🇬🇧 Is there already a clever way (or maybe there has always been, and I don't know about it) to add some more functionality to the #ActionButton of the new #iPhone? What I mean is, is it possible to assign some additional actions, e.g. for double or even triple presses instead of just the …
Auch deswegen nutze ich @… so weit es geht und installiere nur das was ich wirklich nutze.
»Achtung im Google-Play-Store – Diese 5 Apps laden fiese Spyware auf dein Smartphone:
Ein Sicherheitsunternehmen hat fünf Apps im Google-Play-Store ausgemacht, die von einer bekannten Spionageplattform stammen. Sie sind seit zwei Jahren aktiv und sollen unter an…
Series A, Episode 05 - The Web
GEELA: There, you see it's dead. [Brushes away the desiccated remains of the organism]
BLAKE: [Examining his healed hand] That is astonishing.
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/105/314 B7B4
Holy frijoles. I'll admit I had no idea Zoom had crashed & burned so badly over the last 4 years.
I have had dozens of customers switching to Teams Conferencing & Teams Voice calling in 2024 but I had no idea ZM's valuation had dropped off 90% since it's high in 2021.
That's an astonishing rise & fall.
Urge the University of Bristol to Ban Forced Swimming Tests #AnimalRights #AnimalTests #AnimalTesting