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2024-06-06 15:30:00

Die ersten M.2-SSDs mit 16 TByte Kapazität in Aussicht
Hersteller verdoppeln den maximal möglichen Speicherplatz auf M.2-SSDs von 8 auf 16 TByte. Zum Einsatz kommen chinesische Chips.
2024-06-06 18:55:41

Meta plans WhatsApp features, including an AI-powered assistant for businesses in India and Singapore, and AI tools to create ads in English-speaking markets (Aisha Counts/Bloomberg)
2024-06-07 18:46:07

Rival assistant coach compares Giants rookie Malik Nabers to Odell Beckham Jr.: 'He's got that type of talent'

2024-06-06 05:00:05

terrorists_911: 9-11 terrorist network
Network of individuals and their known social associations, centered around the hijackers that carried out the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. Associations extracted after-the-fact from public data. Metadata labels say which plane a person was on, if any, on 9/11.
This network has 62 nodes and 152 edges.
Tags: Social, Offline, Unweighted, Metadata

terrorists_911: 9-11 terrorist network. 62 nodes, 152 edges.
2024-06-08 00:02:19

Who are the 5 Russian propagandists accused of hate crimes against Ukraine?:
2024-06-07 13:55:22

Interfacing a Cheap HDMI Switch With Home Assistant
Interfacing a Cheap HDMI Switch With Home Assistant You know the feeling of having just created a perfect setup for your hacker lab?…
2024-06-07 13:02:00

KI-Update Deep-Dive: Kollege KI bei der Otto Group
Wie ein KI-Assistent dabei helfen kann, mehr Spaß an der Arbeit zu haben, berichten Kollegen der Otto Group – sie haben ogGPT entwickelt.
2024-06-07 13:30:44

The British Independent Retailers Association files a £1.1B lawsuit against Amazon for allegedly misusing members' proprietary data for competitive purposes (Ingrid Lunden/TechCrunch)
2024-06-07 08:02:00

Webentwicklung ohne JavaScript: mit .NET und C#
In fünf Webinaren vom 26. Juli bis 23. August 2024 lernen Entwickler, mit dem Web-Framework Blazor moderne browser-basierte Apps zu gestalten.
2024-06-06 11:25:39

Google rolls out its Gemini-powered note-taking assistant NotebookLM to 200 new countries, including Brazil and the UK, and adds Slides and web URLs as sources (Jagmeet Singh/TechCrunch)