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2024-05-27 12:59:06

The seaside advertisements had to be adapted for post-#brexit UK. 💩
2024-06-09 13:14:11

EU elections, brexit
I won't be voting in the EU elections today, because four years ago our xenophobia-crazed media-pumped electorate voted to remove ourselves from any say at all in how the union is governed and cede control of the union to Germany.
They said this would be taking control, rather than rather obviously giving up power and influence. Which I find confusing but there it is.
So no vote for me, no representation in the parliament, no influence over EU policy. So it goes.
All of those who do still have representation, try not to vote too fascist though please? Thanks.
#vote #eu #brexit
2024-06-17 07:31:28

Farage says that the UK is fourth in size in exports. This is true if you use goods and services.
Services are growing as the proportion of Exports and growing in value, Trade is shrinking both in value and proportion since leaving the EU.
Services aren't controlled, Trade generally is, especially between ourselves and the EU.
2024-05-09 11:46:38

tja, ohne #Brexit hätte ich vl. schon lange ein #PlanetX #Tempest #Titan
2024-05-09 11:46:38

tja, ohne #Brexit hätte ich vl. schon lange ein #PlanetX #Tempest #Titan
2024-06-04 21:07:16

re: #ukpol #tv #debate
And most notable in their complete agreement of course is the complete agreement between candidates and the host that nobody should mention the biggest political event the country has suffered this century: Brexit.
The topic that shall not be spoken.
Fuck these guys.
#brexit #election #tv #debate
2024-04-28 07:24:29

#Sunak: rise in asylum seekers in Ireland proves #Rwanda plan ‘having impact’
#Brexit and later the #Protocol, they are missing that this issue *encourages* a harder border between #Ireland and Great Britain, and grows support for unification by implying the current NI model doesn't work.
#Unionists are the new #SinnFein
#UI #Think32 #PUL #northernireland