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Warning: SQLite3::exec(): database is locked in /home/gartezitig/public_html/ on line 105

create table queries error database is locked
Warning: SQLite3::exec(): database is locked in /home/gartezitig/public_html/ on line 110

create table queries error database is locked
Warning: SQLite3::exec(): database is locked in /home/gartezitig/public_html/ on line 162

index error database is locked

No exact results. Similar results found.
2024-06-08 14:48:43

Ohh the public transport into one of the nices places around is up again! Unfortunately not too early, but maybe I'll use it once in a while.
2024-06-09 08:11:12

Errate die Partei!
#Bern #Abst24

Screenshot einer Zusammenfassungsseite im Abstimmungsbüchlein «Das sagt der Stadtrat (Bern)»
Pro... viele Argumente (und Stadträte)
Conta: Der motorisierte Individualverkehr wird durch die Überbauungsordnung zu stark eingeschränkt. (6 Stadträte)
2024-06-08 18:39:17

En het Vlaams Belang heeft vandaag Wilders natuurlijk verzekerd van steun voor de Nederlandse opt-out uit het EU migratieverdag. Toch? De buren moeten al die asielzoekers maar opnemen!! Het Vlaams Belang zet Nederland op ... oh wacht.

Foto van Geert Wilders die een toespraak houdt op een bijeenkomst van het Vlaams Belang.

Onderdeel van een tweet op twiX:

Geert Wilders heeft deze post opnieuw geplaatst
Vlaams Belang
7 u
Journalisten en systeempolitici beweren dat een stem op het Vlaams Belang een ‘nutteloze stem’ is. Het tegendeel is waar, een stem op het Vlaams Belang is er één voor meer koopkracht en minder migratie. Een stem voor echte verandering!

2024-06-08 09:49:14

Bürger entscheiden: Bekommt Regensburg eine Stadtbahn?
Es ist ein Thema, das Regensburg spaltet: Die geplante Stadtbahn soll den Öffentlichen Nahverkehr attraktiver machen. Für Gegner ist die Bahn zu teuer und ungeeignet für die Stadt.…
2024-06-08 19:18:59

#BikeStreak, Day 69: Did groceries with the #Brompton, hence more kilograms than kilometers: Front bag 16.5kg, rear bag (mostly beverages) 11.5kg. So over all 128kg on ½ of the 1.75km.
And I learned that my closest #Coop

A red-white Brompton is leaning on a concrete post of a guarding rail. It has two red bags mounted, on a the fron and one on the rear rack. Both bags are cram-full. Landscape profile view.
A red-white Brompton is leaning on a concrete post of a guarding rail. It has two red bags mounted, on a the fron and one on the rear rack. Both bags are cram-full. Front quarter portrait view.
Top-down view on the open ¾ zipper of the rear bag full to the brim with two layers of beverages and one package of vegan spring rolls.
Top-down view on the open roll-top front bag full to the brim. Bananas yogurt, some ready-made vegetarian meal, an avocado, some ready-made pasta and some nori rice chips can be seen.
2024-06-09 11:00:06

fly_hemibrain: Fly hemibrain (2020)
A synaptic map of the hemibrain connectome of fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Nodes are neurons, and edges are synaptic connections, traced individually from brain image sections using EM reconstruction techniques. Neurons are labeled by their type. Edges are annotated by the connection strength between the neurons.
This network has 21739 nodes and 4259624 edges.
Tags: Biological, Connectome, Weighted, Metadata

fly_hemibrain: Fly hemibrain (2020). 21739 nodes, 4259624 edges.
2024-06-08 22:35:13

Halfway through Ikea furniture reassembly weekend.
It was so much fun the first time. Why not take them apart and start all over again?
2024-06-09 02:00:09

un_migrations: UN migration stock (2015)
A network of migration between countries, collected by the United Nations. A directed edge gives the flow of migration, and an edge property gives the number of migrants, for each given year and sex. Estimates are presented for 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015 and are available for all countries and areas of the world. The estimates are based on official statistics on the foreign-born or the foreign population.
This network has 232 no…

un_migrations: UN migration stock (2015). 232 nodes, 11228 edges.
2024-06-08 10:40:29

"When they applied standard concussion tests to Long Covid patients, the University of Denver researchers noticed the same tell-tale issues…patients had effectively experienced a traumatic injury to the brain.”…