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2024-06-06 17:30:39

Climate Nexus, a communications firm that incubated The Water Hub and gave updates during UN climate meetings, is closing June 21; The Water Hub will continue (Neel Dhanesha/Nieman Lab)
2024-06-06 10:00:02

"New study finds Earth warming at record rate, but no evidence of climate change accelerating"
#Climate #ClimateChange
2024-06-07 15:42:40

1/ Hab heute gerade mit jemandem über das menschliche Belohnungssystem gesprochen. Mir fiel da mein alter Text mit dem #Metallica-Song ein. Der Text ist von 2019!
#Klimakatastrophe #FridaysForFuture .
2024-06-07 23:26:46

Human-Made Noise Is Harming Ocean Life. Climate Change Could Make it Worse - Inside Climate News
2024-06-07 15:23:21

I miss when @… was this, instead of accurate reporting of the insanity that is Washington.
2024-06-06 12:50:44

Reporting on the climate crisis is hard. Let's help journalists by telling the truth on the streets and in public spaces.
#ActNow #StopFossilFuels (Link:
2024-06-07 16:04:40

From David Suzuki
Ignoring climate crisis won’t make it disappear
From Alberta to Australia, from state and provincial to national governments, denying or ignoring the life-threatening crisis has become an increasingly common tactic as the reality of climate disruption hits home. But scrubbing all mention of climate change and rolling back measures to address it won’t make it go away.

Florida is being slammed by rising sea levels, increased flooding, severe storms and extreme heat.
(Photo: CityofStPete via Flickr)

A couple in a kayak seem to be enjoying the flood
2024-06-06 17:00:01

"Climate Denier Nigel Farage Standing in Seat at Risk of Sea Level Rises and Flooding"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #Climate
2024-06-07 08:13:11

Wenn Ihr Sonntag schon was Anderes vorhabt, ist heute die letzte Möglichkeit, einfach so ins Wahllokal zu gehen und zu wählen.
Guckt auf Eure Wahlbenachrichtung. Da steht der Ort und die Öffnungszeiten.
Los. Ist einfach und wichtig. Denn bei einer hohen Wahlbeteiligung gibt es prozentual weniger für die Rechtsextremen.
Bitte, bitte! #EUWahl #noAfD #Nazis
2024-06-06 13:00:01

"Global rich must pay more to tackle climate crisis, says architect of Paris deal"
#ParisAgreement #Climate #ClimateChange