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2024-04-25 20:19:35

Oh no, no more tech-bro land-snorkles?
2024-04-26 08:46:16

"#Apple Keychain has personally wiped out all my #Passkeys on three separate occasions. There are external reports we have received of other users who's #Keychain Passkeys have been wiped just like mine.&q…
2024-04-27 05:01:31

Very unnerving tonight… picked up the phone and got forced through a credential reset for my main #Apple ID. Which meant running around the house to get each of my Macs reset with a security key, approving each one on a previously reset device. Fresh app passwords all around. Wheeeeeeee!
2024-05-21 20:07:08

Apple Takes Steps Toward Asking Court to Dismiss US Antitrust Case
#apple #antitrust #competition
2024-06-14 11:45:02

Die #Apple #ID wird in Apple Accounts umgetauft, wie Apple in einem Blogpost verkündet. Die Änderung wird mit der Veröffentlichung von iOS 18, iPadOS18, macOS Sequoia und watchOS 11 vollzogen. Die Zugangsdaten für die Nutzer bleiben unverändert, auch müssen User im Zuge der Umstellung keine spezifischen Ak…
2024-05-17 13:06:18

New sketch! It's the classic Apple ][ , the first computer my family ever had... 40 years ago I got my start with programming and computer graphics on one of these.
#apple #computer #procreate

Sketch of an Apple ][+ done in Procreate on an iPad.
Sketch of an Apple ][+ done in Procreate on an iPad.
Sketch of an Apple ][+ done in Procreate on an iPad.
2024-05-15 16:53:57

These are honestly really cool features.
Vehicle Motion Cues is super interesting. I wonder how well it works. I know a lot of people who get super car sick.
#apple #ios #accessibility
“Apple anno…
2024-06-13 08:07:52

So, this is like asking artists to perform for free to get famous, just on a bigger scale?
#Apple To 'Pay' #OpenAI for #ChatGPT Through Distribution, Not Cash
2024-06-11 20:37:10

For those of an #Apple #MacAdmins inclination - we've got updates…
2024-05-17 15:49:40

Grundsätzlich richtig
Ein realistisches „Aber…“ ist schwierig. Eigentlich dasselbe wie beim E-Auto.
Man ist um Alternativen bemüht, aber ganz ohne #Kobalt geht es aktuell kaum 😕
Aktivisten beschmieren #Apple-Store in

Text Shot: In den sozialen Netzwerken teilte "Sceintist Rebellion" mit, der Grund für die Farbattacke sei der globale Aktionstag "Solidary with Kongo" (auf Deutsch: Solidarität mit dem Kongo). Die rote Farbe am Apple-Store stehe für das Blut der ausgebeuteten Menschen in den Kobaltminen
2024-06-16 18:30:12

After a tough start the Northern Spy apple 🍏 is doing well! And the blushing delight columnar is thriving! #gardening #apple

A young apple tree with lots of light green leaves and branches reaching up. The sky behind is grey with clouds.
A close up of the leaves
The blushing delight is a small but vigourous tree with deeper green leaves. It is in the corner near the blue siding of a house.
2024-06-11 03:58:46

Man, this was super impressive to read, #apple really seem to care first and foremost about privacy and user protection:
2024-06-12 14:27:21

Da ist jemand aber gar nicht glücklich mit #AppleIntelligence . 😬
Kurz nach der Ankündigung, gängige KI-Funktionen in die Betriebssysteme zu integrieren und auf iPhones eng mit Siri zu verzahnen, hat der US-Milliardär #ElonMusk gedroht, die Mobiltelefone aus seinen Unternehmen zu ve…

Auf dem Bild sieht man das Apple Logo und Elon Musk. Die Überschrift lautet: Elon Musk droht, iPhones aus Firmen zu verbannen. Darunter steht: “Apple Intelligence” sorgt für Unmut bei X-, Tesla- und SpaceX-CEO Elon Musk.
2024-05-24 11:17:45

The irony is that the USA is treating #TikTok exactly like the rest of the world should be treating #Facebook, #Google,
2024-05-17 13:06:18

New sketch! It's the classic Apple ][ , the first computer my family ever had... 40 years ago I got my start with programming and computer graphics on one of these.
#apple #computer #procreate

Sketch of an Apple ][+ done in Procreate on an iPad.
Sketch of an Apple ][+ done in Procreate on an iPad.
Sketch of an Apple ][+ done in Procreate on an iPad.
2024-06-13 17:53:42

Started watching Sugar on #AppleTVplus. 12 minutes into episode one, I think I like it. Based on the description I didn’t expect much, but it does seem to have a bit of something extra. (Haven’t read any reviews.) Let’s see.
2024-06-18 00:13:52

2 more days to Apple Back to School promotion!
If my prediction holds.
Hoping for a voucher rather than a free Apple Pencil with an iPad purchase.
#Apple #Singapore
2024-05-08 20:09:18

Apple's new "Crush" ad is weird

Apple iPad "Crush" ad but the hammer thrower from the 1984 commercial is crushed
2024-06-17 13:13:18

Apple scheint den Angriff auf den Spielemarkt ernst zu meinen: macOS Sequoia überrascht mit Update für Apples vorinstalliertes Schachspiel #apple #macOS #KI
2024-05-21 21:35:51

What are some decent speakers to pair with an iPhone or iPad on a modest budget?
Mostly for podcast and radio; some music. Don't want loud bass.

#speakers #apple #sound
2024-06-13 06:51:00

Der große Gewinner der Apple-Präsentation nicht Tim Cook, sondern Sam Altman. Als prominenter Teil des Apple-Ökosystems ist #OpenAI bald auf ein paar Hundert Millionen Apple-Geräten vertreten. Und #Apple? Spielt seine Vorteile eines geschlossenen Ökosystems aus und integriert
2024-05-20 11:15:53

#Apple is getting fact checked on their Hydraulic Press iPad Ad 😂
2024-06-11 15:06:14

While I certainly like Apple's new password app as it looks nice and appears to function decently well, I personally will be sticking with ProtonPass by @… especially since I'm a Proton Partner!

Banner image for the new Apple password app.
2024-05-09 00:33:07

Yeah, the ad was really tone deaf. 😒
2024-05-13 06:44:30

OpenAI closed the deal with Apple, the next Siri will probably be powered by OpenAI. Not a coincidence i think the deal was closed before the pressconference from OpenAI today about it's product updates.
Also Google I/O is tomorrow, it's a busy week for AI.
#Apple #OpenAI
2024-05-17 15:49:40

Grundsätzlich richtig
Ein realistisches „Aber…“ ist schwierig. Eigentlich dasselbe wie beim E-Auto.
Man ist um Alternativen bemüht, aber ganz ohne #Kobalt geht es aktuell kaum 😕
Aktivisten beschmieren #Apple-Store in

Text Shot: In den sozialen Netzwerken teilte "Sceintist Rebellion" mit, der Grund für die Farbattacke sei der globale Aktionstag "Solidary with Kongo" (auf Deutsch: Solidarität mit dem Kongo). Die rote Farbe am Apple-Store stehe für das Blut der ausgebeuteten Menschen in den Kobaltminen
2024-05-08 23:39:10

filmmaker Reza Sixo Safai punked Apple and its destructive ad for the new iPad. Worst ad by Apple in a long time.
Has #apple lost its way? Is Apple killing the Artist when it promotes it's little piece of silicon , eh?
I celebrate the human spirit
2024-06-10 19:35:02

The chutzpah that is Apple:
Artificial Intelligence. No, Apple Intelligence.
#Apple #WWDC
2024-06-12 14:27:21

Da ist jemand aber gar nicht glücklich mit #AppleIntelligence . 😬
Kurz nach der Ankündigung, gängige KI-Funktionen in die Betriebssysteme zu integrieren und auf iPhones eng mit Siri zu verzahnen, hat der US-Milliardär #ElonMusk gedroht, die Mobiltelefone aus seinen Unternehmen zu ve…

Auf dem Bild sieht man das Apple Logo und Elon Musk. Die Überschrift lautet: Elon Musk droht, iPhones aus Firmen zu verbannen. Darunter steht: “Apple Intelligence” sorgt für Unmut bei X-, Tesla- und SpaceX-CEO Elon Musk.
2024-06-18 04:37:38

Now in #Python discussion forums: #Apple apparently has some broken auto-review that rejects everything including Python, because of — apparently — `itms-services://` occurring inside Python's standard library (in tests).
2024-05-13 14:21:27

Never try to install Xcode when you don't have local admin rights on your machine. It's a trap and I'm being dead serious. Trust me.
(dear Apple, why am I able to install software from the App Store as non-admin just fine, but to accept the license I need sudo privilege? Do you ever use your own products?)
2024-06-18 04:37:37

Dziś na forach dyskusyjnych Pythona: wygląda na to, że #Apple ma jakiś zdurniały proces automatycznego przeglądu aplikacji, który odrzuca wszystko zbudowane w oparciu o Pythona, bo — najwyraźniej — w bibliotece standardowej (w testach) występuje ciąg znaków `itms-services://`.
2024-06-13 07:51:00

„I've always wanted to own and control the primary technology in everything we do“- Steve Jobs
Wenn #KI zur Kerntechnologie wird, dann muss #Apple diese selbst kontrollieren. Also bauen sie sie als Service-Layer. Also bauen sie eigene Modelle, welche die Chips in ihren Geräten optimal nutzen könne…
2024-06-11 03:01:54

I guess #Apple doesn't use Swift for all their backend stuff :-) #WWDC24

A screenshot of a web server error on the Apple Forums that is obviously not Swift nor Vapor.
2024-06-10 18:40:05

#Apple’s continued focus on highly-intentional #privacy, consent, highlighting of “On Device”, and “not shared with Apple or anyone else” feels pretty good after going all-in on this, career-wise, for the past 2 years.
2024-06-14 22:40:26

It’s cool that the #Apple AI thing will use 100% renewable energy from day zero, tho it’s weird they chose to not mention this at all at #wwdc.
2024-05-21 08:15:27

So #Apple is really smart with their Magic Keyboard. They made use of Surface Tension to keep the #iPad upright.
Not just a balancing act after all.
2024-06-16 17:46:00

In den kommenden Wochen könnte die Europäische Kommission erste Strafen gegen #Apple auf Basis des Digital Markets Act #DMA aussprechen. Dies berichtet die Financial Times. Es wäre das erste Mal, dass die Kommission zu solchen Mitteln auf Basis des DMA greift. Derzeit werden neben Apple unter anderem auch…
2024-06-10 18:47:28

Sounds like the #Apple "personal intelligence" built into the OS will dramatically change the character of computers.
One of the big things of UNIX back in the day was that you could chain programs together, with things like pipes. And uniformity with a single "file system" that contains a lot more things than files.
This does something similar. You interact with "…
2024-06-11 15:06:14

While I certainly like Apple's new password app as it looks nice and appears to function decently well, I personally will be sticking with ProtonPass by @… especially since I'm a Proton Partner!

Banner image for the new Apple password app.
2024-06-10 18:40:05

The 10yo me who was reading scifi books and dreaming of powerful futures filled with talking devices and machines (and loving all things Star Trek and Star Wars)... is loving SO MANY aspects of the #Apple #WWDC keynote around #AI
2024-06-14 04:23:21

Why the hell does the iPhone keyboard take up half the screen horizontally and disregards phone size? It's quite infuriating. I have a 6 inch phone, I don't need a 3 inch keyboard. I want to see the screen and type at the same time like I can do vertically.
#iPhone #Apple #iOS
2024-06-15 15:05:28
Content warning: LLM fail, explicit language

Apple's already got problems. What the hell happened here? Capitalized also. This was just regular ass Siri dictation.
There is no way you can just dictate something and send without proofreading…
#ios #siri #apple
2024-06-05 04:29:24

#Apple #Werbevideo, aber mit #SUV s statt Musikinstrumenten, die zerquetscht werden.
2024-06-05 04:29:24

#Apple #Werbevideo, aber mit #SUV s statt Musikinstrumenten, die zerquetscht werden.
2024-05-15 20:54:21

I bet that #Apple gets back a lot of the NEW expiration date #AppleCard instead of the expired card.
They appear identical. Only marking is your name.
2024-06-17 06:59:26

Meinen Content abgreifen und damit Geld verdienen? Nicht mir mir #Apple, #OpenAI & Co!
Wie man die KI-Crawler einfach aussperrt, habe ich hier aufgeschrieben:
2024-06-17 09:46:04

#PhilLaude fasst wieder mal die #Apple Keynote für uns alle zusammen:
2024-06-12 17:20:19

The more I think about the #Apple deal with #OpenAI, the more I think that OpenAI is the weaker party in the deal.
Apple has developed their own (US-English, so far) large language models, but they’re tuned to smaller domains, e.g. copyediting and summarization. Even the model invoked by the Siri orchest…
2024-06-10 19:35:02

The chutzpah that is Apple:
Artificial Intelligence. No, Apple Intelligence.
#Apple #WWDC
2024-05-22 14:00:06

#Apple bringt Künstliche Intelligenz (mithilfe von Open AI) auf das #iPhone, Microsoft (ebenfalls mithilfe von Open AI) auf den #PC – und erfindet dafür eine neue Produktkategorie: Die neuen „Copilot PCs“ soll…
2024-06-11 05:35:51

Space Karen lag mal wieder auf einer Erbse: #AppleAI #ElonMusk #Tesla
2024-06-19 00:23:32

Tracking the Apple BTC T&C US and SG sites for changes…
Still predicting it’ll be out tomorrow.
#Apple #BackToSchool
2024-06-04 05:02:47

To everyone at Apple whose time is wasted, whose goodwill may be reduced, by public encouragement to flood you with intentionally bad feedback:
— thank you, for enduring the malice.
#ThankYouTuesday #Apple
2024-06-10 18:31:01

Apple is promising a personal intelligence which will be just as uncontrollable and unauditable as everything bigtech I am afraid, we just have to trust them probably...
#ai #apple
2024-05-07 15:45:12

*Just waiting for another bend-gate when someone puts the new iPad in their back pocket and sits down*
#iPad #Apple
2024-06-10 19:41:15

#Apple heute so: „AI for the rest of us“.
Apple heute auch so: für die AI-Features braucht es mindestens ein iPhone 15 Pro. 🤣
2024-06-11 03:01:54

I guess #Apple doesn't use Swift for all their backend stuff :-) #WWDC24

A screenshot of a web server error on the Apple Forums that is obviously not Swift nor Vapor.
2024-05-16 04:40:35

@… If only #Apple could spare some attention to let those of us with "golden years" blue insensitivity change the color and brightness of all those tiny dim control icons and names in the far corners of so many app screens... Too simple, I guess.
2024-05-07 17:23:34

On this holy day of The #Apple Event, I find myself writing the following comment in my code after trying to run my app on a #Mac:
Metadata about the database itself.
This is inlined here instead of being kept in its own Database.js file like all the other model classes so as not to…
2024-05-22 14:00:06

#Apple bringt Künstliche Intelligenz (mithilfe von Open AI) auf das #iPhone, Microsoft (ebenfalls mithilfe von Open AI) auf den #PC – und erfindet dafür eine neue Produktkategorie: Die neuen „Copilot PCs“ soll…
2024-06-10 18:23:26

I'm very impressed by #Apple's "Personal Intelligence" architecture. Not much detail in the keynote, but the hints are tantalizing.
A "semantic index!" Ha!
And externally audited servers as a core feature of the product!
2024-05-13 17:14:03

Dass Apple eine größere KI-Initiative plant, ist schon länger bekannt. Dass das am 10. Juni, bei Apples Entwicklerkonferenz WWDC sein wird, ist ein offenes Geheimnis. Die Veröffentlichung der neuen KI-Tools dürfte dann im Herbst mit den neuen Betriebssystemversionen für Apple-Geräte folgen. Damit ist #Apple spät dran: Google ist dabei, den Siri-ähnlichen Google Assistant auf Android Smartphones a…
2024-05-02 19:08:00

It’s hard not to come to the conclusion that Steve's explanation of what happens in monopolistic companies is now coming true for Apple itself.
How many "product people" are in charge at Apple these days?
Because the execution on their products have declined a bit... and the culture of innovation, design and user-focused invention as a whole has essentially stopped.
2024-06-10 18:40:05

The 10yo me who was reading scifi books and dreaming of powerful futures filled with talking devices and machines (and loving all things Star Trek and Star Wars)... is loving SO MANY aspects of the #Apple #WWDC keynote around #AI
2024-06-12 23:25:17

Well, I just got back with my new iPhone 15 Pro.
It has certain features that my old phone doesn't have, so it might take me some time to figure everything out but I like it so far🤷‍♂️
#iPhone #Apple
2024-06-11 19:00:59

In case anyone was wondering, #Apple spells it "redonkulous”.

Screen shot from a WWDC video showing the caption “Ok, wow. I just added a redonkulous number of features”.
2024-05-09 02:01:05

I reflexively cringed when I saw this ad. Not only is it wasteful, the message sent across appears to be that Apple literally crushes all the things you like to make the new iPad.
#apple #iPad #advertising
2024-05-09 01:41:44

Hey, guess what: that shithole #Apple calls “Apple Notes” deleted my annotations from today’s class. AGAIN.
I really need to just migrate to a good app already… Why do other apps lack so many features?
2024-06-12 09:19:00

Elon Musk sagte, er würde die Geräte von Apple aus seinen Unternehmen verbannen, wenn die Software für künstliche Intelligenz von OpenAI in das Betriebssystem integriert wird. Er nannte die Verbindung ein Sicherheitsrisiko. Dass er an einem eigenen Chatbot arbeitet, dürfte dabei auch eine Rolle spielen, schreibt die #FAZ
2024-06-10 15:54:29

"Nokia CEO makes world’s first phone call using ‘immersive audio and video’ technology"
Very useful technology from the sounds of it ! </pun>
#apple #nokia
2024-06-10 21:10:29

Was hätte #Apple eigentlich heute an bemerkenswertem gezeigt, wenn der #LLM/#GenAI-Hype letztes Jahr *nicht* ausgebrochen wäre?
2024-06-10 18:36:05

Hey Siri, please define "Original Images".
#WWDC #Apple #Siri
2024-06-07 21:27:16

Bei einem #heise-Artikel zu #Apple und #Security einen Kommentar schreiben, ist immer wieder eine sehr "interessante" Erfahrung.
Meistens wird man da attackiert, die unabhängigen Quellen, die man brav …
2024-06-11 13:36:49

#Apple kann nicht anders: Der iPhone-Konzern muss im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz nachziehen und so wundert es nicht, dass #KI das bestimmende Thema der #WWDC 2024 war. Der Lackmus-Test ist, wie benutzerfreundl…
2024-05-09 01:41:44

Hey, guess what: that shithole #Apple calls “Apple Notes” deleted my annotations from today’s class. AGAIN.
I really need to just migrate to a good app already… Why do other apps lack so many features?
2024-06-10 20:40:49

Oh man, Gestures and Animations getting factored out of all the kits is HUGE. #apple #wwdc24 #sotu
2024-06-10 15:54:29

"Nokia CEO makes world’s first phone call using ‘immersive audio and video’ technology"
Very useful technology from the sounds of it ! </pun>
#apple #nokia
2024-06-10 20:13:38

#wwdc #apple Falls das während der Keynote gezeigte Beispiel fürs automatische Umschreiben eines Textes aussagekräftig ist, generiert das Feature genau die Art von völlig überdrehter Manager-Sprache welche kein Mensch lesen will.
Links: Originaltext; direkt, authentisch, engagiert
Rechts: transformierter Text…

Please. It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep assets organized when we aren't following the naming protocols that we ALL AGREED ON when we kicked off this project. Surely I needn't remind you that these files are sent out to fabrication and production partners, used for multimillion-dollar OOH spots, etc. Version control is massively important, and it becomes unreasonably complicated when we have folders full of files that look like this:
_CrosbySt_NewCampaign_Final_v81_AW edit_FINALFINAL.psd
It is imperative that we adhere to the established naming protocols for our project's assets. These protocols were agreed upon at the outset of this initiative and are crucial for maintaining organization and ensuring the integrity of our work.
The distribution of these files to fabrication and production partners, as well as their use in multimillion-dollar outdoor advertising campaigns, underscores the significance of version control. Unfortunately, we have observed instances where folders ar…
2024-06-10 19:47:49

iOS 18 Developer Beta has been installed! Super excited to check out all the new features.
#iOS #iOS18 #Apple

A screenshot of the iOS 18 Developer Beta update that installed on my iPhone 15 Pro Max.
2024-05-23 11:26:00

Big Picture: #Microsoft baut #KI überall ein. #Google muss bei seinem Betriebssystem nachziehen. Aber sehr viel altbackener sieht
2024-05-23 11:26:00

Big Picture: #Microsoft baut #KI überall ein. #Google muss bei seinem Betriebssystem nachziehen. Aber sehr viel altbackener sieht
2024-05-06 13:20:50

This year’s #Apple watch pride band looks EXACTLY the same as the previous braided one?
2024-06-10 17:32:28

#wwdc #apple Ist ja nett, dass #iOS jetzt noch etwas mehr Konfig-Optionen bietet. Aber alles in allem wirkt das ziemlich überschaubar.
2024-06-10 18:14:29

Can we please just have some kind of launch event or news event without mentioning AI in any way at all.
I really, really HATE all of this AI stuff being shoved down our throat in everything we do. It's just so old and I have absolutely no interest in it at all in any way.
#WWDC #Apple
2024-05-06 13:20:50

This year’s #Apple watch pride band looks EXACTLY the same as the previous braided one?