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2024-04-24 21:45:24

Deep dive on #Bluesky's architecture and its history. I have lots of opinions and conjectures but let’s let them finish telling their story first: newsletter.pragmaticengineer.c
2024-03-26 05:00:24

On the question of “What’s the plan to make money?”, #bluesky CEO Jay Graeber says:
“We’ve been building marketplaces within the app, essentially. So, we’ve got information marketplaces, moderation marketplaces..”
How can that produce enough revenue to make the VCs happy? Just what kind of information marketplaces might she be thinking of that can produce those results?
2024-03-26 05:00:24

On the question of “What’s the plan to make money?”, #bluesky CEO Jay Graeber says:
“We’ve been building marketplaces within the app, essentially. So, we’ve got information marketplaces, moderation marketplaces..”
How can that produce enough revenue to make the VCs happy? Just what kind of information marketplaces might she be thinking of that can produce those results?
2024-03-24 21:21:38

Gefunden auf
via @ #Bluesky
2024-05-22 21:15:20

Whoa I can now send DMs on #Bluesky 💬 🔥 ❤️
2024-05-23 10:20:44

Just curious, to those BlueSky enthusiasts out there:
How is BlueSky considered "decentralized" when there's only 1 company that controls the rules and who can and cannot post stuff?🤔
That's not what decentralized means...😬
Decentralized means power is spread out so that one central individual or group doesn't control everything.
BlueSky is not that. BlueSky is centralized and nothing about it is "federated".
The ATproto just seems like theatrics to generate interest in something that isn't really there...😳
#BlueSky #SocialMedia #Decentralization #Decentralized
2024-06-03 12:20:06

Ich hab da mal was zur #Brücke zwischen #Bluesky und #Mastodon geschrieben. Was sollte man da einmal im Blick behalten?
2024-04-17 05:34:02

It was really sad to learn[1] that many physicists are using #BlueSky instead of Mastodon (fediverse).
2024-04-17 15:26:44
Content warning:

hmmm that’s new right? I can see all my #mastodon and #bluesky notifications from within the #microblog android app 😊
2024-04-01 20:53:53
Content warning:

Whelp, that was it for me on #Bluesky. I hardly knew thee.
No matter whether the label "sexually suggestive" is accurate for my account or not, it is so fucking vague that just about anything can be "suggestive".
Not that I ever trusted #Bluesky but I didn't expect…

Screenshot of my Bluesky account with a pop-up reading "Labels on your account: Sexually suggestive. Does not include nudity."
2024-06-04 04:53:23

Nun kann man sich auch von #Bluesky mit #mastodon auf einfache Weise verbinden - und natürlich auch vice versa
2024-05-05 08:07:54

If you are a #Bluesky person but you miss your peeps on the #Fediverse / #Mastodon, bridge your account and follow them directly from Bluesky. Simple instructions here (detail…
2024-06-15 12:36:42

Drüben bei #Bluesky geklaut.

Mich faszinieren die kleinen, kulturellen Unterschiede immer besonders. In Amerika zum Beispiel ist es verboten "dick" im Fernsehen zu sagen, während es in Deutschland verboten ist mit einer vollautomatischen Waffe bei Aldi einzukaufen.
2024-06-05 19:46:21

It will be interesting to see if Mastodon Moderators decide to block addresses coming from Blue sky.
#Mastodon #BlueSky
2024-05-11 19:20:00

#Bluesky , the relationship w…
2024-05-09 22:02:27

😳I just had a WEIRD as hell experience!
So I saw a post boosted to my timeline from someone who claimed to be a writer. So I googled their name cause I wanted to see their credits. Ended up seeing their BlueSky profile in the list of results, clicked on it...and my "dead" BlueSky account is blocked by them there and I'm not blocked here on my MUCH more active account..
Do people actually go out of their way to block users that don't even interact with them there? Seems kinda odd.😬
#BlueSky #SocialMedia #Weird
2024-05-02 11:49:08

Follow this account if you want to bridge your Fediverse account to Bluesky!
#Fedi #Bluesky #Connection
2024-06-01 12:43:31

Offenbar gibt es eine Brücke zu Bluesky.
Nützen oder nicht?
Gibt es eine Meinung dazu unter Fediversum-Cracks?
Vielen Dank für Eure Einschätzungen!
#fediHelp #Bluesky
2024-05-15 06:09:34

Hat hier schon jemand die Brücke zwischen dem #Fediverse und #Bluesky ausprobiert?
#BridgyFed von @…
2024-05-15 12:13:00

I’ve made a cheat sheet for #bridging between the #Fediverse and #Bluesky using #BridgyFed.

A table.

With your Fediverse account:

Follow to bridge your posts to Bluesky.

Follow Bluesky users who have bridged their account to the Fediverse at

With your Bluesky account:

Follow to bridge your posts to the Fediverse.

Follow Fediverse users who have bridged their account to Bluesky at
2024-04-05 18:09:11

I'm finding myself very intrigued by the stackable moderation / labels #bluesky enables. For example, the Aegis "community moderation network":<…
2024-05-10 03:32:16

Jack Dorsey interview post-#Bluesky. Whatever you think of him, his views on why he helped getting Bluesky started in the first place are interesting. I wonder which of those might apply to the Fediverse (which he doesn't mention at all).
2024-06-04 21:07:24

Estoy haciendo algunas pruebas con el posteo entre #mastodon y #bluesky con el bridge de
**texto editado*…
2024-06-01 14:39:01

Bin dank dem Tipp von @…
jetzt auch auf
2024-05-04 16:08:52

Зарегистрировалась ради интереса в #Bluesky, немного полистала ленты, в итоге удалила аккаунт.
Пока нет возможности выбрать сервер с подходящими для меня дефедерациями, смысла в этой соцсети для себя не вижу.
2024-05-06 20:45:01

Totally forgot Biz Stone joined the Mastodon board a little over a week before Jack Dorsey left the Bluesky board. Coincidence?
#mastodon #bluesky
2024-05-01 16:24:53

Dass die Like-, Kommentar- und Repost-Buttons bei #Mastodon, #Bluesky und #Threads jeweils in einer anderen Reihenfolge angeordnet sind, macht die Welt nicht besser!
2024-06-05 19:04:16

Meine Posts hier im #Fediverse werden jetzt bei #BlueSky gespiegelt.
Zuerst habe ich mein Profil dort nicht gefunden, weil der Unterstrich in meinem Account-Namen drüben in einen Bindestrich umgewandelt wird. Tricky.
🔗 Direkter Link zum Profi…
2024-06-03 11:02:09

Such a bummer that neither #Bluesky nor #Mastodon are integrating the bridge between them in their settings. I'm guessing the former doesn't need to, and the latter doesn't want to. Basically, both don't feel like it. A least Bluesky promotes my posts from the Fedive…

One of my posts boosted once and liked a dozen times, exclusively by people that haven't bridged their Bluesky accounts.
2024-03-28 18:29:01

#Bluesky finally has hashtags. Do you use that social network? #SocialMedia
2024-05-05 23:21:42

So #Bluesky is looking for a new board member to replace Jack Dorsey who initiated the project, got it funded, then gradually got less interested and now dropped out without much explanation.
I'm afraid that is not a ringing endorsement of the project.
2024-06-14 08:04:05

Well, let's do, let's connect! #FollowFriday for bridged and federated Accounts:
From #Bluesky
2024-06-01 14:39:01

Bin dank dem Tipp von @…
jetzt auch auf
2024-06-04 17:31:09

Das #Fediverse wächst: Nach #Threads auch #Bluesky mit #Mastodon verknüpfbar
Klar das wird…
2024-05-08 17:59:08

So #Bluesky is implementing an (unspecified) new protocol for direct messages. Because AtProto is really not suitable for anything that isn't 100% public.
I wonder whether they can do this now that Jack is off the board. But maintaining two separate protocols in the same app? Who knows, maybe #ActivityPub
2024-03-26 20:38:29

So, is Twitter really dying? I guess the answer could be different, depending on your POV. I know user numbers are dwindling, but it seems pretty chatty from the Balkan standpoint. I don't see that kind of chat in our languages in Mastodon or #BlueSky. #Mastodon
2024-05-03 12:37:10

Seems like the Bluesky/Fediverse bridge is open now.
Found a couple of friends over there and followed 'em. They don't seem to post much. Though they post more than the couple of abandoned friend's accounts there.
Noticed a few familiar old Twitter faces but celebs/writers who don't know me from the other Adams can move to Fedi proper if they want a follow frankly.
Here's the Flipboard podcast talking to the guy who runs the bridge between the networks.
#fedibridge #fediverse #activitypub #bluesky
2024-05-02 16:06:15

Ah-ha! Now I'm seeing something! Both ways? Hmm...
#Bluesky #Federated #Mastodon #Fediverse

Mastodon account on Bluesky.
Federated Bluesky account.
Follow myself on Mastodon?
Ah! Bluesky is on Mastodon!
2024-05-31 19:04:45

The #Bridge between #Bluesky and #Mastodon works better and better. I convinced some accounts to take part, and they're filing up my timeline (together with more and more from
2024-05-31 11:56:06

Die #Brücke zwischen #Bluesky und #Mastodon funktioniert immer besser. Ich hab ein paar Accounts überzeugt mitzumachen und bekomme deren Beiträge hier in meine Timeline. Welche könnte man noch frag…
2024-05-03 03:44:22

Wow! All my Bluesky posts are backfilling now into my instance! That's cool! I'd guess this "feature" isn't available for the BlueSky side of things....🤔
If anyone notices posts on my profile from older than today, please reply to this and let me know! If you're on BlueSky, you need to follow before you reply or I won't see it here. (This post is federating to BlueSky through a Fediverse-BlueSky bridge)
#BlueSky #BridgyFed #Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon #SocialMedia
2024-05-02 14:09:43

For those unaware, the BlueSky-Fediverse bridge is LIVE and seems to be federating profiles who "opt-in" to BlueSky.
If you want to opt-in, you just have to follow @… and then if you have a BlueSky account, you can login and find your account by using the format, so mine is
This is SUPER exciting! Bridging open protocols is a super cool thing and I'm so happy to test out this super cool project!
Edit: more info after further investigation. Notifications from BlueSky users only work if they have activated the bridge on their side...this is less than stellar, but hopefully this changes?😳
Also, to find a BlueSky user that HAS opted into the bridge, their Bluesky account will appear in the fediverse as @[handle] For example, on Bluesky is bridged into the fediverse as @… (sorry for the notification, Ryan. Hope you don't get spammed😬)
#BlueSkyBridge #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Mastodon #Fediverse #Fedi #ActivityPub #Bridge
2024-05-10 00:33:21

Ya know...I didn't think about it until now, but it's kinda wild that the BlueSky bridge was REQUIRED to be "opt-in" by a massive amount of Fedi which just runs like a normal instance runs.
However, we currently have the relay that bridges to Nostr with no such "opt-in" ridiculousness and Nostr doesn't even have "deletes" at all. You post something, it's there. No going back.
I guess the....6 instances that block it felt the same as the folks that hated on the BlueSky bridge but they decided to use the actual tool they were allotted in every such case, the BLOCK button....
So, why is a Nostr, no delete, opt out bridge, more admissible than a BlueSky, normal deletes, opt out bridge?🤨
I am now more confused than ever about the mindsets of people here.
I genuinely want to know if there's a reason one should be allowed and not the other, if there is one...😬
#Fediverse #Fedi #BlueSky #BridgyFed #BlueSkyBridge #Bridge #Mastodon
2024-06-02 13:52:11

Gibt es auf #bluesky eigentlich auch eine #blueKirche oder wie tauscht man sich da zu #Kirche und #Theologie
2024-04-07 20:48:18

SLIGHT rant about how Nostr works and comparing it to BlueSky, Fedi, and other platforms in terms of moderation.
Well, I just learned a bit about Nostr.
It's basically "Bluesky, but FOSS". You have your account that has more control of moderation for the user.
The difference is that on Nostr nobody can "ban" per se because nobody has control over each other. It's block and mute. That's your moderation and you do it yourself. Nobody does it for you, unlike Fedi or BlueSky.
I gotta say, that's where a lot of you really need to go to have your eyes opened to what the Fediverse is really like for those of us on single user instances and the sheer amount of work unpaid moderators and admins do here to keep these instances as "nasty shit free" as they can.
Awhile back I kept seeing things like "Other platforms have moderation issues, there's CP and all kinds of other nasty stuff there".
There's all that here too, you're just privileged to have people with massive amounts of passion for this place and do the unpaid work to block and remove all that shit.
If you actually had any control in what you're allowed to see or not see, it can end up being the wild west for all things bad. Which is okay for those who don't mind blocking and muting endlessly (What Fediverse unpaid mods and admins do every day), but I'd bet a lot of you won't want to do that because it sounds HARD and potentially gross and traumatic.
So, whenever you think "that other platform is bad because their moderation sucks". Maybe, just maybe, think about if you would want to sit there all day looking at nasty shit like CP and other sexual crimes/hate speech/scams/etc. and have a little sympathy for the actual people who do. Because it sucks and it does exist here, you just don't see it.
#Fediverse #Nostr #Fedi #BlueSky #Threads #Moderation #Mastodon
2024-05-02 15:37:42 original posts don't seem to be federating to BlueSky, as of yet...only posts in which i'm mentioning another bridge user...
Maybe there's a kink in the system. I'm sure it'll get straightened out. First steps are always the rockiest.
Edit: Scratch that! This post is on BlueSky! Leaving this up so that it stays up there!🥳🥳🥳
#Fediverse #Fedi #Mastodon #BlueSkyBridge #BridgyFed #Bridge #ActivityPub #BlueSky
2024-05-04 05:44:33

Dear Fedi admins:
If you aren't aware, the BlueSky-Fediverse bridge known as BridgyFed is live now.
Back when it was announced, there was a small window of time when it was added to the Oliphant's Tier 0 blocklist.
If you are using this blocklist and WANT to be federated with BlueSky, please double check to make sure you don't have the version of the list that it appears on. You may have blocked the bridge and not even know it.
The domain you want to look for is:
Please boost for reach, so your admin knows of this possible issue. Thanks. 🙏
#Fedi #Fediverse #MastoAdmin #ActivityPub #BlueSky #BridgyFed #FediAdmin #Mastodon #BlueSkyBridge
2024-05-10 04:49:15

Dear Fedi, a poll, part 2.
Nevertheless, if you didn't know about it, you know now. Knowing what you know now, do you feel you were a BIT heavy handed regarding BridgyFed and the absolute ridiculous harassment of it's developer? And do you realize now, that there's MUCH worse things here than a bridge to BlueSky and your knowledge of ActivityPub and how it works were previously incorrect?
PS. If you don't feel that this poll applies to you. Don't answer it. I didn't expect complete parity between the polls. Just answer whichever poll you think fits your experience.
#Fedi #Fediverse #Momostr #Bridge #BridgyFed #ActivityPub #Mastodon #BlueSky #Poll #Polls
Yes to both.
Yes to heavy handed on BridgyFed but no on the 2nd
No to both.
No to heavy handed on BridgyFed, but Yes on 2nd
2024-05-02 17:11:21

This BlueSky bridge IS exciting. However, due to the ignorance of the "opt-in" brigade, I feel it'll be pretty much dead in the water besides with a select niche crowd.
Just like Threads, having to opt-in on an opt-out protocol is killing the usability of such good integrations.
This is why I keep thinking that Fedi won't get popular. Bad implementations like this, specifically wanted by ignorant users, will go unused.🤦‍♂️🙄
#BlueSky #BridgyFed #BlueSkyBridge #Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Bridge #Mastodon #OptIn #OptOut
2024-05-04 00:45:28 that BridgyFed is live, how about if those who don't want an open platform (like we currently have) block the bot. Then after a reasonable enough time (a month?) We make it opt-out like the rest of the platform?
I'm still SO confused by the fact that a lot of you want a closed platform, while being on an open one, yet here we are.
What say you? Can we ACTUALLY get back to the goal of this platform? to be open and allow those on other platforms to follow and interact with us freely? Or are we still wanting our "open walled garden" concept?
ActivityPub is built on being an open platform for engagement across social networks. However, what we have here with BridgyFed, does not build on that goal, because you all asked it not to.😔
#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Momostr #Bridge #BlueSkyBridge
2024-05-03 03:55:03

Well, it's unfortunate, but I don't really have any hope that BridgyFed will work all the way through Threads....
A few threads employees interacted with me several times today. Yet, whenever I directly asked about if it was being considered, I got nothing.
So....unless I'm pleasantly surprised down the road, I'm not gonna hold out hope on that wish.😔
#Fediverse #Fedi #BridgyFed #Threads #Meta #BlueSky #BlueSkyBridge #ActivityPub
2024-05-02 18:02:56

Well, if they weren't before, Threads is now officially "Aware"😏 of BridgyFed. @… just liked my post about it over there.
Can't help but wonder if the bridge will work all the way through...🤔🤨
#Threads #Fediverse #Fedi #ActivityPub #BlueSky #BlueSkyBridge #BridgyFed #Meta #SocialMedia
2024-05-02 21:31:39

Well, that's 3 Threads employees that are aware of BridgyFed.
That leaves a bit of hope for the future of social media interconnectivity! Even if we can't trust that that they're down to use it, it's a hope...😅
#Fedi #Fediverse #BlueSky #BridgyFed #BlueSkyBridge #ActivityPub #Mastodon #SocialMedia #Threads #Meta
2024-05-03 21:24:44

It's such an exciting time for social media.
Fediverse is going near-mainstream due to wide adoption.
Bluesky now "unofficially" federates with the fantastic work of Ryan Barrett's BridgyFed!
Threads has one-way federation and claims to plan to fully federate soon enough.
Flipboard is actively working on Federation, some parts already working!
Nostr is federated using the Momostr Pink bridge which also bridges Threads.
The future of interconnected social media is now. Exciting times, we are in!😁
#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #Misskey #Sharkey #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #NodeBB #GoToSocial #Meta #Threads #Nostr #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Momostr #Bridge #Flipboard
2024-05-05 04:37:59

This video is SO good! Anyone who is interested in Fediverse nuances and the issues we've been debating for months now, should definitely watch this video! 4/?
#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #Misskey #Sharkey #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #NodeBB #GoToSocial #Meta #Threads #Nostr #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Momostr #Bridge #Flipboard
2024-05-05 04:27:20

So, at the 29 minute mark, Ryan talks about how Mastodon's search discoverability feature is currently opt-in and there's only 5-6% of people currently opting-in. That's a wild statistic!😬 3/?
#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #Misskey #Sharkey #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #NodeBB #GoToSocial #Meta #Threads #Nostr #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Momostr #Bridge #Flipboard
2024-05-05 04:16:22

Ryan made a pretty good point around the 16 minute mark about how Threads wasn't told to make their federation "opt-in" from the Fediverse side and that people feel differently about bridges for some reason.
Even though, they're the same thing, in most ways. 2/?
#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #Misskey #Sharkey #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #NodeBB #GoToSocial #Meta #Threads #Nostr #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Momostr #Bridge #Flipboard
2024-05-05 04:04:41

Finally sitting down to watch/listen to the podcast with Mike Mccue, CEO of Flipboard, and Ryan Barrett, creator of BridgyFed.
This should be good!😁
So cool to see the leaders in this space share info and help each other make this the best social media project it could be! 1/?
Link: #Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #Misskey #Sharkey #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #NodeBB #GoToSocial #Meta #Threads #Nostr #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Momostr #Bridge #Flipboard
2024-05-05 04:23:19

Quote Posts, being able to limit them, and possibly being able to limit replies, is coming to Fediverse soon enough.
I am a bit worried about these features for all the same reasons that others are, as well.
However, I have another worry that I haven't seen talked about yet, because it's a limited experience so far.
Threads added the ability to limit Quote Posts yesterday and I've already played around with it to see how it works.
I'm worried about Mastodon using the same kind of way to limit Quote Posts as Threads.
Currently, the way Threads does Quote Posts, is that whenever you post a link to a post, it automatically turns into a quote post. Therefore, when you limit them, nobody can even link your post on the site at all.
That's currently how Threads Quote Post limiting works and that really sucks if that severe limitation would come to the wider Fediverse.
My worries might be unfounded. This might be not at all how Mastodon will be doing it and everything will be fine.
Any opinions on the matter?🤔
#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #Misskey #Sharkey #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #NodeBB #GoToSocial #Meta #Threads #Nostr #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Momostr #Bridge #Flipboard
2024-05-04 00:24:24

Sunday MIGHT be blog day...🤔
I haven't done that in A LONG TIME. However, there's been LOTS happening and I'm very excited for the future of the platform, right now.
I am obviously still a little cynical when it comes to corporations and their intentions with Fedi, though.
If I have time, (and if I feel good enough. Anxiety is a bitch) I'll do a writing session and detail my thoughts, reasonings, and experiences with this social movement so far.
I'll also be detailing the nuances of each cross-platform integration I have firsthand experience with.
Let me know if this is a type of blog post would be interesting or intriguing to you and it might help me with motivation to pull it off. I don't want to "yell into the void". Especially with something I have so much passion for, and will take some time to complete.
#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Pleroma #Akkoma #IceShrimp #FireFish #Misskey #Sharkey #Lemmy #Kbin #Mbin #NodeBB #GoToSocial #Meta #Threads #Nostr #BlueSky #BridgyFed #Momostr #Bridge #Flipboard #WordPress #Blog #Blogging