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2024-06-16 14:00:05

On the 101st anniversary of the end of the October Revolution #OTD, here's The History of the Soviet Union but it's Steamed Hams

A video of characters from The Simpson's named Seymour Skinner and Superintendent Gary Chalmers sitting at a fancily decorated table in Seymour's house partially redubbed with AI voices in order to say different things. Seymour is holding a plate of hamburgers as the original plot revolved around him not preparing the meal he originally promised named “Steamed Hams”.

In the background there's a door through which Seymour walks and afterwards gets confronted about. On the other side you can see…
2024-06-17 06:10:03

In diesem Sinne: Happy Monday! 🥴

Im Bild steht "Die verrücktesten IT-Support-Anfragen" darunter steht
“Jeden Montagmorgen die gleichen, die ein neues Passwort brauchen, das WE ist manchen einfach zu lang!”
2024-06-17 21:38:36

I mentioned this on a Unix mail list, and Doug McIlroy replied.

Doug McIlroy wrote: 'I'm flattered, but must point out that diff was just one of
a sequence of more capable and robust versions of 
proof(1), which Mike Lesk contributed to Unix v3. It, in 
turn, copied a program written by Steve Johnson before 
Unix and general consciousness of software tools. Credit
must also go to several people who studied and created
algorithms for the "longest common subsequence"
problem: Harold Stone (who invented the diff algorithm
at a blackboard during a one-d…
2024-06-18 18:47:10

We’re starting to see these HAWK crossings pop up in various locations—there are a handful in the #sfba. These beacons are badly designed, and work poorly for *both* pedestrians/cyclists and motorists. The flashing amber/alternating red/red/dark signal patterns are unfamiliar and require written instructions. The whole thing is a mess, and should be scrapped.
These signals should be replaced by a…
2024-06-18 19:40:33

Much as I love DxO software and I wish them another 120 years of existence (it's their 20th anniversary)...
Sending me a promotional campaign even though I own everything they sell in their shop was a bit too much.
And sending me 3 emails in French 3 more emails in German left a bit of questionable taste in my mouth.
2024-06-17 03:34:13

If I could legally kill one person, it would be whoever invented those fucking Minions
2024-06-18 07:35:26

Ihr wollt mal einen Analogrechner programmieren, wisst aber nicht woher nehmen, wenn nicht stehlen? Well … könnta kaufen. Bei der Firma Anabrid. In Deutschland. Was das Kasterl ist und wie es dazu kam, könnt ihr z. B. auch hier nachlesen:
2024-06-17 08:18:04

Ich weiss, ihr mögt ja alle kalte #Pizza vom Vorabend zum Frühstück. Ist ja auch was vom Leckersten, das es gibt! 😋
Aber wenn wir Zeit haben, machen wir das inzwischen so:
Pizza ohne Gleitmittel (Öl o.ä.) in eine Bratpfanne legen und bei halber Hitze einige Minuten knusprig braten. Dabei immer wieder etwas rumschupfen, damit sie nicht anbrennt.
Resultat: Unten perfekt knusprig, …

Zwei knusprig-antiparallele Pizzastücke in einer beschichteten Bratpfanne
2024-06-17 14:27:56

I'm reading The Song of Achilles, which is either a gay romance novel or else a scholarly retelling of The Iliad or both. The prose style is interesting, lyrical and just a bit foreign. It feels like reading translations of Homer only modern and much easier to follow. I'm not normally one for wrought prose but this works to transport me.
Their whispers choked me, turned the food in my mouth to ash. I pushed away my plate and sought out corners and spare halls where I might sit undisturbed, except for the occasional passing servant. My narrow world narrowed further: to the cracks in the floor, the carved whorls in the stone walls. They rasped softly as I traced them with my fingertip.
“I heard you were here.” A clear voice, like ice-melted streams.
My head jerked up. I was in a storeroom, my knees against my chest, wedged between jars of thick-pressed olive oil. I had been dreaming myself a fish, silvered by sun as it leapt from the sea. The waves dissolved, became amphorae and grain sacks again.
2024-06-17 19:54:09

Elon "the walking herpe" Musk probably shouldn't be allowed near women *or* monkeys

Elon Musk’s Neuralink forced a pregnant employee to work with herpes-infected monkeys that scratched her, lawsuit says
BYSarah McBride and Bloomberg
June 16, 2024 at 10:45 AM CDT