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2024-03-30 12:12:48

Best Buy is apparently Citibank. Also, they're partly owned by a conservative think tank. I talk about it at
2024-03-30 04:48:39

#BestBuy is caving to threats by #christofascist #Republican investors, and will stop contributing to #LGBTQ

Best Buy offers to screen LGBTQ nonprofit donations after conservative pressure, filing shows
In an email exchange with a conservative think tank, tucked into an SEC filing, the electronics retailer offered to screen its employee groups’ donations to LGBTQ causes
2024-03-30 12:12:48

Best Buy is apparently Citibank. Also, they're partly owned by a conservative think tank. I talk about it at
2024-03-30 04:48:39

#BestBuy is caving to threats by #christofascist #Republican investors, and will stop contributing to #LGBTQ

Best Buy offers to screen LGBTQ nonprofit donations after conservative pressure, filing shows
In an email exchange with a conservative think tank, tucked into an SEC filing, the electronics retailer offered to screen its employee groups’ donations to LGBTQ causes