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2024-06-07 05:22:47

Even ignoring the super scary impact #ChatControl, and other attempts at destroying our digital privacy, will have, it also won't stop what they claim that they want to stop.
The people that this will mainly affect are normal innocent people, and a few of the dumber criminals.
People who care about their privacy will find ways around it, and some of those will sell these workar…
2024-06-14 12:32:10

Heel goed overzicht van #chatcontrol voorstel. Onze Belgische afgevaardigden moeten zich hier overduidelijk *tegen* uitspreken.
2024-06-17 17:48:09

"the proponents of #ChatControl intend to exploit the period shortly after the European Elections during which there is less public attention and the new European Parliament is not yet constituted"
2024-06-18 06:00:36

Horrifying: The #EuropeanUnion might vote on implementing #ChatControl already tomorrow!
Basically, they want to scan everyone's chat messages for illegal stuff, which is completely disproportionate and a
2024-06-18 13:40:08

Fråga om chat control: kan man ducka genomlysningen med ex Mullvad? Tänker att om noden går ut utanför Europa. Eller hur blir det? Jag har ingen koll på hur en kan hantera det rent praktiskt... #chatcontrol #vpn
2024-06-17 17:48:09

"the proponents of #ChatControl intend to exploit the period shortly after the European Elections during which there is less public attention and the new European Parliament is not yet constituted"
2024-06-18 21:23:43

Repeatedly tried to call Germany's #PermanentRepresentative @ the #EU in Brussels, but the call always ended before the phone even rang, only reading: “Network busy.”
Guess you're all trying your best to have