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2024-05-13 21:43:07

TIL about the `light-dark()` #CSS function

Cell Site Simulators ( #CSS ), also known as #IMSI catchers,
are among law enforcement’s most closely-guarded secret surveillance tools.
They act like real cell phone towers,
“tricking” mobile devices into connecting to them,
designed to intercept the information that phones send and receive,
like …
2024-06-06 09:23:36

Thank you so much for having me, #CSSDay! 💚🤗
Here are the slides for my talk:
2024-06-06 10:32:41

🏖️ Old Dogs, new CSS Tricks
#css #html
2024-06-13 04:00:09

LOL such random find from Threads' source, seems inherited from FB/IG.
#WebDev #CSS

Code snippet showing CSS for The snippet shows a '@font-face' CSS block with a font-family name called 'Fix for Mac Chrome 80'
2024-04-24 02:15:36

A while back I created a theme officially featured in Blockbench, but I kinda abandoned it. Since I'm back to working with the program again, I might rewrite the thing.
#Blockbench #CSS

Cell Site Simulators ( #CSS ), also known as #IMSI catchers,
are among law enforcement’s most closely-guarded secret surveillance tools.
They act like real cell phone towers,
“tricking” mobile devices into connecting to them,
designed to intercept the information that phones send and receive,
like …
2024-06-15 15:09:01

This is so true. My team at @… often embeds with other dev teams, and it’s wild how often a single slice of #CSS expertise will completely rock their world. Yet we flatten all those layers, then tack that onto broader dev roles. 😓
2024-05-09 12:45:54

🐜 7.css: A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs
#html #css
2024-05-07 11:23:23

I really like lightweight and modular #CSS frameworks for semantic #HTML like and
2024-06-07 09:11:53

And now, @… about accessibility in CSS. 🤩 #CSSDay #a11y

Sara on stage with the title slide: The “other” C in CSS
Slide: CSS can affect the accessibility information exposed in the accTree.
A slide showing CSS hiding techniques and their accessibility implications
2024-05-31 15:04:58

🎨 Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That
2024-06-07 13:35:56

an excellent riff on a joke that i thought had run its course #css
2024-05-28 15:18:56

I hard-coded #CSS in a style attribute, and I’m not even sorry about it.
2024-06-07 10:37:37

Wow, seeing all the CSS Day content coming up and very jealous. And I missed @… !! I will make it a priority to go to one conference about CSS when the divorce is over and I can focus on webdev again. Especially if Kevin is talking!
2024-06-07 09:11:53

And now, @… about accessibility in CSS. 🤩 #CSSDay #a11y

Sara on stage with the title slide: The “other” C in CSS
Slide: CSS can affect the accessibility information exposed in the accTree.
A slide showing CSS hiding techniques and their accessibility implications
2024-06-03 23:42:12

🎨 New magic for animations in CSS
#web #css
2024-06-06 14:14:39

Nice: We can now transition to and from display: none
2024-05-28 15:18:56

I hard-coded #CSS in a style attribute, and I’m not even sorry about it.
2024-06-10 20:25:55

Safari 18 beta adds support for
- View Transitions 🌟
- Style Queries 🔥
- currentcolor and system color keywords in Relative Color Syntax
- Animating the display property
and much more to #CSS
2024-06-07 09:23:50

@… showing a way to replace a checkbox with a custom graphic in CSS so that is actually accessible to touch screen users. 👏 #CSSDay

Sara on stage showing CSS that moves the actual checkbox behind the graphic
2024-06-07 09:23:50

@… showing a way to replace a checkbox with a custom graphic in CSS so that is actually accessible to touch screen users. 👏 #CSSDay

Sara on stage showing CSS that moves the actual checkbox behind the graphic
2024-06-07 08:54:37

Wow, what a fantastic talk by CSS noob @…, live-coding complex grids at #CSSDay! 👏💪🥳

Kevin on stage
Kevin with a slide that reads: 
Don't be afraid to over-engineer your CSS
Don't worry if there is already a way to do something.
It's easier to go over the top and then tame it down.
You can find out even better ways of doing things.
All of this is magnified when you share with others.
2024-06-07 08:54:37

Wow, what a fantastic talk by CSS noob @…, live-coding complex grids at #CSSDay! 👏💪🥳

Kevin on stage
Kevin with a slide that reads: 
Don't be afraid to over-engineer your CSS
Don't worry if there is already a way to do something.
It's easier to go over the top and then tame it down.
You can find out even better ways of doing things.
All of this is magnified when you share with others.
2024-05-30 22:34:54

My felon… I mean, my fellow web designers and front-end developers!
Do you use #CSS clamp() in production? 🤔
2024-06-09 06:48:10

Back home after three amazing days in Amsterdam at #CSSDay. What a fantastic event and what a lovely community! Thanks again to everyone I had the chance to finally meet and talk to – and become IRL friends with! 🤗💚 I can’t wait to come back!

Zuiderkerk Amsterdam from the outside including the spire
View from the podium into the still empty auditorium inside the church
Myself on stage, really giving a talk at CSS Day…
Again myself on stage, explaining some very important things