` method it was pretty smooth sailing.
2024-06-13 18:03:18

Google is bringing their #Android #bluetooth stack to #chromeos &#Linux, replacing BlueZ in ChromeOS. Looks promising based on the blog post below.
2024-04-11 13:12:02

Here's a question for the Fediverse :
We communicate with my elderly father-in-law using his Samsung tablet and video chat. He is clumsy and confused at times, and somehow, he manages to turn off WiFi or set airplane mode, or both, so we can't contact him. He swears he doesn't do it. Is there some way to lock WiFi on, so he can't accidentally turn it off? We could give those instructions to a carer, with limited technology understanding.
#samsung #help #android #androidHelp
2024-03-28 13:25:22

For folks doing #dotnet #dotnetMAUI development, #JetBrainsRider has added a way to the #Android

Settings gear icon showing Android SDK Manager option in JetBrains Rider
2024-06-12 16:31:04

🔴 We're LIVE! Join us and Adam McNeilly as we explore the heart of the Android community. Don’t miss out, tune in now: #LiveNow
2024-05-31 13:08:49

#Android teaches that you should read comments before upgrading applications.
Looks like took over yet another unofficial weather app, and replaced it with thin wrapper that forces you to install the "official" app instead. I suppose I don't have to say that the official app is total crap.
The old version still works. How long is it going to keep working? I suppose it's time to find another weather provider.
NB: in Aurora Store, you can add it to the "blacklist" to hide the upgrade.
Quick correction: apparently they've changed the app to be less crap. Still, that practice of killing "competition" is awful.
2024-05-02 20:06:28

Migrated Claw to use the newly released AndroidX Navigation Safe Args APIs and I'm quite pleased with the result, aside from a small hang up with me not knowing of the `hasRoute` method it was pretty smooth sailing.
2024-04-01 18:41:41

i've built my first #android rom and it works. #crdroid 10.3 beta (android 14) for my samsung galaxy note 10 (d1)
2024-06-12 08:10:01

🔥 What makes the Android community tick? Find out in our next live session with Adam McNeilly. We're talking spirit, mindset, and more! Watch live: #AndroidMindset
2024-05-12 15:33:45

I couldn't believe it, but this 4G repeater actually worked.
We have no cell service on the first floor of our house. I placed the receiver in a second floor window and the booster on the first floor and we can now make phone calls. The cell service was so bad Wi-Fi calling wouldn't work unless you put your phone in airplane mode.
T-Mobile Personal CellSpot 4G LTE Signal Booster #4G #CellTower #Android #iPhone
2024-06-09 00:21:39

playing pokemon game on my laptop with #mGBA - #opensource game boy (advanced, color) emulator. it just works, have nothing to say. btw do you know about any app that can turn my #android phone…
2024-06-14 07:17:23

Some Fedi apps should merge or at least start adding features from other apps.
I'm currently using 3 apps because each one has necessary QOL features that would severely hinder my Fedi experience if they didn't exist. However, it'd be quite appreciated if they were all in one app instead of having to juggle them...😬🤦‍♂️
#Mastodon #Fediverse #Fedi #iOS #Android
2024-06-11 09:00:09

🌟 Dive into the spirit of the Android community with Adam McNeilly in our next episode! Discover projects, mindset, and more. 🚀 Join us: #AndroidDev
2024-04-04 03:21:44

Another day of being let down by Android Studio's Download Sources button

A meme about society progressing into a techno-utopia only if the "Download Sources" button in Android Studio functioned correctly.
2024-03-27 15:37:47

Yyy, dlaczego #Mozilla #Firefox ("prywatna przeglądarka") na system #Android, wymaga #Google Services Framework? I …
2024-06-04 21:10:03

#termux: use linux part of your #android at full, even #ffmpeg
2024-05-09 09:00:03

Ever dream of switching careers? Chet Haase left a top Android engineering role to pursue new paths. Get his insights on our stream! #careerchange #androiddev #followyourdreams <…
2024-05-08 09:00:05

Get inspired! Join us for a chat with ex-Google Android engineer, Chet Haase (@…). We're diving into career journeys, comedy, and finding fulfillment. #androiddev #career
2024-03-27 15:37:47

Yyy, dlaczego #Mozilla #Firefox ("prywatna przeglądarka") na system #Android, wymaga #Google Services Framework? I …
2024-03-30 05:50:04

#opensource #libretube app for #android is really great, but the missing feature to me is subscriptions importing from my actual
2024-03-27 15:37:48

Err, why does #Mozilla #Firefox (a "private browser") for #Android require #Google Services Framework? And why does it include Google trackers?
2024-05-04 15:23:49

Voice is #opensource #foss #android #audiobooks player app. you can add folders with your…
2024-04-24 23:20:08

thumb-key is a great #foss #opensource #android #keyboard. i love it and today it has recei…

screenshot of a thumbkey keyboard