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2024-05-19 11:53:33

Cassie is catching up on her favourite YouTube series, Birds Are Evil and Delicious.....
2024-05-13 19:23:20

Casper has been with us 16 months, he's approximately 2 years old, and in all that time, he and our dog Harley have merely tolerated each other. In the past few weeks, Casper has been trying to interact with her more, either charging playfully or rubbing against her almost every morning when Harley crawls out of her bed. Today, Casper decided that Harley's bed needed more of his scent, or vice versa. Harley is not taking the extra attention well.
#CatsOfMastadon #DogsOfMastadon
2024-06-13 00:27:19

Cassie is a special cat. Very quiet and slow moving, and not particularly bright. This is a favourite photo because it captures her perfectly. We were playing with a shoelace and she lost track of it. She is waiting patiently for it to move again so she can pounce.
2024-06-08 11:17:25

Casper is giving me the "It's time for breakfast" intense stare. Also giving off the "Stop looking at that tablet and feed me" vibes.
#CatsOfMastadon #Caturday
2024-05-04 12:36:36

Saturday morning cartoons for Casper...
#Caturday #CatsOfMastadon
2024-04-27 21:17:43

Someone wants dinner...
#CatsOfMastadon #FeedMe