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2024-04-26 07:00:02
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Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹
"From her breasts [Aphrodite] unbound the elaborate, pattern-pierced thong (himas), and on it are figured all beguilement, and loveliness is figured upon it, and passion of sex is there, and the whispered endearment that steals the heart away even from the thoughtful."
Iliad 14.159
🏛 #Aphrodite

Statuette of Aphrodite leaning on a column. There are traces of red paint in her elaborately braided hair. She is naked, only a string of pearls or beads gathering in her cleavage and decorating her breasts.
2024-04-26 09:35:01
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Not to commit hybris or anything but I really like this line I have written for #Aphrodite:
"I don't need a knife to pierce your heart, sweetling." Aphrodite smiled. "I take War to bed and I gave birth to Fear and Terror. You cannot frighten me, barbarian."
2024-04-26 11:10:28

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Aphrodite's Child:
🎵 Rain and tears
#NowPlaying #AphroditesChild
2024-04-25 07:24:01
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It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / #Thursday! ⚡
"Wild his [Zeus'] desire had been for Kypris [#Aphrodite], when craving but not attaining he scattered his seed on the ground, and shot out the hot foam of love self-sown."
Nonnus, Dionysiaca 5.611
🏛️ Apule…

Red-figure vase painting of Zeus, seated and holding his sceptre, and Aphrodite, standing and leaning against a column. Her dress is transparent enough to see nipples, her navel, and the hint of a pubic triangle. On her arm sits a winged Eros, caressing her chin.
2024-05-24 07:32:01
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Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹
"#Aphrodite, they say, as she [after her birth in the sea] dropped anchor near Rhodes, was prevented from stopping there by the sons of Poseidon, who were arrogant and insolent men. The goddess, in her wrath, brought a madness upon them."
Diodorus Siculus, Library of History 5.55.4

Photo of a terracotta figurine depicting the birth of Aphrodite. The goddess emerges from an open scallop shell, depicted nude, seated with her legs tucked beneath, her long wavy hair falling onto her shoulders, looking at her reflection in a mirror held in her right hand, on a high cylindrical plinth. Some polychromy and white slip are preserved throughout. The nude goddess is raising her right hand holding her mantle, a dolphin below to her right, her lowered left hand on a column, preserving…
2024-05-24 14:27:39
2024-05-17 08:57:45
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Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹
"Her gods and men call Aphrodite, and Aphrogeneia (the foam-born) because she grew amid the foam, and well-crowned Kythereia because she reached Kythera, and Kyprogenes because she was born in billowy Kypros, and Philommedes (Genital-Loving) because sprang from the members."
Hesiod, Theogony 176
🏛 #Aphrodite

Terracotta figurine of Aphrodite sitting in an open seashell. She has her hair in an updo bun and wears a dress around her legs that she has opened all the way to her knees, revealing her vulva.
2024-06-07 07:00:01
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Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹
"Two women from Samos, Bitto and Nanion, do not like to meet #Aphrodite by her own rules. They desert to the other side, which is not good. Queen Aphrodite, hate these fugitives from your kind of sex."
Greek Anthology 5.207
🏛 Mirror case, women bathing before a statue of Aphrodite o…

In the center is a large basin on a tapering pedestal. To the left, a nude woman with her hair wrapped in a cloth bends to pick up a water jar (kalpis) at the left. There are low bases or platforms below the kalpis and the basin. At the right, a nude woman with her hair pulled back tightly into a bun on the crown of her head leans on the basin with her left hand and pours oil into the basin from a bottle in her right. Behind her feet is an askos. Behind the basin is a pillar with mouldings abov…
2024-06-07 07:00:01
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Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹
"Two women from Samos, Bitto and Nanion, do not like to meet #Aphrodite by her own rules. They desert to the other side, which is not good. Queen Aphrodite, hate these fugitives from your kind of sex."
Greek Anthology 5.207
🏛 Mirror case, women bathing before a statue of Aphrodite o…

In the center is a large basin on a tapering pedestal. To the left, a nude woman with her hair wrapped in a cloth bends to pick up a water jar (kalpis) at the left. There are low bases or platforms below the kalpis and the basin. At the right, a nude woman with her hair pulled back tightly into a bun on the crown of her head leans on the basin with her left hand and pours oil into the basin from a bottle in her right. Behind her feet is an askos. Behind the basin is a pillar with mouldings abov…
2024-05-10 06:46:02
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Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹
"To Sea-set Kypros the moist breath of Zephryos (the West Wind) wafted her [#Aphrodite] over the waves of the loud-moaning sea in soft foam, and there the gold-filleted #Horai (Seasons) welcomed her joyo…

Marble relief of the birth of Aphrodite. Two Horai (divinities of nature and the seasons) assist the goddess, pulling her up and clothing her. The piece, made from marble from Thasos, was in fact part of an altar.
2024-05-10 06:46:02
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Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹
"To Sea-set Kypros the moist breath of Zephryos (the West Wind) wafted her [#Aphrodite] over the waves of the loud-moaning sea in soft foam, and there the gold-filleted #Horai (Seasons) welcomed her joyo…

Marble relief of the birth of Aphrodite. Two Horai (divinities of nature and the seasons) assist the goddess, pulling her up and clothing her. The piece, made from marble from Thasos, was in fact part of an altar.
2024-05-17 16:49:54
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#Aphrodite's first love was the sea god #Nerites. Both inexperienced virgins, they figure out the joys of sex together....
2900 words of underwater cuteness 🧜‍♂️
2024-05-17 16:49:54
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#Aphrodite's first love was the sea god #Nerites. Both inexperienced virgins, they figure out the joys of sex together....
2900 words of underwater cuteness 🧜‍♂️
2024-05-03 07:26:03
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Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹
"Gods and men call her Aphrodite, and Aphrogeneia (foam-born) because she grew amid the foam, and well-crowned Kythereia because she reached Kythera, and Kyprogenes because she was born in billowy Kypros, and Philommedes (Genital-Loving) because sprang from the member."
🏛 Terracotta figurine of #Aphrodite

Terracotta figurine of Aphrodite sitting naked in an opening sea shell.
2024-05-29 06:11:00
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It's the Day of Hermes aka Mercurius Day aka #Wednesday! 🐏
"Engendered form the sea-foam, we are told she [#Aphrodite] became the mother by Mercurius [#Hermes] of the second Cupidus [l…

Red-figure vase painting of Hermes as he casually watches the birth of Aphrodite from the sea. Aphrodite is born from a cockle shell--symbolising the castrated members of Uranus--at sea. Eros or Himeros flutters by her side. To her left stands Hermes holding a herald's wand (kerykeion) with his arm resting on a plinth. To her right Poseidon is seated with a trident and fish.
2024-05-31 08:42:18
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Have a beautiful Day of Aphrodite aka Venus' Day aka Frigg's Day aka Friday 🌹
"Out of the sea was rising lovely-crowned Kypris [#Aphrodite], foam-blossoms still upon her hair; and round her hovered smiling witchingly #Himeros, and danced the Kharites [Graces] lovely-tressed.&quo…

Terracotta figurine of Aphrodite kneeling in de nude, her left hand holding a libation bowl and her right hand missing. The clams of a sea shell spread behind her like wings.
2024-04-27 15:46:08
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It's the #DayOfDionysos here at Erotic Mythology! 🍇
"They say that when Ariadne wed Liber [Dionysos] on the island of Dia [Naxos], and all the gods gave her wedding gifts, she first received this crown as a gift from Venus [#Aphrodite] and the Horae (Seasons)."

Red-figure vase painting of Dionysos and Ariadne sitting together, having a good time. Dionysos is holding his thyrsos, a staff tipped with a pine cone in his left arm and a kantharos cup in his right. He has long, curly hair flowing over his shoulders. Ariadne is looking at her husband with a smile, tugging at her transparent dress. She is wearing a crown, possibly the gift from Aphrodite.
2024-04-30 09:48:50
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It's the Day of Ares / Mars' Day / #Tuesday! 🗡️
"Kythereia [#Aphrodite] bare to #Ares the shield-piercer #Phobos

Fresco of Mars and Venus. Mars is depicted as a youthful, beardless man, fondling her breast and taking off her clothes. Bejewelled Venus takes off her clothes as well, turning towards him. Two of their winged children are there with them, one holding Mars' spear and helmet, the other holding a box.
2024-04-30 09:48:50
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It's the Day of Ares / Mars' Day / #Tuesday! 🗡️
"Kythereia [#Aphrodite] bare to #Ares the shield-piercer #Phobos

Fresco of Mars and Venus. Mars is depicted as a youthful, beardless man, fondling her breast and taking off her clothes. Bejewelled Venus takes off her clothes as well, turning towards him. Two of their winged children are there with them, one holding Mars' spear and helmet, the other holding a box.
2024-04-28 10:22:01
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It's the #DayOfHelios / Sol's Day / #Sunday! ☀️
"When #Sol [Helios] reported this [#Aphrodite

Relief of a bust of Helios on a white marble altar. The bust is placed above a snake. Helios is depicted with chin-length curly hair and a seven-spiked sunray crown, part of which has broken off on the right side.