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2024-05-09 04:24:22

Looks like everyone has basically forgotten about #COVID19.
A friend of mine just tested positive yesterday, but yeah, just cram into restaurants indoors and whatever.
2024-05-08 07:55:24

This piece goes on a bit but is a useful critique of the "vaccine only" strategy for #Covid19
He says, nursing a sore arm from yesterday's re-innoculation.
Does the public understand that "variant" means "vaccine resistant"?
2024-05-07 11:03:53

#covid19 #pandemie #SarsCoV2
2024-03-06 01:53:52

This story is absolutely wild. What the heck?!
#covid19 #vaccines
2024-05-04 18:35:47

Ambient carbon dioxide concentration correlates with SARS-CoV-2 aerostability and infection risk
2024-05-03 02:11:39

So you know those papers released suggesting that #COVID19 has been killing B-cells, and so degrading or eliminating immune memory? I went to the lab to get my own blood tested, results just came back: I don't have any detectable antibodies against measles.
MMR booster scheduled for next week. Hopefully before the next #Measles outbreak.
2024-04-04 02:48:03

I have #LongCOVID, so my body is fucked. It feels like it is slowly dying on me. But the deepest damage the ongoing pandemic has done to me personally, is that it has made me lose my last shred of hope in humanity. The decrease in solidarity and the increase in ableism that i experienced, either because it was directed towards myself or because i observed it all around, in society at large, has sent me into complete despair.
The social contract has been broken, when the weakest no longer get protected. Which opens up the path for fascism to spread. And neither the radical leftists nor the feminists, who usually write solidarity, antifascism, yadda yadda onto their flags, seem to make the connection.
Never before have i felt so lonely, so utterly desperate. There is not one chance in hell that we can tackle the even bigger issues, like the climate crisis, inequality or migration, when we have failed to mobilize in order to combat the organized abandonment and slow murder that has been unleashed during this pandemic against our chronically ill and disabled siblings.
The radical leftist project has failed.
Capitalism and fascism have won.
But way too few even notice this.
#AntiAbleism #COVID19
2024-03-25 20:54:44

Interesting study, also, the article provides your wildlife photography quota for the day. :)
#COVID19 #nature #wildflife
2024-03-03 05:12:03

#CDCsays “There’s nothing to be afraid of. They were right. It’s painless. It’s good.” #InvasionOfTheBodySnatchers #COVID19
2024-02-23 16:15:42

Chest has been feeling a bit tight for a few days so I've taken the #COVID19 antigen test for the first time in I don't know how long. Aa-aaad... Still negative.
2024-02-19 17:12:39

High-stakes debate on the origins of #COVID19 just resolved:
2024-03-25 20:54:44

Interesting study, also, the article provides your wildlife photography quota for the day. :)
#COVID19 #nature #wildflife
2024-03-05 13:11:04

Me observing people failing to take precautions in an ongoing pandemic:
#CovidCautious #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #science

Screenshot from Disenchantment showing Bean peering out through the opening of a door, light on her face, with the subtitle "Those idiots don't know anything about stience."
2024-03-12 14:18:26

Le "journaliste" #GuillaumeRoquette, pendant la crise épidémique, ne voyait pas de surmortalité....
[La Libre] - La crise du #Covid19 a plombé l'espérance de vie moyenne Š travers le monde.
Cela s'est traduit par une surmortalité de 15,9 mi…
2024-04-15 04:06:17

"COVID infections are causing drops in IQ and years of brain aging, studies suggest
Researchers are trying to explain COVID's profound effects on the brain"
#Corona #Coronavirus #COVID19
2024-03-03 14:00:37

Generation eˣ
#COVID19 #PostCovid #degrowth #postcapitalism
2024-02-21 01:26:52

Since #Covid19 75% of U.S. #restaurant biz is coming from to go and #delivery meals eaten off-site, threatening local pubs and smaller #neighborhood
2024-03-03 14:00:37

Generation eˣ
#COVID19 #PostCovid #degrowth #postcapitalism
2024-02-19 16:20:11

Kennt Ihr das noch? 🤪
Corona #BullshitBingo

#Corona #Coronavirus #COVID19

Das Bild zeigt ein gelbes Bingo-Spielbrett mit dem Titel "Corona Bullshit Bingo". In den Feldern stehen verschiedene Begriffe, die offenbar mit der Corona-Pandemie verbunden sind, darunter "Hamsterkäufe", "Grippe", "Verschwörung", "Symptome", "Tote" und "Pandemie". Weitere Begriffe umfassen "PCR-Test", "Nudeln", "Klopapier", "Virus", "Home Office" und "Sozialkontakte".
2024-02-19 16:20:11

Kennt Ihr das noch? 🤪
Corona #BullshitBingo

#Corona #Coronavirus #COVID19

Das Bild zeigt ein gelbes Bingo-Spielbrett mit dem Titel "Corona Bullshit Bingo". In den Feldern stehen verschiedene Begriffe, die offenbar mit der Corona-Pandemie verbunden sind, darunter "Hamsterkäufe", "Grippe", "Verschwörung", "Symptome", "Tote" und "Pandemie". Weitere Begriffe umfassen "PCR-Test", "Nudeln", "Klopapier", "Virus", "Home Office" und "Sozialkontakte".
2024-02-25 14:21:38

Our #COVIDcautious lifestyle has increasingly pushed us into social isolation. Which has resulted in a siege mentality of sorts, where it's the two of us against the rest of the world. Family and friends were lost to us due to the push towards the normalization of the ongoing pandemic by a neoliberal order under late stage capitalism. It individualized responsibility, which not only forced us deeper under siege, but also made us increasingly lonely.
We tried to reach out to other people in similar situations, but no one seemed interested to engage with us in a committed way. #MutualAid, #GermPods, #CommunalCare, #CirclesOfTrust, it all sounded good in theory. But they were not happening for us.
What can we do?
We would be really grateful for some leads.
#AntiAbleism #LongCOVID #COVID19 #CareWork