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2024-05-24 19:19:14

The sound you hear is the #BCNDP breathing a huge sigh of relief as the two rightwing parties continue fighting.
“B.C. Conservatives Leader John Rustad rejected proposed 'non-competition' agreement, Kevin Falcon says”
2024-06-17 21:27:50

Remote work can help solve the housing crisis! Bravo BC Government looking “in house" for places to create housing!
To whit:“The 300,000-square foot building at Lonsdale Quay, directly beside the SeaBus terminal and a bus loop, is operating at less than half capacity on most days due to the public insurer's hybrid work model, the B.C. government says.”
2024-06-15 03:55:58

"“The teachings were to leave no trace nor impact as you pass through the lands,” Chief Roland Willson of West Moberly First Nations said in a statement. “Times have changed and others have come seeking natural resources for economic development: forestry, oil and gas, large-scale hydroelectric, mining, and so on. They leave a much different footprint.”
2024-05-10 20:20:17

State or State Sponsored attack on BC Government systems happened a month ago but was kept secret until this week on advice from cyber security experts.
#BCPoli #CanPoli #CdnPoli
2024-06-03 20:53:59

Just *keep reading* this article to get a taste for the crazy that is gripping #BCPoli even with the election months away from being called.
On Friday, the Caucus Chair of BC United (ie. the person supposedly in charge of keeping everyone in line) defected.
Today, another defection, this time by an openly gay, married, ex-RCMP officer who was once described by a BC Conservative …
2024-06-03 21:39:06

““I think it comes down to the leadership and to who is resonating personally with people, and unfortunately Kevin Falcon hasn’t been resonating with voters. It’s disappointing, I’m sure, for him,” she said.”
2024-05-13 06:03:12

Tell me I'm wrong: It's a scandal that there is a railway line within 200m of the busiest passenger ferry terminal in Canada and there is no rail based mass transit option to get to Vancouver.
#transit #rail

A google map screenshot shows the ferry terminal on the left and the railway and road to the right separated by trees.
2024-05-03 14:53:44

To be honest, I had been (perhaps inexplicably) naturally inclined to believe the move to a municipal police force would be a bad thing for combating things like diversity and harassment. In other words, I thought the RCMP would have been better than a Surrey Police Force.
This story may disabuse me of any notion that the RCMP is not rotten to its core. The "good eggs" are wholly outnumbered.
2024-05-03 18:47:11

#FreePalestine #Protest #FreedomofExpression #BCPoli