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2024-04-13 07:27:14

Also die Existenz und Handel von #bitcoins belaufen sich auf über 90Mio Tonnen CO2 Ausstoss pro Jahr. Der der #Schweiz ist mit 45Mio Tonnen CO2 halb so gross.
Wir sollen aber nun alle #Vegan werden und nich…
2024-03-03 08:56:35

"Traders will create a complex thicket of derivative #financial products on two flies crawling up a wall, and in #bitcoin they have particularly demented flies to bet on."
2024-03-07 20:23:37

What country or government does Edward Snowden have regular contact with these days?
Really wondering... 🤔
Edward, please, don't lean out of *any* window...
#Bitcoin #Crypto #Snowden

Edward Snowden on X
Prediction: A national government will be revealed this year to have been buying Bitcoin - the modern replacement for monetary gold - without having disclosed that fact publicly.
2024-03-06 22:24:00

Well not all musicians are intelligent.
2024-03-20 15:00:33

Amy Castor and @… analyze the composition and likely origin of the gas inside the #Bitcoin‍💩 and #Bitcoin‍ETF💩 bubbles. And recommend that
2024-04-24 13:41:46

Aktuell laufen wieder Spamwellen durchs Land. Eine bot einen angeblichen Schweizer #Bitcoin-ETF an, mit zuverlässiger Firma und offizieller Zulassung dahinter. Das wäre doch das ideale Investment für klamme Kassen!
Doch schon nach wenigen Klicks war klar: Da stimmt ganz vieles nicht.
Ich habe mir das für euch angeschaut und möchte euch an meiner "Schatzsuche" im Internet t…
2024-03-11 19:52:40

The Crypto Con Years Aren’t Over Yet
Three books explore the failures of regulators—and sometimes journalists […]

Web3 en 2023
2024-02-29 13:36:21

This is a…surprisingly sober #Bitcoin evaluation by ECB?
2024-04-04 10:32:26

In der #Spam des Tages zaubern Zauberhacker verlorene #Bitcoin auf zauberhafte Weise zurück…
2024-04-16 15:05:47

Het blijft fascinerend, ondanks alle turbulentie bestaat en functioneert de bitcoin blockchain nog steeds, niet als gedroomd breed gebruikt betaal product maar het lijkt een blijvertje
#bitcoin #blockchain
2024-04-20 01:10:24

2024-02-23 19:59:49

The #Bitcoin maxis won't survive this debate on #Pizza toppings...
🍍 ...

Email #19
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009

From: Satoshi Nakamoto <>
Subject: Re: Bitcoin

The site layout is looking nicer. More impressive looking.

Regarding my previous forum post, I'd like to reiterate that pineapple and jalapenos is a good pizza topping.
2024-02-22 19:13:04

Cryptos / Web3 = Vaporware

Vaporware as seen by Vinton Cerf - Do I need a Blockchain flowchart
2024-02-22 17:08:55

Updated my "I was right about Crypto" merit badges for 2024
Free to use.
Support me: #Crypto

"I was right about Crypto" merit badge
"I was right about Crypto" merit badge
"Still Early!"