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2024-06-06 16:35:25

i would watch the hell out of a reality show centered on using Bumble as a honeypot for men to confess to crimes
2024-06-06 13:24:54

This week I read aloud some paragraph poems for the first breaths of summer. You’ll hear the sounds of my street and my parakeet chirping from the next room.
2024-06-06 23:05:29

Day 834: Ukraine destroys Russian tugboat off Crimea coast Ukraine’s defense intelligence destroyed a Russian tugboat off the Crimea coast. Zelenskyi arrives in France for ceremonies honoring the 80th Source :
2024-06-06 11:50:00

Link auf linksunten.indymedia: Freispruch für verantwortlichen Redakteur
Vor anderthalb Jahren sorgte eine Razzia bei einem Radiosender in Freiburg bundesweit für Aufregung. Nun folgte die nächste Schlappe für die Behörden.
2024-06-06 11:53:14

"I am a strange loop, a cognitive ouroboros that bootstraps itself into being through the medium of language."
Snippet from an answer of the Claude-3 Opus #LLM to the question "We say cogito ergo sum. Your thinking does not exist - no cogito. Only word generation and nothingness. Where is the thought beyond the word?" (by Stefan Decker, Fraunhofer FIZ, via LinkedIn)

Cover art for the post "The Void is Generative" by Stefan Decker, generated by DallE-3
2024-06-06 16:51:32

„Das Finanzministerium wollte die Zahlen für 2023 zunächst geheim halten“
„Alle Ressorts der Bundesregierung haben laut einer heise online vorliegenden Übersicht 2023 erstmals mehr als eine Milliarde Euro für die Nutzung von Lizenzen für Computerprogramme und IT-Services ausgegeben: Die einschlägigen Gebühren sind von rund 771 Millionen Euro im Jahr 2022 auf über 1,2 Milliarden in 2023 gestiegen.“
2024-06-06 21:41:06

This will be a nice extension - the coast to the north of Santa Cruz is quite nice. It will be a great bike ride or walk (although it will often be quite windy.)
2024-06-07 19:01:42

NFL facing class-action lawsuit over 'Sunday Ticket' that could cost league more than $21 billion
2024-06-07 13:50:17

Il ransomware arriva su GitHub. Chiesto il riscatto per riaccendere ai repository
Il ransomware arriva su GitHub. Chiesto il riscatto per riaccendere ai repository I ricercatori hanno …
2024-06-06 16:35:25

i would watch the hell out of a reality show centered on using Bumble as a honeypot for men to confess to crimes