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2024-03-16 01:09:22

The repository signing certificate will be updated as soon as April 8th, 2024 #nuget<…
2024-03-16 11:28:03

What is your favourite #mastodon #linux or #web client?
Right now, I'm using the default one, but I'm wondering if there are any nice alternatives out there.
2024-03-16 00:05:55

online schema changes in cockroach (which is cool, I like their stuff, but also... how do you pick the table version you're gonna query mid-update?)
interesting that it's 3x the storage requirement instead of 2x transaction logs
e.g. some way that mid data update the SQL client can be like "no I wanted the data from the previous column definition" or "I want the future one but it's not ready yet"
that kind of MVCC-ness
2024-05-14 13:45:03

👀 Not bad. Though honestly expected more from #PhanpySocial users 😤
Table is further analyzed from the kaggle site:

A table showing various metrics for social media posts divided by different client apps. Columns include the number of posts published, the number of posts with all attached media described, and the percentage of posts with all attached media described.

For Phanpy, it has a total of 22 posts, 14 of them are all described, which is roughly 63.6%.
2024-03-16 00:05:55

online schema changes in cockroach (which is cool, I like their stuff, but also... how do you pick the table version you're gonna query mid-update?)
interesting that it's 3x the storage requirement instead of 2x transaction logs
e.g. some way that mid data update the SQL client can be like "no I wanted the data from the previous column definition" or "I want the future one but it's not ready yet"
that kind of MVCC-ness
2024-05-16 15:25:19
Content warning: Details of CIA torture

Serial, season 4: Because of torture of the 9/11 accused they can never receive a death penalty and any verdict will not survive an appeal. The trials are now in their 13th year.
"My client's appeal attorney has probably not yet been born." – Defense attorney
"[one of the defendants] as a result of being sodomised in CIA custody has to sit on a cushion in court and eventually underwent rectal repair surgery"
2024-05-14 09:03:10

Desktop-App für #ChatGPT zuerst nur für den #Mac: Zusammen mit GPT-4o hat OpenAI auch seinen ersten offiziellen Desktop-Client angekündigt. Er erscheint zuerst unter macOS, Windows kommt "später dieses Jahr". @…
2024-06-14 00:19:05

I had a bunch of interactions with a major telco’s customer service over the past few days, and I could feel a large language model was generating a lot of the customer service agent’s messages, looking up related information to display, and summarizing the action items and their status. So I just straight up asked.
I had a good customer service experience, if slow because they likely don’t have enough humans in the room but require human oversight.

summary generated by a LLM in the Ice Cubes fediverse client: A screenshot of a customer service conversation with T-Mobile Help, where a customer and a service representative discuss resolving issues related to porting a phone number and confirming services, with information about T-Mobile's investment in AI and machine learning to enhance customer service experiences.
2024-03-27 15:35:00

heise | VMs mit Thin Client: Desktops und Anwendungen verteilt im LAN nutzen​
Anspruchsvollen Aufgaben lassen sich auf leistungsstarke Systeme auslagern und per Thin Client steuern. Das klappt mit kostenloser Open-Source-Software.
2024-04-11 03:56:06

Jerrod Carmichael Says Dave Chappelle Can't Handle Criticism of His Anti-Trans Comedy
2024-06-11 03:01:37

This cloud architecture is fascinating.
1. Secure the hardware supply chain.
2. Rely on secure boot and the trust cache to assure loaded software.
3. Remove code that provide access in and out of the runtime.
4. Rely on per-boot on-disk encryption keys to secure data on Flash.
5. Generate per-node public/private key pairs for data exchange with client.
6. Rely on Secure Enclave to hide private keys from runtime.
7. Rely on 3rd party load balancers to batch…
2024-05-16 22:07:52

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1sResidency
🎵 Ur Luv
#BBCR1 #Client_03
2024-03-31 03:00:31

I just want to let you know even I am slightly drunk I just wrote code that works and emailed a client letting them know the project is completed.
2024-05-11 03:48:38

2024-05-11 17:47:03

Morons: They are so brainwashed that they become nothing but mindless money pumps to be used by rightwing scammers...
2024-05-09 18:29:22

ServiceWorkers are a pain in the butt, because they’re designed for progressive enhancement. I’m trying to get one to be accessible and also handle fetch events immediately.
I tried skipWaiting and to claim the client, but still not having luck.
2024-06-09 03:53:20

Dear T&M instrument vendors, or really anyone designing anything with a network-exposed API: There is no reason to persist protocol state between clients, period.
If I open a session to your gizmo and send it a command, at no point is it ever acceptable, expected, or correct to send me a reply to a previous command sent by a different client (even if they disconnected before you had a chance to send the reply to them).
2024-04-03 09:13:04

I stopped messing with client certificates and went back to good old HTTP basic authentication for my little digital light switch panel.
It's a shame nobody cares about TLS client certificates. With a bit more effort we could've gotten rid of passwords a long time ago.
I wish there was something like SSH keys for the web.
Yeah I know, Passkeys are a thing... but also not really.
2024-03-21 20:12:10

Is there a Mac OS 9 Mastodon client?
2024-03-27 20:28:12

"Either Jeff Clark doesn't understand how attorney-client privilege works in the DOJ ~or~ he was moonlighting as Trump's personal attorney outside the scope of his office and not in furtherance of any official acts but wielding the color of office for campaign purposes."
Jeffrey Clark testifies his client was Donald Trump: 'A problem for both of them' - Raw Story
2024-05-10 14:26:14

I absolutely love seeing the momentum of “keep users’ sensitive data on their own devices/in their own control only” as a technology security privacy strategy.
2024-03-31 19:23:31

@… möglicherweise hat die andere Person dein Handle von Hand eingetippt ohne es komplettieren zu lassen (je nach Client ist das normal). Wenn du in dem Posting, das dich nicht benachrichtigt hat, auf deinen Namen klickst und nicht zu deinem Profil gelangst, ist das vermutlich die Ursache
2024-03-22 19:55:57

Planet Fitness assigns staffer to assist transgender client in women's locker room: 'If you are uncomfortable, you can use a stall' (Lisa Fickenscher/New York Post)
2024-03-21 12:58:23

🍞 Kitten toast, anyone?
A fifteen-second demo of how you can create a toast message in 42 lines of code¹ without writing any client-side JavaScript using Streaming HTML² in Kitten³.
Source code:

Judge rules John Eastman should be disbarred over efforts to overturn 2020 election 
“In view of the circumstances surrounding Eastman’s misconduct and balancing the aggravation and mitigation, the court recommends that Eastman be disbarred,” Roland wrote in a 128-page decision.
The judge also recommended that Eastman be ordered to pay $10,000 in monetary sanctions to the State Bar of California Client Security Fund.
Eastman’s legal team said he would appeal Wednesday’s r…
2024-05-02 12:35:33

Microsoft confirms the April 2024 Windows security update breaks VPN connections across client and server platforms on Windows 11, 10, and Server 2008 or later (Sergiu Gatlan/BleepingComputer)
2024-03-23 09:08:18

Aprovecho para recordaros que nekogram es un cliente de telegram open source y que trae proxy integrado, por si gustšis.
2024-05-08 18:57:40

@… 9pfs client under <> (linked from the title)
2024-05-03 15:40:52

Microsoft announces Zero Trust DNS (ZTDNS). My quick, not-so-well-informed take is that it looks RPZ-like, but seemingly specific to Windows environments with all the bells, whistles, and functions that implies.
2024-03-17 16:38:14

Big fan of #Phanpy
2024-03-28 00:16:33

Trepidations but I ask for own #learning: Why does fmt require casting ptr to void*? I assume there are technical reasons (or it wouldn't be required) which I'm just failing to see. Are there links where I can learn more? 🙏🏽
BTW I dabbled a bit to *convince myself* that arbitrary ptr types can be recognized without casting in client code:
2024-04-03 15:07:14

Threads ist ja ganz nett, aber der originale Mastodon Client ist noch immer der beste. #mastodon #client
2024-03-19 20:50:06

On the final stretch of my 2,700 km train trip to Madrid and the WindEurope annual event in Bilbao!
Visited a client in Madrid, saw the beautiful cities of Barcelona, Zaragoza, and Madrid, and got quite some work done.
Ready now for 3 buzzing days with 12,000 renewable energy professionals in Bilbao, and a nice train trip back to Utrecht, and the Common Futures HQ ;!

Map showing route Utrecht Paris Lyon Barcelona Zaragoza Bilbao
Zaragoza square in the evening
2024-03-20 11:32:16

Scoop: Fujitsu spilled private client data, passwords into the open unnoticed for a year
2024-03-20 15:28:10

In 1998 I used a NNTP newsreader with an integrated Bayesian spam filter in addition to simple 'killfile' and pattern-matching rules. It was like having a purely client-side individually tuned social media optimization algorithm. Had it been maintained across the MacOS 9->OSX divide and had Usenet not declined in signal, I’d still be using it
I’m still trying to achieve the same S/N and usability in my daily newsfeed.
2024-03-18 16:19:53

So, for a cool #Mastodon client, written by @…
What’s neat about it?
Instead of showing a chronological POST timeline, it shows you a chronological POSTERS timeline.
So it’s like SMS/iMessage - you see it sorted by people, which can be nice if yo…
2024-04-03 06:52:10

A HAT Trick: Automatically Verifying Representation Invariants Using Symbolic Finite Automata
Zhe Zhou, Qianchuan Ye, Benjamin Delaware, Suresh Jagannathan
2024-03-21 01:45:48

pretty cool, v1.0 unit tests succeed with a v2.0 3/5 threshold configuration, and the best! very few changes/fixes were necessary:
2024-03-23 13:47:13

I just discovered this #Discourse plugin that I think could reduce the Maker Forums Discourse spam moderation problem by about 50%. There are a few ASNs which are responsible for an outsize proportion of our incoming spam...
2024-03-31 16:39:30

The first rule of #distributedsystems is "Don’t distribute your system". Designing distributed systems right is infamously hard for multiple reasons.
Imagine that the client sending a request sends a unique key along. The server keeps track of key-request pairs.
It’s precisely the idea behind the
2024-03-28 06:55:17

Creating spanning trees in Waiter-Client games
Grzegorz Adamski, Sylwia Antoniuk, Ma{\l}gorzata Bednarska-Bzd\k{e}ga, Dennis Clemens, Fabian Hamann, Yannick Mogge
2024-04-02 19:19:41

The great #podcast client #PocketCasts has added the feature "Skip Chapters" as patron preview in its latest version. This is the last feature I missed from #castropodcasts

Screenshot of the Podcast app.
2024-03-28 10:35:14
@… @… yes, I can. enafore allows for that. and probably even every respectable client can.
2024-03-22 14:07:53

“It takes a special kind of stupid to export a LastPass vault and dump it into a public bucket along with a bunch of AWS keys. How do these people win critical government contracts again, please?” #fujitsu
2024-06-03 08:33:15

This has been replaced.
2024-05-03 03:27:13

Prosecutors played a recording of a phone call, made surreptitiously by Michael Cohen, of Cohen and Trump discussing paying off Davidson’s client, McDougal, with **Trump saying, “What do we got to pay for this? One-fifty?”**
Trump Trial Day 10: "What do we got to pay for this?" - National Zero
2024-05-31 07:45:47

I hunt for exciting products for #developers at Product Hunt since 2014. Today I found another one:
2024-04-25 22:16:23

I just discovered that #phanpy (a Mastodon web client) has a really cool “Catch up” feature.
I think this should help me limiting social media usage from my phone while keeping track of what’s going on in my corner of the fediverse
2024-03-17 21:22:17

I love #Plexamp a lot. I just wish the proper client was available on #RaspberryPi instead of the broken headless version that is a chore to use in comparison.
2024-05-24 19:29:03

@… @… that’s amazing Alex! What split would you say your time is between client work and OS work?
2024-03-28 16:34:04

For the past ~2 years, I’ve been working on a neuroscience startup (called Matter). We have an app that—by its nature—needs to operate on private user data. Some of that data is so private that we never actually want to handle it ourselves. So we don’t.
We can’t leak data we don’t have. We can’t mishandle private info that never leaves the control of the user.
We’re taking a mostly-unique approach to user data at Matter, and I’ve finally written a little bit about it:
2024-04-29 22:09:14

— Alors j'aurais un #créneau de deux heures vendredi entre la séance de sieste qui finit Š 14 heures et l'atelier rêverie qui… Ah non, zut, on s'est réservé un bout de septième ciel avec Clémence. À la rigueur le soir, mais je dois aussi caser le CR de la réunion de février… Samedi serait plus sûr.
— O.K., alors je confirme au client qu'on tient pas les délais. Super…
2024-03-20 06:53:56

Federated Semi-supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation with intra-client and inter-client Consistency
Yubin Zheng, Peng Tang, Tianjie Ju, Weidong Qiu, Bo Yan
2024-03-26 06:48:35

Improved Methods of Task Assignment and Resource Allocation with Preemption in Edge Computing Systems
Caroline Rublein, Fidan Mehmeti, Mark Mahon, Thomas F. La Porta
2024-03-17 18:44:35

Today we are discovering that RCON has no official multi-packet response support in the protocol even though a) the maximum response packet is 4096 bytes, b) several things which talk RCON (-glares at Minecraft-) return messages much, much longer than 4096 bytes and, most hilariously, c) I haven’t yet found an RCON client library which supports multi-packet / long responses.
2024-03-20 15:28:10

In 1998 I used a NNTP newsreader with an integrated Bayesian spam filter in addition to simple 'killfile' and pattern-matching rules. It was like having a purely client-side individually tuned social media optimization algorithm. Had it been maintained across the MacOS 9->OSX divide and had Usenet not declined in signal, I’d still be using it
I’m still trying to achieve the same S/N and usability in my daily newsfeed.
2024-03-20 12:17:29

Hmm, aerc mail client seems interesting. I'm not yet ready to give up Mutt though!
2024-03-21 20:15:14

Is there a mastodon iOS client that will refresh replies when it loads the timeline?
Currently using @… and otherwise very happy!
2024-04-08 08:45:28

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-03-21 01:45:48

pretty cool, v1.0 unit tests succeed with a v2.0 3/5 threshold configuration, and the best! very few changes/fixes were necessary:
2024-03-27 04:12:41

I can't load my Gmail background image anymore because it... *checks notes* ..."is not abuse"?

Gmail error banner: Oops! Your selected image failed to load.
Error page when visiting image URL: 403. That’s an error.

Your client does not have permission to get URL [url] from this server.

The image was not shown due to the following reason(s):

- is not abuse

Please refer to this page for more information on our policies. That’s all we know.
2024-05-06 14:12:08

#PhanpySocial changelog ✨ :catjam:
👾 Custom emoji search — Pointer & keyboard-accessible tooltips of shortcodes. Fuzzy search. Shortcodes show by default when searching.
🐛 Bug fixes

Demo of custom emoji search on Phanpy. Tooltips of shortcodes show up when hovering over custom emojis with cursor or when keyboard-focused. While searching, it's fuzzy — finding strings that are approximately equal to a given pattern. Search results show custom emojis with shortcodes show by default beside them.
2024-04-06 03:50:19

small websites doing big things.
small website client side, medium API server side.
2024-06-03 06:48:23

ACE: A Model Poisoning Attack on Contribution Evaluation Methods in Federated Learning
Zhangchen Xu, Fengqing Jiang, Luyao Niu, Jinyuan Jia, Bo Li, Radha Poovendran
2024-03-27 14:36:19

I am forced out of my everyone-gets-a-fixed-IP-address ISP. So, it was time to find out how to get a stable reference to my home server. I settled on ddclient
2024-03-21 12:28:48

I'm trying to wrap my head around a weird problem.
I'm doing some stupid `echo | tee -a fname` for a file residing on #nfs
The system returns
close(3) = -1 ENOSPC (No space left on device)
even though there is plenty of disk space (and inodes) available AND '\n' is written to file!
Staring at #rpc debug output along with strace and I don't see any real problem.
The only bit the nfs client shows is `nfs_pgio_result: 15583, (status 1721)`. What does 1721 mean?
2024-04-28 01:28:47

My wife and some of her friends are heavy users of @…. Three times now, she has had spam (email and/or ads, popups on other sites) start occurring for products she has only mentioned in a Signal conversation.
Enough to know it's not a coincidence.
Is Signal selling keywords to advertisers? The Mac OS text edit client?
2024-04-25 00:03:05
Content warning:

Why does my #gmail tab take 1.6 gigs of ram?
maybe its time to go back to native mail client.

table from MacOS Activity monitoring showing taking 1.61GB of memory.
2024-03-28 11:06:10

This is super helpful if you ever have trouble uploading large files to your web server or through your web proxy (I did). Solved an Immich problem for me. Yay.
Default nginx client_max_body_size - Stack Overflow
#nginx #immich #proxy #WebProxy
2024-03-25 06:52:14

Fat API bindings of C objects into scripting languages
Russell K. Standish…
2024-05-25 05:35:37

Grade den #Nextcloud Desktop Client unter Windows manuell upgedatet. Brav alle Anwendungen geschlossen. Und wieder mal wurde alles schwarz. Nach dem Neustart ist aber alles okay. Jedenfalls ein merkwürdiges Update-Verhalten. Bestimmt aber ein Windows 10-Problem.
2024-05-24 19:29:03

@… @… that’s amazing Alex! What split would you say your time is between client work and OS work?

2024-04-20 03:30:37

Playing fast and loose and uploading a small change to a client website 10mins before sitting on a plane for an hour and a half.
2024-04-29 22:09:14

— Alors j'aurais un #créneau de deux heures vendredi entre la séance de sieste qui finit Š 14 heures et l'atelier rêverie qui… Ah non, zut, on s'est réservé un bout de septième ciel avec Clémence. À la rigueur le soir, mais je dois aussi caser le CR de la réunion de février… Samedi serait plus sûr.
— O.K., alors je confirme au client qu'on tient pas les délais. Super…
2024-03-20 06:53:56

Federated Semi-supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation with intra-client and inter-client Consistency
Yubin Zheng, Peng Tang, Tianjie Ju, Weidong Qiu, Bo Yan
2024-03-26 06:48:35

Improved Methods of Task Assignment and Resource Allocation with Preemption in Edge Computing Systems
Caroline Rublein, Fidan Mehmeti, Mark Mahon, Thomas F. La Porta
2024-03-28 06:47:54

Leak and Learn: An Attacker's Cookbook to Train Using Leaked Data from Federated Learning
Joshua C. Zhao, Ahaan Dabholkar, Atul Sharma, Saurabh Bagchi
2024-03-25 06:52:14

Fat API bindings of C objects into scripting languages
Russell K. Standish…
2024-03-27 04:12:41

I can't load my Gmail background image anymore because it... *checks notes* ..."is not abuse"?

Gmail error banner: Oops! Your selected image failed to load.
Error page when visiting image URL: 403. That’s an error.

Your client does not have permission to get URL [url] from this server.

The image was not shown due to the following reason(s):

- is not abuse

Please refer to this page for more information on our policies. That’s all we know.
2024-03-17 19:46:21

zomg this still exists:
i remember back in the days running their client everywhere
2024-05-23 18:29:03

Wish #cpp allowed concept definitions in class scope, not just namespace scope. DRY, better encapsulate class, reduce litter outside class.
E.g., if a class has many functions w "strict bool" parameter:
- (a) works, not DRY
- (b) DRY but concept visible in client along with class
//a: repeat w each function
template<typename B> requires std::same_as<B, bo…
2024-03-27 14:36:19

I am forced out of my everyone-gets-a-fixed-IP-address ISP. So, it was time to find out how to get a stable reference to my home server. I settled on ddclient
2024-03-18 09:55:23

distributed identity and closed minds
"Public trackers are all that can ever exist"
Magnet links and distributed hash tables: uh... What?
"DHT content can never be updated authoritativly by the author"
Tor v3 addrs, veilid kv, and torrent BEP-39/BEP-46: hi.
"The server has to be online"
Apt cache, SSB, git: now hold up
Sure you could use DNS as a host but that's not the point. Or using keyservers as a host. There might be a dumb way to use hole punching relays as a host
The directory, rendezvous, shared peers, authors, and readers, don't need to all be online simultaneously (or indeed be a single entity or monogamous relationship) - you only need two at a time to exchange what they know.
Each part in the puzzle doesn't have to solve everything that a centralized site does.
Federation is sometimes so limited in the client server mindset.
2024-04-10 08:03:11

Ah, yes. Thank you, Matrix.
#Matrix #Conduit #FluffyChat #KDE

Screenshot of the FluffyChat Matrix client displaying the chat room for KDE KWin. Every message is displayed as "".
2024-03-18 09:55:23

distributed identity and closed minds
"Public trackers are all that can ever exist"
Magnet links and distributed hash tables: uh... What?
"DHT content can never be updated authoritativly by the author"
Tor v3 addrs, veilid kv, and torrent BEP-39/BEP-46: hi.
"The server has to be online"
Apt cache, SSB, git: now hold up
Sure you could use DNS as a host but that's not the point. Or using keyservers as a host. There might be a dumb way to use hole punching relays as a host
The directory, rendezvous, shared peers, authors, and readers, don't need to all be online simultaneously (or indeed be a single entity or monogamous relationship) - you only need two at a time to exchange what they know.
Each part in the puzzle doesn't have to solve everything that a centralized site does.
Federation is sometimes so limited in the client server mindset.
2024-03-26 08:50:13

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-06 10:02:09

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…

2024-04-20 03:30:37

Playing fast and loose and uploading a small change to a client website 10mins before sitting on a plane for an hour and a half.
2024-03-19 08:49:50

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-23 18:29:03

Wish #cpp allowed concept definitions in class scope, not just namespace scope. DRY, better encapsulate class, reduce litter outside class.
E.g., if a class has many functions w "strict bool" parameter:
- (a) works, not DRY
- (b) DRY but concept visible in client along with class
//a: repeat w each function
template<typename B> requires std::same_as<B, bo…
2024-03-28 08:26:52

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-02 06:48:38

Service Level Agreements and Security SLA: A Comprehensive Survey
Serena Nicolazzo, Antonino Nocera, Witold Pedrycz
2024-03-27 06:47:58

The Privacy Policy Permission Model: A Unified View of Privacy Policies
Maryam Majedi, Ken Barker
2024-03-25 06:47:56

Six Levels of Privacy: A Framework for Financial Synthetic Data
Tucker Balch, Vamsi K. Potluru, Deepak Paramanand, Manuela Veloso
2024-03-25 06:48:02

Snail: Secure Single Iteration Localization
James Choncholas, Pujith Kachana, Andr\'e Mateus, Gregoire Phillips, Ada Gavrilovska
2024-03-20 08:26:52

This has been replaced.